Training Course


The Training Courses component manages courses, trainers and trainees.  The system allows to schedule courses, as well as to manage trainers/trainees, their skills acquired and their performance.


Human Resources ► Employee Management  ► Training Management  ► Training Course

The Training Course screen includes the following fields:

CodeThe unique identification code of the Training Course.
Workflow StatusWorkflow status of the training course entity,
ActiveActive Status - if checked, Training Course is available.  
Automatic Registration If checked, Indicates that qualified employees who register for this training course are automatically accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
StatusThe current status of the training course
Training ManagerEmployee ID of the person who will be providing Training evaluations.
Course Catalog Catalog that contains the training courses.
ProviderThe organization which will provide the training course.
Course Feedback TemplateTemplates that are used by employees ("trainees") for providing feedback on the course that they have attended.
Template Evaluate TrainerTemplate used to evaluate the trainer.
Trainer Employee ID of the person who will be conducting the course and providing Trainee evaluations.
Internal Location Location where the course normally occurs.
External LocationExternal location of the course.
Start DateDate and Time at which Training Course will start.
End DateDate and Time at which the Training Course will end.
Course SizeThe number of  trainees that can attend the Training Course
Cost per PersonCost of the course per person
Cost Per CourseCost for the course.
LanguageLanguage used.
Additional InformationDescription of the Training Course that is more specific than the generic description found in the Training Course Catalog.
NotesNotes on the course (for example, if canceling)
Attachment tabTo attach any file for supporting the Training Course entity.
TraineeCollection of training participants.


Evaluating a Trainee in a Training Course

To VIEW AND EVALUATE a trainee in a Training Course, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the tab to display the list of trainee's who have been enrolled in a Training Course.

2. Click on the link attached to or to view the details of the Trainee. These values are generated from the Training Course Application screen, and are not editable. An example of the screen is shown below:

3. Click the tab to add Evaluation Details.