Data Import Client


The Data Import Client allows users to import bulk data and generate standard importing templates for entities within the FreeBalance Accountability Suite.

The Generate Templates function allows users to generate a standard importing template for entities within the FreeBalance Accountability Suite.

The Import Data function allows users to import bulk data.

Data Import Execution Log allow users to monitor and view the results of the import process.

Data Import Execution Log


Data Import Execution Log allow users to monitor and view the results of the import process. Generated information help users to identify the result of import process whether it has been successfully imported, not imported or partially imported. In case of a partial import, no data imported or validation error, system generates a log file which contains error message about the data not being imported.



Admin ► Data Import Client ► Data Import Execution Log


Data Import Execution Log Screen Fields

EntityAllows to search the name of the entity for which the import process was performed.
Process Start TimestampThis attribute allows to search Process Start Timestamp
Process Finish TimestampThis attribute allows to search Process Finish Timestamp
Application UserThis attribute selects an Application user from data lookup button and help users to search the import processes done by that user.
InstitutionThis attribute selects an Institution from data lookup button and help users to search the import processes done by that institution.
Data Import Execution Result Type

This attribute allows to search the processes by its result. Following are list of results which shows once the process is completed:

  • Failed: If the import has been terminated during its processing due to some technical errors then the result shows as Failed.
  • Fully Imported: The result shows Fully imported when the process has been done successfully and all the data got imported without giving any error.
  • No Records Imported: This result displays when none of the records are imported due to some data population issue. In this case the system generates an Error Log file.
  • Partially Imported: System displays this result when part of the record is imported remaining are not imported due to some data population issue. In this case the system generates an Error Log file.
  • Validation Errors: System displays this result when the process is terminated due to any validation issues. In this case system generates an error log csv file.
Data Import Execution Origin

This attribute shows the Execution Origin of the Data Import. Following are the list of origins:

  • Entity Screen: System displays this result when the Import function has been done from the Entity screen itself but not from the Data Import Client.
  • File System: System displays this result when the import has been done from an automated file transfer system.
  • Generic Web Service: When the import has been done through any web service system then system displays this result for that import process.


Generate Templates


The Generate Templates function allows users to generate a standard importing template for entities within the FreeBalance Accountability Suite. These templates, which are generated as Excel files are used as base for importing information into the system. This function is usually performed at the beginning of the implementation in order to import any important data that need to be transferred to the new system. This process is completed as part of the data migration process which are to be completed together with various departments where the data is located, whereby a number of different records are imported: bank balances, budget data, employee records etc.



Admin ► Data Import Client ► Generate Template


Generate Template screen Fields



Data Import Method

There are two options available for Data Import method which allows to generate the following to templates for Data Import:

  • Excel files related using ID numbers references. In this method, the header file (main screen of the entity) has a unique ID number column for each row of data which can be used as a reference within the other item files (tabs below the header screen).
  • Excel files related using Line numbers references. In this method the header file and item files are referred by the row numbers. 


This shows the list of modules for which users want to perform the import process.

Selected Entity

Based on the selected Project, this dropdown list shows the available entities under that project which has the import function available.


Import Data


The Import Data function allows users to import bulk data. This information is processed and proper records are created on the affected entities. FreeBalance Accountability Suite allows users to generate the templates that are to be used to populate the data. Once the templates have been generated and populated, the Administrator User now be able to import the data in the system using Data Import Client.



Admin ► Data Import Client ► Import Data


Import Data screen Fields




This shows the list of modules for which users want to perform the import process

Selected Entity

Based on the selected Project, this dropdown list shows the available entities under that project which has the import function available.

Import File

Tool for uploading the generated file into the system.