Generation of the Report

The Target Setting Form Report generates a Target Setting Form that includes information such as Name, Job title, Directorate, Section, Department, Time frames, Key Deliverables, Targets for the Year and Employee and manager signatures.

To GENERATE the Target Setting Form Report, follow the steps below:


The Target Setting Form Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:

  • Employee Position - Employee Position unit (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon , and Find icon  to retrieve the Employee Position unit. If selected, the report will include the selected Employee Position and all Employee Positions reporting to the selected Employee Position. Refer to Employee Position for more information.
  • Institution  -  Select Institution from available list.

If all filter criteria are left blank, all Institutions and Employee Positions will be included in the Report, as well as the Institutions and Employee Positions allowed by the report user security profile.

The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the , , , , and  icons.