Generate Entitlements


This feature is useful in case someone is hired in the middle of the year and their entitlements are calculated from the date of joining.



Human Resources ► Support Entities ► Accumulated Benefit Management ► Generate Entitlements


Generate Entitlements screen Fields and Tabs:



Type of Entitlement

Select from possible values ANNUAL, MONTHLY, MANUAL

Accumulated Benefit

If type of entitlement = 'ANNUAL', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'ANNUAL'

If type of entitlement = 'MONTHLY', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'MONTHLY'

If type of entitlement = 'MANUAL', display only Accumulated Benefits that have an entitlement frequency = 'MANUAL'

For all frequencies, the credit cost item cannot be null

Pay Period

The Period is constructed from Fiscal Year - Pay code - Period.

Effective Date 

The user enters this date to determine when this entitlement has taken place.  The start date must be less than or equal to fiscal year start date and fiscal year end date


Provides a list of Employee to select from.

Position Category

Provides a list of Position Category to select from.

Cost Item Scale Group

Provides a list of Cost Item Scale Group to select from.

Cost Item Scale

Provides a list of Cost Item Scale to select from.

Situation Code Combination

Provides a list of Situation Code Combination to select from.


Provides a list of Institution to select from.