

This screen represents a catalogue of Tribes.  Normally most countries will not have a "tribes" as a mandatory information component of their HR system. The Tribes entity is available for those countries that require it.



To SEARCH a Tribe:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field(s). 
    If you prefer to see the list of all Tribes, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon .

The Religion screen includes the following fields:

CodeUnique code of identification
Activeif checked, then the tribe is available
LanguageLanguage of use
NameName of tribe

Create A Tribe


By default, you will be in Search Mode.

  1. Click on the New icon   (you will then be in Insert Mode).
  2. Enter the new Tribe information.  Fields with an asterisk  are mandatory fields.
  3. Enter the Code, click on the Active checkmark, as required, and select the Language, as required.

           Code: Unique identification code of the tribe.

            Active:  Active Status - if checked, Tribe is available. 

       4 . Enter Name.   

             Name: Name of the Tribe.                  

Click on the Save icon  at the bottom of the Tribe to save your new Tribe information.   

The following window will appear to confirm:

Tribenavigation.jpg4.76 KB

Delete A Tribe


By default, you will be in Search Mode.

  1. Find the Tribe you want to Delete
  2. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field(s)If you prefer to see all Tribe, leave all fields blank.
  3. Click Find
  4. Select the Tribe you want to Delete
    1. Click on the Delete icon
    2. A window will appear asking you to confirm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    3. Click OK to confirm and delete the Tribe.
    4. A window will be displayed confirming the Tribe has been deleted                                                                                                                                                                            

To Verify that the Tribe has been Deleted:

  1. Click on the Search icon
  2. Enter the Tribe information
  3. Click on the Find icon

The window will appear 


Modify A Tribe


By default, you will be in Search Mode.

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field(s). 
    If you prefer to see the list of all Tribes, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon .  The list of Tribes meeting the retrieval criteria  will appear.
  3. Click on the Tribe you want to modify.
    You will then be in Update/Delete Mode.
  4. Make the necessary modification(s). 
  5. Click on the Update icon   at the bottom of the screen to save your modifications.  A window will appear to confirm the modification. Click OK to confirm.