Cost Item Payment Frequency


Pay frequency means the amount of time between employee pay days. Common pay frequencies include: monthly, semi-monthly (twice each month), bi-weekly (every other week), weekly, and daily. This entity is used to indicate how often a Cost item payment is made.


Payroll Management ► Support Entities ► Cost Item Management ► Cost Item Payment Frequency

Cost Item Payment Frequency Screen Fields

CodeID for the Cost Item Payment Frequency. It is a system generated code or Manual.
Payment FrequencyClose domain field. Values are daily, monthly, quarterly, Anualy etc.
Are Paid on same periods for allIf it True cost item paid on same periods for all. If it is true then Is Based on Hire Date must be false.
Is Based on Hire DateIf it true the cost item paid on the employee Hire date.
Cost Item Payment Frequency Periods TabThis tab defines the pay code and the pay period. When Are Paid on same periods for all check box is true then this tab is visible.


Cost Item Payment Frequency Periods Tab

Cost Item Payment Frequency Periods screen Fields

Pay CodePay Code of the Employee payroll.
Pay PeriodThe Pay Period on this screen defines the exact dates and ranges of each pay.