Create a Retirement Type
Retirement Type is a catalogue of the different Retirement Types available for a particular implementation. To CREATE a Retirement Type, follow the steps below:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
- Click on the New icon (you will then be in Insert Mode).
- Enter the new Retirement Type information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
- Enter the ID, click on the Retirement by Death and Mandatory Retirement checkmarks, as required.
- ID: Unique identification code of the Retirement Type.
- Retirement by Death: Retirement by Death Status - if checked, indicates that the Retirement Type is only applicable when the employee is deceased.
- Mandatory Retirement: Mandatory Retirement Status - if checked, indicates that the Retirement is Mandatory .
4. Select a Type.
- Type: Either Mandatory Retirement, Retirement by Death, or Voluntary, from the drop-down menu.
5. Enter Age.
- Age: Mandatory Retirement Age.
6. Enter the Minimum Months.
- Minimum Months: The minimum months in service required to apply to this retirement type.
7. Enter the Minimum Consecutive Periods.
- Minimum Consecutive Periods: The minimum periods required in consecutive service to apply to this retirement type.
8. Select the Language, as required.
9. Enter Name.
- Name: Name of the retirement type.
10. Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Retirement Type page to save your new Retirement Type information. A window will appear to confirm.