Request Sourcing Packages

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Create a Request Sourcing Package

Navigation (From  click the New icon under )

1. Enter the new Sourcing Package information.  Fields with an asterisk  are mandatory fields.

2. To enter the Sourcing Package, click on the Lookup icon ,  click on Find icon  to retrieve the Sourcing Package list, then select the appropriate Sourcing Package.

  • Sourcing Package: This field represents the different sourcing packages associated to a Goods/Services Request. Sourcing Packages are predefined item/quantity for a specific activity or destination, e.g. Training Courses.

3. Enter the Quantity: Number of Sourcing Packages required.

4. Click on the Save and Return icon to save the Sourcing Package information and return to the Goods/Services Requests screen, or click on the Discard icon  to discard the Sourcing Package entry and return to the Goods/Services Requests screen.