Review Promotion


This screen holds the reviewers (people who participate but don't make final decision) of the promotion and their comments.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all Review Promotions, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

The Review Promotion screen includes the following fields:


Report Fields



Unique identification code of the Review Promotion


If agreed, reviewer agrees to the employee's proposed promotion. By default, this field is checked

Commentary Date

This is a view only date. It is the System date and it is not editable. Provided when reviewer provides commentary

Promotion Proposal

Holds the promotion proposal information for a given employee


Employees (senior to employee being considered) who review the promotion request and provide commentary for the Approver and Requestor


Language used


Commentary by the designated reviewer on the proposed employee's promotion

Update a Review Promotion

To UPDATE a Review Promotion, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria and click on the Find icon 
  2. Select the Review Promotion
  3. Enter comments and attachments as required.
  4. Click on the Update icon  at the bottom of the screen to save your updates. A window will appear to confirm the modification. Click OK to confirm.