Generic positions are managed by the public service and are usually determined by the ministry. The Generic Position screen is used to define the Generic Position with a unique code, description, reporting position, maximum allowed, reference salary, salary scale, required certificates, skills and degrees, and other additional information.
Report Fields | Description |
Id | The unique identification code of the Generic Position |
Workflow Status | The status of the Generic Position workflow. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Generic Position is available |
Enforce Maximum | Enforce Maximum Status - if checked, enforces the maximum number of positions allowed |
Maximum Allowed | Maximum number of positions allowed |
Report To | Position to which this position reports |
Cost Item Scale Group | Cost item scale group associated to the Generic Position, from the drop-down menu |
Cost Item Scale | Cost item scale including the sub-group, level and steps, associated to the Generic Position, from the drop-down menu |
Position Category | Position category, from the drop-down menu |
Performance Appraisal Criteria Group | Performance Appraisal Criteria Group, from the drop-down menu |
Reference Salary | Reference salary information (e.g. from the private sector) |
Years of Experience | Indicates years of experience normally required for this position |
Language | Language used |
Name | Provide the name of this position |
Description | A detailed description of this position |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created Date | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system when the corresponding Workflow reaches its Approval stage |
Approved Date | Populated automatically by the system when the corresponding Workflow reaches its Approval stage |
Attachments Tab | Any attachments relating to a reference salary. |
Degree Tab | This tab used to include information about the degree of Education |
Certificate Tab | This tab used to include information about the certificates |
Skill Tab | This tab used to include information about the skills. |
Experience Tab | This tab used to include information about the Experience. |
Spoken Languages Tab | This tab used to include information about the Spoken Languages. |
Knowledge Tab | This tab used to include information about the Knowledge. |
Main Functions Activities Tab | This tab used to include information about the Main Functions Activities. |
Main Relationship Tab | This tab used to include information about the Main Relationship. |
Nature Tab | This tab used to include information about Nature. |
Other Aspect Tab | This tab used to include information about other aspects. |
This tab used to include information about the certificates.
Certificate Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Is Required | If it is checked, then certificate is required. |
Certificate | Select the value from the drop-down option. |
This tab used to include information about the degree of Education
Degree Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Is Required | If it is checked, then degree is required. |
Degree | Select the value from the drop-down option. |
Degree Type | Two type. Academic level and specific level. |
The Information Tab is used to attach any necessary documents related to Generic Position.
Information Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
ID | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Attachment Classification | Select the value from the drop-down option. |
Language | Country Specific Language used to register the description. |
Title | Title of attachment uploaded. |
Description | Any description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here. |
Attachment | Choose respective file to upload. |
Date Time | The date and time the attachment was uploaded. |
Date | The date of the attachment was uploaded. |
User | The name of users uploading the attachment. |
Language | Language used in the Attachment file. |
This tab used to include information about the skills.
Skill Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Is Required | If it is checked, then skill is required. |
Skill | Select the value from the drop-down option. |
Skill Type | Two type. Academic level and specific level. |
This tab used to include information about the Spoken Languages.
Spoken Language Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Is Required | If it is checked, then degree is required. |
Spoken Language | Select the language from the drop-down option. |
This tab used to include information about the Experience.
Experience tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Experience Tab |
Years of Experience | Number of years of experience |
Language | Language used in the Experience file. |
Description | Description of the experience. |
This tab used to add information about the Knowledge required for the Generic position.
Knowledge tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Knowledge Tab |
Knowledge Type | Number of years of knowledge |
Language | Language used in the Experience file. |
Description | Description of the knowledge. |
This tab used to add information about the Main Functions Activities required for the Generic position.
Main Functions Activities tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Main Functions Activities Tab |
Language | Language used in the Main Functions Activities. |
Description | Description of the Main Functions Activities. |
This tab used to add information about the Main Relationship required for the Generic position.
Main Relationship tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Main Relationship Tab |
Relationship Type | Relationship type of Main Relationship |
Language | Language used in the Main Relationship. |
Description | Description of the Main Relationship. |
This tab used to add information about the Main Nature for the Generic position.
Nature tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Nature Tab |
Nature Type | Type of nature, available values are problems, responsibilities. |
Language | Language used in the Nature Problem/Responsibilities. |
Description | Description of Nature. |
This tab used to add information about the Other Aspect required for the Generic position.
Other Aspect tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Other Aspect Tab |
Language | Language used in the Other Aspect. |
Description | Description of the Main Other Aspect. |
Employee Position is an important factor to FreeBalance application. Human Resource users create positions using this screen. These positions will be linked to assignments, enabling pay calculation and financial forecasting and salary planning.
Employee Position includes positions held by civil servants and include such information as start and end dates, staff quota, reporting to position, work location, financial coding block, required degree(s), skill(s) and certificate(s), and other position-related information.
Human Resources ►Position Management ► Employee Position
The Employee Position screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Id | Unique identification id of the Employee Position. |
Active | Active Status - if checked, Employee Position is available. |
Workflow Status | Status of the Employee Position workflow. |
Is Established | Indicates if an employee position is established or not. |
Allow to Change Institution | If checked, the system will allow a change of the institution, in the assignment screen. |
Start Date | Start Date of the Employee Position. |
End Date | End Date of the Employee Position. |
Staff Quota | Number of employees that have been determined for this position. |
Frozen Staff Quota | Number of frozen positions. |
Competence Factor | Indicates the Competence Factor associated to the Position |
Problem Solving Factor | Indicates the Problem Solving Factor associated to the Position |
Emphasis Factor | Indicates the Emphasis Factor associated to the Position |
Rating Factor | Indicates the Rating Score of the Position based on the Factors |
Budgeted Salary | Indicates the Budgeted Salary of the Position. |
Generic Position | Generic Position associated to the Employee Position. |
Report To | Indicates to which position this current position reports to |
Institution | The organization responsible for the employee. |
Work Location | The location of the Employee Position. |
Legacy Reference | Defines the Legacy Reference associated with the Employee Position |
Institution Tag | Domain tag of the Institution. |
Legislation | The legislation associated with the Employee Position. |
Union | The union associated with the Employee Position. |
Language | Language used. |
Description | Employee Position title. |
Job Description | Description of the position. |
Currently Vacant | indicates currently vacant position for this Employee position, automatically updated field. |
Reporting Order | Reporting order of this position. |
Service Type | Correspondent service Type for the employee position |
Employment Type | Correspondent employment Type for the employee position |
Source Cadre Input | This attribute will link the 'Create Cadre' with the To_Be Employee Position as Source. |
Cadre Type | Cadre type of this employee position. |
Positions With Assignment | No. of assignments using the given employee position |
Positions Without Assignment | No. of occupied Cadre without employee assignments |
Created By | Read Only field, Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created Date | Read Only field, Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system when the corresponding Workflow reaches its Approval stage |
Approved Date | Populated automatically by the system when the corresponding Workflow reaches its Approval stage |
Degree Tab | This tab used to include information about the degree of Education |
Certificate Tab | This tab used to include information about the certificates |
Skill Tab | This tab used to include information about the skills. |
Financial Coding Block Tab | Financial Coding Block of the Employee position. |
Dimension Tab | This tab describes the Dimensions as Economic Magnitude or Number of Subalterns associated for a position |
Work Conditions Tab | This tab describes the Work Conditions associated for a position. |
Experience Tab | This tab used to include information about the Experience. |
Position Spoken Languages Tab | This tab used to include information about the Spoken Languages. |
Position Knowledge Tab | This tab used to include information about the Knowledge. |
Main Functions Activities Tab | This tab used to include information about the Main Functions Activities |
Main Relationshipsips Tab | This tab used to include information about the Main Relationship. |
Nature Tab | This tab used to include information about Nature. |
Other Aspects Tab | This tab used to include information about other aspects. |
Attachment Tab | Set of possible attachments |
The Attachment Tab is used to attach any necessary documents related to Employee Position.
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
ID | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Language | Country Specific Language used to register the description. |
Title | Title of attachment uploaded. |
Description | Any description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here. |
Attachment | Choose respective file to upload. |
Date Time | The date and time the attachment was uploaded. |
User | The name of users uploading the attachment. |
Language | Language used in the Attachment file. |
1. Enter the new Certificate information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
2. Check the Is Required checkbox, as required.
3. Select Certificate from drop down menu.
4. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Certificate information and return to the Employee Position screen, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Certificate information and return to the Employee Position screen.
1. Enter the new Degree information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
2. Check the Is Required checkbox, as required.
Is Required: If checked, the degree is mandatory for the Employee Position.
3. Select Degree from drop down menu.
Degree: The degree that is required for the Employee Position.
4. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Degree information and return to the Employee Position screen, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Degree information and return to the Employee Position screen.
This tab describes the Dimensions as Economic Magnitude or Number of Subalterns associated for a position
Main Relationship tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Dimension Code | Dimension code |
Dimension Type | Dimension type. |
Description | Description of the Dimension. |
This tab used to add information about the Experience required for the Employee position.
Experience tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Experience Tab |
Years of Experience | Number of years of experience |
Description | Description of the experience. |
This tab includes Financial Coding Block of the Employee position.
Financial Coding Block Tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Percentage | Percentage of the chargeable amount for this coding block. This is directly linked to the financial coding block. When there is only 1 financial coding block, then the percentage is 100. When there are many lines of financial coding block, the sum of all the lines (percentage field) must add up to 100. |
Coding Block | lookup to select the coding block. |
This tab used to add information about the Main Functions Activities required for the Employee position.
Main Functions Activities tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Main Functions Activities Tab |
Description | Description of the Main Functions Activities. |
This tab used to add information about the Main Nature for the Employee position.
Nature tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the Nature Tab |
Nature Type | Type of nature, available values are problems, responsibilities. |
Description | Description of Nature. |
Navigation click the New Icon
1. Enter the new Skill information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
2. Check the Is Required checkbox, as required.
3. Select Skill from drop down menu.
4. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Skill information and return to the Employee Position screen, or click on the Discard icon
to discard the Skill information and return to the Employee Position screen.
This tab used to add information about the work condition of the employee position.
Experience tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Work Condition Code | Work Condition code of the tab |
Description | Description of the experience. |
Create Cadre allow the users to run “Cadre Management” operations regarding Create New Cadre
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Entities ► Create Cadre
Create Cadre screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier code for each record |
Request Type | It shows the type of request of Create Cadre. |
Workflow Status | Display the work flow process status of the Create Cadre. |
Created Date | Reference to the Date created the instant |
Approved Date | Reference to the Date approved the instant |
Increase Actual Cadre | User will increase actual cadre if need is to increase the number of occupied position. The given value should not increase from Vacant Cadre |
Institution | The Organization unit - Institution - to which the position belongs |
Created By | Reference to the user ID created the instant |
Required No of posts | No. of posts to be created as per the requirement |
Post Required Reason | The reason to increase post |
Language | Select the language used to register the description and name |
Coding Block | The specific coding block that will affect the position specifics |
If Other State Reason | A complementary description to the Create Cadre |
Required Post Justification | Description of Required Posts Justification |
Was there Similar Requisition Before | If checked, the requisition is available before. |
Active | If unchecked the Cadre is not active |
Established | If unchecked the Establish is not available for Create Cadre |
Describe the Decision | If unchecked the Decision is not available for Create Cadre |
Quote Department of Management Service Reference & Dates Annual Expenditure | Additional statement from a specific department regarding the present request. |
Annual Expenditure | Estimated cost for a given post(s) requisition |
Estimated Expenditure | It will allow the user to create/establish a list of valid expenditure |
Employee Position To Be Suppressed | Reference to the Employee Position ID to be suppressed |
Notes | Description of the create cadre |
Generic Position | Generic positions are managed by Public service and generic. The Generic Position Parent from this cadre. |
Description | Employee Position Title should be there. |
Employment Type | The cadre user will be able create/establish valid Employment Type for the given position. |
Cadre Type | The cadre user will be able to classify the type of cadre in terms of Spatial location, example: National Provincial, etc. |
Service Type | The Position Category parent of the Generic Position/Employee Position, categorized as Service Level. |
Reporting Order | The cadre user will insert data in order to allow ascending sort for reporting purposes. |
Applicable Grade is to enable the user with the possiblity of creating applicable grades (salaries)
Create Applicable Grade screen Fields
Fields | Description |
ID | Unique identifier code for each record |
Cost Item Scale Group | It contains information about the group that will be used in the cost item scale. |
Service Level | The service level correspondent to the Cost item Scale Group |
It is to enable the user with the possibility of attachments creation
Attachment screen Fields
Fields | Description |
ID | Unique identifier code for each record |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the Attachment. This could be useful to classify the attachment being added by the user based on a pre-defined listed configured by the users. |
Language | Select the language used to register the description and name |
Title | Title of the document |
Description | Description of the Attachment. |
Attachment | Complete reference to the file attached *.xls,*.Doc, *.Pdf , *.Jpeg, *.Bitmap, *.Png, *.Tiff |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document |
Date | Date will use to classify the field in terms of date |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Automatically assigned by the system |
Cadre Employee Position Financial Coding Block contains all positions in the government. Each position needs to belong to an institution.
Cadre Employee Position Financial Coding Block screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Percentage | This is directly linked to the financial coding block. When there is only 1 financial coding block, then the percentage is 100. When there are many lines of financial coding block, the sum of all the lines (percentage field) must add up to 100 |
Coding Block | It contains the information of every coding block with the structure (number of elements and order of concepts) of the Group. |
Suppress Cadre will allow the user to run “Cadre Management” operations.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Entities ► Supress Cadre
Supress Cadre screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Motive | It display the request type of Suppress Cadre |
Status | Display the work flow process status of the Suppress Cadre. |
Date Time | The combination of Date and Time. When request was posted by the user |
User | Automatic populated with reference to the logged-in Application User. |
Suppressed Posts required Reason | The reason to decrease posts |
Was There a Similar Requisition Before | If checked, the requisition is available before. |
Employee Position |
Institution |
Required no of Posts to be Suppressed | No. of Posts to be Suppressed given by user |
Estimated Annual Savings for the Suppressed Posts | Estimated Cost for a given post(s) requisition |
Language |
If other State the Reason | A complementary description to the Suppressed Posts Required Reason |
Suppressed Posts Justification | Description of Suppressed Posts Justification |
Quote Department of Management Service Reference & Sales Dates | Description of Quote Department of Management Service Reference & Sales Dates |
Notes | Description of Suppress Cadre |
The purpose of this screen is to enable the user with the possiblity of attachments creation.
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identifier for each record |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the Attachment. This could be useful to classify the attachment being added by the user based on a pre-deified listed configured by users |
Language | Select the language used to register the description and name |
Title | Title of the document |
Description | Description of the attachment. |
Attachment | Complete reference to the file attached |
Date Time | The combination of Date and Time. |
Date | To classify this field in terms of date. It will be used as reference for Reports and Forms |
User | It shows the last user who uploaded or updated the document. Automatically assign by the system.
Update Actual Cadre allow the users to run “Cadre Management” operations regarding Report Actual Cadre – vacant cadre management
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Entities ► Update Actual Cadre
Update Actual Cadre screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier code for each record |
Request Type | It shows the type of request of Update Actual Cadre. |
Is Decrease | It hold a Boolean value (checked/unchecked). Which hold the default value as unchecked. |
Created By | Reference to the user ID created the instant |
Workflow Status | Display the work flow process status of the Suppress Cadre. |
Increase Actual Cadre | User will increase actual cadre if need is to increase the number of occupied position. The given value should not increase from Vacant Cadre |
Decrease Actual Cadre | User will increase actual cadre if need is to reduce the number of occupied position. |
Institution | The Organization unit - Institution - to which the position belongs |
Employee Position | Reference to the Employee Position ID to be increased/decreased |
Work Location | The location where the position is assigned to work |
Applicable Grade | The selected Cost Item Scale group for the given Position |
Salary Grade | The possible Sub- groups for the mentioned Cost Item Scale Group |
Coding Block | The specific coding block that will affect the position specifics |
Vacant Cadre | it shows the number of vacancies per Employee position |
Created Date | Reference to the Date created the instant |
Increasing Motive allow the users to create/establish a list of valid reasons to justify posts increasing.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Support Entities ► Increasing Motive
Increasing Motive screen Field
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Active | If unchecked the Employment Type will not be available for module anymore |
Increase | If checked the description applies to Increase motive |
Decrease | If checked the description applies to decrease motive |
Language | Select the language used to register the description and name |
Name | Description of the Component Type |
Additional Post Expenditure allow the users to create/establish a list of valid expenditure affections regarding additional post requesting.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Support Entities ► Additional Posts Expenditure
Additional Post Expenditure screen Fields
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record. |
Is Active | If unchecked the Additions posts expenditure will not be available for the module anymore. |
Language | Select the Language used to register the description and name |
Name | Description of the Component Type NLS |
Cadre Type allow the users to create/establish a list of valid Cadre Types. Per Cadre Type we mean:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Support Entities ► Cadre Type
Cadre Type screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Is Active | If unchecked the Cadre Type will not be available for module anymore |
Is National | If checked the Cadre type is National |
Is Provincial | If checked the Cadre type is Provincial |
Is SoES | If checked the Cadre type is SoES |
Language | Country specific language used to store Name field |
Name | Description of the Component Type |
Employment Type enables the user to configure positions in terms of types of employment such as:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Support Entities ► Employment Type
Employment Type screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Active | If unchecked the Employment Type will not be available for module anymore |
Is Permanent | If checked the Employee type is Permanent |
Is Contract | If checked the Employee type is Contract |
Is Casual | If checked the Employee type is Casual |
Language | Select the language used to register the description and name |
Name | Description of the Component Type |
Estimated Rate enables the MoF assigned user to establish a rate in order to:
1.Estimate Cadre Needs for the upcoming fiscal year.
2.Compare Estimate Cadre with Previous Year(s)
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Cadre Management Support Entities ► Estimated Cadre per Fiscal Year
Estimated Cadre screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Is Active | If unchecked the Estimated Cadre will not be available for module anymore |
Fiscal Year | It contains the different fiscal years registered within the system |
Employee Position | It contains all position in the government. Each position needs to belongs to an institution |
Total Actual Cadre Amount | Calculated amount of Position Staff quota, Position with assignment and Position without assignment |
Total Estimated Cadre Amount | The calculated amount per Estimate |
Estimated Cadre Category tab will allow the user to create rates per service level
Estimated Cadre Category Tab screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Correlative | Correlative Unique identifier for each record |
Actual Cadre Amount | The Actual Cadre per service level |
Service Level | This will allow the users to classify the Cost Item Scale Group in terms of Service Level |
Estimated Cadre Amount | The value foe Estimated Cadre |
The purpose of this report is to show Actual and Approved Cadre by Employee Positions per one given Institution regarding Employment Type (Situation Code Combination) e.g.:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Budget Report
Field | Description |
Date | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Service Level | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Level. |
Employee Position | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Employee Position. |
Employment Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Employment Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
The purpose of this report is to show Approved and Approval Requested Cadre by Employee Positions per one given Institution regarding Employment Type (Situation Code Combination) e.g. Permanent; Contract; Casual or Temporary
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Budget Report Approval Requested
Field | Description |
As On | Filter criteria date value from the calendar button. |
Service Level | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Level. |
Employee Position | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Employee Position. |
Employment Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Employment Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
The purpose of this report is to show cadre types per service level class by:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Class By Public Sector Report
Field | Description |
As On | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Service Level | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Level. |
Employment Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Employment Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
This report serves as a cadre planning analysis tool and shows the number of approved posts, actual number of positions and planned posts by Institution. This report is used for budget planning purposes.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Planning Analysis Report
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year on which users want to filter the report. |
Institution | Institution as filter option. |
The purpose of this report is to show:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Planning Report
Field | Description |
As On | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Service Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Type. |
Salary Code | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Salary Code. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
This report serves as a cadre planning tool and shows the number of Actual and Approved Cadre per:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Report
Field | Description |
Start Date | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Salary Code | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Salary Code. |
Service Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
The purpose of this report is to show the totals (summary) of Actual and Approved Cadre by:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Cadre Summary Report
Field | Description |
Date | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Service Level | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Level. |
Cadre Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Cadre Type. |
Service Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Service Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
The purpose of this report is to review the number of employees working in 3 different Administrative levels regarding Serive Type (position Category) Classifications:
The report will allow the user to display the available in a given time-frame.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Classification Of Employee By Service Type Report
Field | Description |
Employee Position | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Employee Position. |
Report Date | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Report Date. |
Cadre Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Cadre Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
The purpose of this report is to:
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Creation of New Post and Suppression Report
Field | Description |
Start Date | Filter Criteria displaying a list of Date. |
Fiscal Year | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Fiscal Year. |
Cadre Type | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Cadre Type. |
Institution | Filter Criteria displaying the list of Institution. |
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Cadre Management ► Reports ► Employee Profile Report
Employee Profile Report Filter Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year filter criteria for this report. |
Category | Cost Item Scale Group filter criteria for this report. |
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Position Control Management ► Position Control
Position Control screen fields and tabs
Fields | Description |
Budget Office | lookup to select Budget office for this position. |
Ordinal Number | Sequence by Budget Office |
Effective Date | Identifies uniquely the date when changes took place. It must be entered by the user. |
Workflow Status | Workflow status of the position control |
Is Active | When FALSE the Position Control is not available for the module anymore. |
End Date Reason | If the Is Active field is false then this fields is active to give reasons for inactive. |
Institution | lookup to select Institution for this position control. |
Employee Position | Employee position for this position control. |
Pay Code | pay code applicable for this position control |
Budgeted Salary | Defines the Budgeted Salary associated to the Position Control. |
Type | This attribute could take one of the following values: 'Vacant' 'Occupied' The default value is 'Vacant' |
Is Reserved | Defines if the position is reserved. If attribute Type is equal to 'Vacant' then this field must be Enable, otherwise Read-only. |
Legacy Reference | Defines the Legacy Reference associated with the Position Control. |
Employee Assignment | Defines the Employee assignment associated to the Position Control. |
Created By | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system at creation time. |
Created On | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system at creation time. |
Approved By | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system when the workflow reaches the approval stage. |
Approved On | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system when the workflow reaches the approval stage. |
Position Control Financial Coding Blocks Tab | Tab to select the Coding Block for the position control. |
This tab includes Financial Coding Block of the position control.
Position Control Financial Coding Block Tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the coding block tab |
Percentage | Percentage of the chargeable amount for this coding block. This is directly linked to the financial coding block. When there is only 1 financial coding block, then the percentage is 100. When there are many lines of financial coding block, the sum of all the lines (percentage field) must add up to 100. |
Coding Block | lookup to select the coding block. |
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Position Control Management ► Position Control Historical
Position Control Historical screen fields and tabs
Fields | Description |
Budget Office | lookup to select Budget office for this position. |
Ordinal Number | Sequence by Budget Office |
Effective Date | Identifies uniquely the date when changes took place. It must be entered by the user. |
Workflow Status | Workflow status of the position control |
Is Active | When FALSE the Position Control is not available for the module anymore. |
End Date Reason | If the Is Active field is false then this fields is active to give reasons for inactive. |
Institution | lookup to select Institution for this position control. |
Employee Position | Employee position for this position control. |
Pay Code | pay code applicable for this position control |
Budgeted Salary | Defines the Budgeted Salary associated to the Position Control. |
Type | This attribute could take one of the following values: 'Vacant' 'Occupied' The default value is 'Vacant' |
Is Reserved | Defines if the position is reserved. If attribute Type is equal to 'Vacant' then this field must be Enable, otherwise Read-only. |
Legacy Reference | Defines the Legacy Reference associated with the Position Control. |
Employee Assignment | Defines the Employee assignment associated to the Position Control. |
Created By | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system at creation time. |
Created On | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system at creation time. |
Approved By | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system when the workflow reaches the approval stage. |
Approved On | Read Only field. Populated automatically by the system when the workflow reaches the approval stage. |
Position Control Financial Coding Blocks Tab | Tab to select the Coding Block for the position control. |
This tab includes Financial Coding Block of the position control.
Position Control Financial Coding Block Tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of the coding block tab |
Percentage | Percentage of the chargeable amount for this coding block. This is directly linked to the financial coding block. When there is only 1 financial coding block, then the percentage is 100. When there are many lines of financial coding block, the sum of all the lines (percentage field) must add up to 100. |
Coding Block | lookup to select the coding block. |
Bulk Increase Budgeted Salary entity used to increase the budgeted salary of position controls.
Human Resources ►Position Management ►Position Control Management ►Bulk Increase Budgeted Salary
Bulk Increase Budgeted Salary screen fields
Fields | Description |
Application Id | Unique ID. Can be set as manual or automatic. |
Workflow Status | Workflow status of the Bulk Increase Budgeted Salary entity. |
Effective Date | Date when this bulk increase going to affect. |
Is Increase Based On File | If this fields is True then the Increase Based On File. |
Is Increase Based On Financial Coding Block | If this fields is True then the Increase Based On Financial Coding Block. |
Financial Coding Block | Financial Coding Block of the Bulk Increase Budgeted Salary entity. |
Percentage Of Increase | Percentage Of Increase of budgeted salary. |
Amount Of Increase | Amount Of Increase of budgeted salary. |
New Fixed Amount | If there is any Fixed amount of salary increase. |
Is Obtain Not Included Data In Filters | If this fields is True then Obtain will Not Included Data in Filters |
Position Controls Tab | A collection of one to many Position Control which is going to affect by the Increase Budgeted Salary. |
This process has as objective to perform bulk reserves into the Position Control entity only for the records where the value of attribute Type is equal to VACANT and attribute Status is equal to APPRVED and attribute Is Active is equal to TRUE.
Human Resources ► Position Management ► Position Control Management ► Bulk Reserve (Vacants)
Bulk Reserve screen fields
Fields | Description |
Budget Office | Budget office of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Ordinal Number | Ordinal Number of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Effective Date | Effective Date of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Institution | Institution of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Employee Position | Employee Position of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Budgeted Salary | Budgeted Salary of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Is Reserved | Is Reserved field of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
Legacy Reference | Legacy Reference of the position control. Filter criteria to perform search position control. |
This entity allows users to download the bulk update import template.
Download Template screen fields
Fields | Description |
Budget Office | This field used for Data Access Security. |
This entity allows users to import the bulk update import template.
Upload Template with changes screen fields
Fields | Description |
Import File | This field used for choosing the import file. |
This entity allows users to download the bulk update import template.
Bulk Modification Execution Log screen fields
Fields | Description |
Process Start Timestamp | When the import process starts |
Process Finish Timestamp | When the import process ends |
Application User | Application User who performs the import process. |
Institution | The institution of the import file. |
Execution Result Type | Execution Result. possible values are Failed, Fully Imported, Partially Imported, No Records Imported, validation Errors. |