Performance Appraisal (PA) is used to provide personnel evaluations on individual civil servants. Based on a configurable parameter, civil servants are evaluated using standardized templates.
The performance evaluation used here is based on a modified 360 loop approach. Co-workers, the employee himself, as well as the direct head of the employee can provide feedback on the employee performance.
To Create a Performance Appraisal
Go to Human Resources -> Employee Management -> Performance Appraisal Management -> PA for Employee
Note. When selecting the employee, the system will populate various field that are inherited from the employee assignment, like position, salary, institution, etc.
Note. The Scores Tab will be populated automatically later on when performance review cycle will be completed.
Note. The system will pop up only those employees who are from the same parent institution if they reports to the same manager.
Note. The Appraiser can cancel the process at anytime during the scheduled dates.
Note. When the Performance Appraisal is saved, an email is sent to the Employee, the peers, and the subordinates, if applicable.
The Senior reviewer will input his feedback at the end of the process only. He oversees the entire Performance Appraisal process to ensure equity and transparency.
Note. To determine the final scores , the system will base the calculations on the weights and the scores of each criterion given by all evaluators. At the end of the Evaluation process, the senior reviewer will review the performance appraisal and will approve or reject it. Once the performance appraisal has been approved and the end date has