Users who are interested in attending a training course must apply to the desired course. Users who want to attend the course will have to fill out the training request application form and submit it to the appropriate personnel for review and authorization.
The Training Course Application screen includes the following fields:
Field | Definition |
Code | Unique identification code of the Training Course Application |
Exempt From Qualifications | If checked, then the employee is exempted from mandatory qualifications for the requested Training Course |
Status | Status of the application. |
Employee | Employee requesting the training. |
Training Course | Training Course the employee is applying to. |
Creation Date | Date at which the application was created. |
Language | Language used. |
Exemption Notes | Reason why the employee is exempted from mandatory qualifications. |
Status Remarks | If employee is rejected, approver must provide a reason. |
Request Summary | Employee's reason for applying to attend this course. |
By default, you will be in Insert Mode.
4. The Status will be automatically generated.
5. The Employee field will be automatically generated with the user i.d.
6. To enter a Training Course click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Training Course list, then select the Training Course.
7. The Creation Date will be automatically generated.
8. Select the Language as required.
9. Enter Exemption Notes, Status Remarks and Request Summary, if required.
Click on the Save icon at the bottom of the Training Course page to save your new Training Course information. A window will appear to confirm.