This report will give a summary of benefits awarded by a pay period range.
An example of this report is shown below.
The Total Benefits Awarded per Pay Period Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report. |
Page | Page Number. |
Period From | Report generation starting from date, period. |
Period To | Report generation ending from date, period. |
Coding Block | Financial coding block. |
Benefit | Retirement benefit is used as a classification of the benefits, e.g. Pension, Death Gratuity,Commuted Pension Gratuity, Pension Monthly Payments etc. |
# of Retirees | This is the number of retirees that have the status 'started' or 'pending' or 'suspended'. |
Actuals | The sum in cost items per period where the pay period between 'pay period from' and 'pay period to'. |
Forecasts | The records in automatic cost item where: employee, cost item, and end date > last pay period finalized and end date <= pay period from. |
Total | The sum of individuals departments actuals, forecasts, and total benefits amount. |
Grand Total | The sum of all departments actuals, forecasts, and total benefits amount. |
Total Benefit Amount | The sum of actuals and forecasted amounts by department. |
The Total Benefits Awarded per Pay Period Report will give a summary of benefits awarded by a pay period range.
To GENERATE the Total Benefits Awarded per Pay Period Report, follow the steps below:
The Total Benefits Awarded per Pay Period Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Fiscal Years, Pay Codes, Periods From, Periods To, Situation Code Combinations, Employees, Cost Items, Group By, and Group By Institution Types will be included in the Report, as well as the Situation Code Combinations, Employees, and Cost Items allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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