Definition of Report Fields

The Contract Claims Report includes the following fields:

Report FieldsDescription
Report dateThe date the report was created. It is automatically generated.
Report timeThe time the report was created. It is automatically generated.
UserThe person who generates the report.
PageReport page number.
Filter CriteriaFilter Criteria as entered under the Contract Claims Report.
Sort ByUsed to sort the report by a specific sorting criteria
CommentsAny comment written by the user in the report generation window
Claim IDUnique Identifier for the Claim.
Vendor IDUnique Identifier for the Vendor.
Contract IDUnique Identifier for the Contract.
Claim DateDate Claim was submitted.
Claim StatusClaim status may be: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Rejected or Cancelled. Default value is created. 
Resolution IDUnique identifier for the Resolution.
Resolution Type Short DescriptionShort description of the resolution type ex: Not enough support information.
Resolution StatusResolution status may be: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Published or Cancelled. Default value is created.