Create a Training Course Application
By default, you will be in Insert Mode.
- Enter the new Training Course Application information. Fields with an asterisk
are mandatory fields. - The Code will be automatically generated. Click on the Exempt From Qualifications checkmark, if required.
- Code: Unique identification code of the Training Course Application.
- Exempt From Qualifications: If checked, then the employee is exempted from mandatory qualifications for the requested Training Course.
4. The Status will be automatically generated.
- Status: Status of the application.
5. The Employee field will be automatically generated with the user i.d.
- Employee: Employee requesting the training.
6. To enter a Training Course click on the Lookup icon
, click on Find icon
to retrieve the Training Course list, then select the Training Course.
- Training Course: the Training Course the employee is applying to.
7. The Creation Date will be automatically generated.
- Creation Date: Date at which the application was created.
8. Select the Language as required.
9. Enter Exemption Notes, Status Remarks and Request Summary, if required.
- Exemption Notes: Reason why the employee is exempted from mandatory qualifications.
- Status Remarks: If employee is rejected, approver must provide a reason.
- Request Summary: Employee's reason for applying to attend this course.
Click on the Save icon
at the bottom of the Training Course page to save your new Training Course information. A window will appear to confirm.