Association is a screen that contains general information about each employees position with different associations. For example, a medical doctor may be associated with a specific association for doctors and work at a hospital.
To SEARCH an Association
The screen Association includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code |
Active | Default |
Association Number Required | Number of the association |
Association Effective Date Required | Date when the association is effective |
Association Type | Type of association |
Language | Language of use |
Name | Name of the association |
Association is a screen that contains general information about each employees position with different associations. To CREATE an Association, please follow the steps provided below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
1. Click on the New icon . You will then be in Insert Mode.
2. Enter the new Association information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
3. Enter the Code, and check box the Active, Registration No. Required, and Registration Effective Date Required as required.
- Code: Unique identification number representing the Association.
4. Select the Association Type from the drop down menu (i.e. Union, Professional Association)
5. Select the language from the drop down menu
6. Enter the description in the field provided
7. Click on the Save icon at the bottom to save your new Association information. A window will appear to confirm the new Association . Click OK to confirm.
Association is a screen that contains general information about each employees position with different associations. To DELETE an Association, please follow the steps provided below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Association has been Deleted:
The window will appear
Association is a screen that contains general information about each employees position with different associations. To MODIFY an Association, please follow the steps provided below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
The Association Type indicates if the association is part of an Union or not.
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Association Type has been deleted:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Association Type has been Deleted:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
This screen contains a Certificate catalogue, which could be used among other screens on the system. A certificate can be mandatory or desirable for a given Generic/Employee Position. It is important to match different requirements of position available to the qualifications of the candidate. For a position, a certain certificate required could be the CA (Chartered Accountant) Certification.
How to SEARCH:
The Certificate screen includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of the Certificate |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Certificate is available |
Number Required | Number Required Status - if checked, Number Required is available |
Effective Date Required | Effective Date Required Status - if checked, Effective Date Required is available |
Language | Language used |
Vendor | The Organization that provides the Certificate |
Name | Name of the Certificate |
Description | Short description of the Certificate |
Certificate contains a Certificate catalogue, which could be used among other screens on the system. To CREATE a Certificate, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. To enter the Vendor information, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Vendor list, then select the Vendor.
5. Enter Name.
6. Enter Description.
7. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Certificate to save your new Certificate information. A window will appear to confirm.
Certificate contains a Certificate catalogue, which could be used among other screens on the system. To DELETE a Certificate, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Click OK to confirm and delete the Certificate.
5. A window will be displayed confirming the Certificate has been deleted
To Verify that the Certificate has been Deleted:
Certificate contains a Certificate catalogue, which could be used among other screens on the system. To MODIFY a Certificate, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
This skill screen describes all skills that can be mandatory or desirable for a given Generic/Employee position.
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To ADD Certificates to Skills, if required:
To ADD new Certificates, refer to Certificate.
Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Skill to save your new Skill information. A window will appear to confirm.
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Skill has been Deleted:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
This screen describes degree of Education. Employees may enter their degree information in this form and add a description further explaining the degree. Organizations may use this to locate a certain employee by their degree
Objective and Benefits
To SEARCH a degree:
1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field(s).
If you prefer to see the list of all Degrees, leave all fields blank.
2. Click on the Find icon .
The screen Degree includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code |
Active | Default |
Language | Language of use |
Description | Comments or Remarks about the degree |
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To Verify that the Degree has been Deleted:
The window will appear
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
This screen contains information regarding the organizations categories of positions and each position is placed somewhere within the hierarchy of all possible positions. Each position has a parent to which it responds to which is located higher up in the hierarchy.
To SEARCH a Position Category
The screen Position Category includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification |
Active | Default |
Parent Position Category | Position Category under which the current position category being put in falls under |
Language | Language of use |
Description | Comments and remarks |
By default, you will be in Search Mode. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields
Click on the New icon (you will then be in Insert Mode).
1. Enter the Code, click on the Active checkmark, as required,
2. Active: Active Status - if checked, Position Category is available.
3. Select Parent Position Category from the drop down menu.
5. select the Language, as required.
6. Add the Description,as required
7. The following display will confirm
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Click OK to confirm and delete the Position Category.
5. A window will be displayed confirming the Position Category has been deleted
To Verify that the Position Category has been Deleted:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
Work Location provides information regarding where each employee works. An Institution will have many different locations and the employees of an organization can work in different locations and regions.
How to SEARCH:
The Work Location screen includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of the work location |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Work Location is available |
Language | Language used |
Name | Name of the Work Location |
Work Location provides information regarding where each employee works.
To CREATE a Work Location, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
To ADD Contacts to the Work Location, if required:
1. Click on the tab and then click on the New icon
to enter Contacts (refer to Contacts for more information).
2. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Contact information and return to Work Locations, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Contact entry and return to Work Locations.
3. Click the Remove icon to remove the selected Contacts, if required.
4. Click the individual Select Checkbox (es) to select and de-select the Contact (s), as required, or click the Select All icon or Unselect All
icon, to select all Contacts or de-select all Contacts, if required.
Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Work Location to save your new Work Location information. A window will appear to confirm.
Navigation (From click the New Icon
Navigation (From click the New Icon
1. Enter the new Contact information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
2. Click on the Is Main? checkmark, as required.
3. Select Contact Type.
4. Select Contact Location Type.
5. Enter Contact Value.
6. Select a Language.
7. Enter Description.
8. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Contact information and return to the Work Location screen, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Contact entry and return to the Work Location screen.
Work Location provides information regarding where each employee works.
To DELETE a Work Location, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
4. Click OK to confirm and delete the Work Location.
5. A window will be displayed confirming the Work Location has been deleted
To Verify that the Work Location has been Deleted:
Work Location provides information regarding where each employee works.
To MODIFY a Work Location, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
This feature describes the Dimensions as Economic Magnitude or Number of Subalterns associated for a position.
Dimension screen fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique String Code. Depends on parameter settings to deterimne if it is entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it is left padded with zeros. |
Active | True by default. When False the Dimension is not available for use. |
Dimension Type Status | This attribute takes one of the following values:
The default value is 'Economic Magnitudes'. when inherited it is READONLY, otherwise it is editable. |
Origin | Read Only field. Displays the source of the Dimension. Default value is 'Manual' when record is created manually. |
Language | Select language to register the description. |
Description | A detail description of the Dimension. |
This feature allows users to store the Main function/activities require or desirable for a position. This is used by users to create a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Main Functions Activity
Main Functions Activity screen fields
Fields | Description |
Code | It is a unique string code for the Main Functions Activity. It is system generated or manually entered. |
Active | By default this check box is checked, when the user makes it unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use. |
Origin | It displays the origin of the Main Function Activity. |
Language | It allows users to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | The details description of the Main Function Activity. |
This feature allows creating the main relationships require or desirable for a position. It is required in some cases when users create a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Main Relationship
Main Relationship screen fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | This field displays the unique string code of the main relationship. It can be system generated or the user-generated, it depends on the system parameter setting for this field. |
Active | By default it is checked, when it is marked as unchecked then it (Main Relationship) is not available to use for all modules. |
Relationship Type | This field allows users to select the relationship type from the drop-down list. The possible values are "Other Positions", and "Other Institutions". |
Origin | It displays the origin information. |
Language | It allows users to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | Users can write the details description related to Main Relationship in the selected language. |
This support entity allows creating the Nature of Problems and Responsibilities associated and required for a position. It would be used by the user while creating a Position in the system.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Nature
Nature screen fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | It shows the unique string code. It is system generated or user-generated, depends on the parameter setting in the system. |
Active | By default this check box is checked, when the user makes it unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use. |
Nature Type | The user can select the nature type from the drop-down list. The possible values are "Problem" and "Responsibility". |
Origin | It displays the origin information of the Nature. |
Language | It allows the user to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | The user can write details description related to the nature in the selected language. |
This support entity allows creating Other Aspect for the position. It would be used by the user while creating a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Other Aspect
Other Aspect Screen Fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | It is a unique string code generated by the system or by the user, depends on the system parameter setting for this feature. |
Active | By default this check box is checked, when the user makes it unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use. |
Origin | It displays the origin of the Other Aspect. |
Language | It allows the user to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | The user can write details description related to the Other Aspect in the selected language. |
This screen describes all the experience requirements or desirable for a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Position Experience
Position Experience Screen Fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | The unique String Code. It is generated by the system or entered by user depends on the parameter setting for this screen. |
Active | By default, the checkbox is marked as checked, if it is unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use elsewhere. |
Years of Experience | It allows entering the total work experience required for the position. |
Origin | It displays the origin of the Position Experience. |
Language | It allows the user to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | The user can write details description related to the Position Experience in the selected language. |
This screen describes the knowledge required or desirable for a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Position Knowledge
Position Knowledge Screen Fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | It is a unique string code generated by the system or by the user, depends on the system parameter setting for this feature. |
Active | By default this check box is checked, when the user makes it unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use. |
Knowledge Type | It allows to enter the knowledge type for the position. The default value is 'Specific Knowledge'. |
Origin | It displays the origin of the Position Knowledge. |
Language | It allows the user to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | The user can write details description related to the Position Knowledge in the selected language. |
This screen contains the Work Conditions associated for a position.
Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Position Management ► Work Condition
Work Condition Screen Fields
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | The unique String Code. It is generated by the system or entered by user depends on the parameter setting for this screen. |
Active | By default, the checkbox is marked as checked, if it is unchecked then it would be not available anymore to use elsewhere. |
Origin | It displays the origin of the Work Condition. |
Language | It allows the user to select the language to write the description. The default language is English. |
Description | Detailed Description of the Work Condition. |