

Vendor’s information is a commonly used group of information among different modules of the FreeBalance Accountability Platform such as Procurement, Purchasing, Assets, Treasury, Expenditures, etc. This allows centralized management of Vendor’s information in one place and useful way and avoids duplicated and ambiguous information.

FreeBalance Accountability Platform allows managing a full range of information about each Vendor such as Code, Name, Addresses, Performance Rating, Business Type, General Ledger Account (Coding Block), Contact Information, Annual Sales, Number of Employees, Default Currency, Preferred Language, and more.

Vendor’s information allows managing secondary groups of information such as List of Addresses, List of Contact Information, and List of Business Types. All of this information associated with each Vendor.



Admin ► Common Entities ► Vendors ► Vendors


Vendors screen Fields and Tabs

CodeUnique identification code for the vendor.
Eligibility StatusEligibility status of the vendor. Three Values are available- 1. Eligible. 2. On Hold. 3. Suspended
NameVendor name.
Short NameVendor short name.
ActiveIf checked - Vendor is active and can be used in transactions.
Number of EmployeesNumber of employees the vendor has.
Annual SalesAnnual sales of the vendor.
Establishment YearFirst functional year of the vendor.
Created ByIt shows the username of the vendor creator.
Created DateIt fetches the current system date during creation.
Approved ByDisplay the username of the approver.
Approved DateIt displays the system date when it got approved.
Overall Performance RatingAverage of the overall performance rating. 
Has Local Representative If checked - the vendor has a local representative.
Payee ClassificationDefines the different classification of the Payee.
Vendor ClassificationDefines the different classification of the vendor.
Vendor Classification TypeDefines the different classification type for the vendor.
Offset Code

Offset Coding Block.COA Group with attribute 'Budget Execution' equal to 'True'.

Bank AccountVendor Banking Account
Treasury Bank AccountDefault Treasury Bank Account to be used for a transaction. Reference to Treasury Bank Account Table.
Tax Identification NumberThe tax identification number of the vendor. It is mandatory if the global parameter ‘Request Vendor Tax Identification Number’ is set to true.
Vendor TypeIdentifies the business role that the vendor is associated with.
Preferred LanguageLanguage as chosen.
CountryCountry of the vendor.
CurrencyCurrency that the vendor uses.
Business Ownership TypeA list containing the different types of ownership available for the vendor.
Performance RatingA list of descriptive options for the ability of the vendor.
Vendor Set AsideRepresents all vendors that have a special procurement status; for example, the organization may be required to do a certain percentage of its business with small private companies or with special interest groups.
Payment TermThe Payment Term that is applicable when dealing with this particular Vendor.The Payment Term that is applicable when dealing with this particular Vendor.
Payment MethodThe specific Payment Method used to issue the payments for this Vendor, e.g. Cash, Check, Transfers, etc.
Payment LocationThe service office for which the payments will be prepared for this Vendor.
Payment ModeIndicates the transaction type or settlement method used for expense vouchers where the Vendor is the Beneficiary.
Handling IndicatorAllows the user to define an indicator for the Payment.
Internal/ExternalChoose External, Internal or N/A from the drop-down list. 
National Identity CardNational Identity card number of the Vendor.
Passport NumberPassport Number of the Vendor.
RemarksVendor Business remarks.
Is CustomerIf this is true the system will automatically create a customer based on the information in the vendor.
CustomerContains the information of a person or company that used to do business with the Government.
Income Tax RegistryThe Income-tax registration number for the Vendor.
Vendor GroupThe Vendor Group field allows a user to specify the corporate group to which the vendor belongs (e.g. the vendor may actually be a division within a larger company).
Pay To The Payment To field is used to identify a part of the organization to which payments are to be directed.  This is especially useful where the Vendor is a subsidiary organization and all payments must go to its headquarters or parent organization.  If this applies, the parent organization must be defined in the Vendor table before specifying it in this field. 
AssignmentAssigned to Vendor Code. The Assignment Code is used for situations where payments must go to a third party rather than to the vendor. For example, a vendor may have taken out a loan against all of its receivables; consequently, all payments would be required to go directly to the vendor’s bank. This field is optional.
Income Tax Declaration IndicatorVendor income tax declaration indicator. Tax indicator checkbox allows you to set a default tax status for expense vouchers that are associated with a particular vendor.
Income Tax GroupThe Income Tax Group field allows a user to specify the group to which the Income Tax belongs to.
Intradepartmental CodeVendor Intradepartmental code (Canada).
Geographic CodeVendor Geographic location code.
Geographic IndicatorIndicate where the vendor is geographically located.
Business IDAllows a user to enter more optional information about the vendor.
Interest IndicatorA user can choose to apply Interest charges to a vendor by selecting this box.
Interest Expenditure Account(G/L Offset Code) indicates to which General Ledger control account an organization wishes to post this vendor's transactions.
Discount AppliesA user can choose to allow discounts to a particular vendor by selecting the Discount Indicator box.  If it is marked as yes, the user will have to specify the Discount Income Account.
Discount Income AccountThe Discount Income Account should be specified in the GL Offset Codes table and only then can you select that GL Offset Code in the Vendors table.
EmployeeInformation about employees. This is used when the vendor is also an employee of the organization.
Default Coding BlockThis field is used as the default-coding block that an organization may want to associate with the vendor.  This coding block will then default into the coding block line of any transaction when the vendor is selected.
Must Sync SupplierIf parameter SynchronizeVendorwithSupplier=TRUE, then DEFAULT=TRUE otherwise DEFAULT=FALSE
Supplier NumberThis supplier number is used in an interface where Vendor is sent over to the financial system and Vendor code is different than supplier code.
External Tax System StatusThis field is used to specify the vendor status linked to an external authority TAX system
External Tax System DateDate and time when External TAX system status was changed in this entity.
Is TIN Number ExemptThis indicates if the Vendor is exempt to have a TIN whether validations to enforce a valid TIN is valid.
Is NationalIdentifies if the Vendor is local or foreign.
Address TabContains the address information of the vendor.
Contact TabContains the contact information of the vendor.
Vendor Business Types TabLists the types of business associated with the vendor, (construction, computing, food, furniture, etc.) It will be a collection of one or many types of businesses assigned to a vendor.
Vendor Tax InformationThe taxes applied to the vendor to be added to this tab.