Payroll Calculation

Calculate Regular Payroll


Payroll managers use the Calculate Regular Payroll application to determine the employees pay based on the Fiscal Year, Pay Code, Pay Period, and the chosen Institutions. Fiscal Year is a fundamental component of FreeBalance Accountability Platform. Budgets are created per fiscal year, transactions are posted for a particular fiscal year, reports are generated by fiscal year, analysis is performed comparing results from fiscal year to fiscal year and so on, etc. A fiscal year may not correspond to a calendar year. Pay Code allows every employee to have a specified time when he or she will get paid.  This selected schedule of pay depends on the pay details associated with the employee position and the institution where he/she works (i.e. Ministry of Transportation).



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Calculate Regular Payroll


Calculate Regular Payroll screen Fields



Fiscal Year

 Fiscal Year of the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the Payroll Calculation.


 Employee for which Payroll Calculation is performed.


 Identifies which organization the payroll is based on or being calculated for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).



Calculate Cost Items


The CALCULATE Cost Items step is comprised of the following functions:

  • Generate an employee net pay number, after verification that the pay has not already been finalized.
  • Find the cost items previously calculated to determine if the pay was already calculated. If so, reverse the summary of accumulated benefits, reverse the cumulate hours, change status of the cost items per period to Not Processed, reduce the arrears and payments amounts, before the pay is re-calculated.
  • Check for retroactive transactions, and create the cost items and deductions per period, for these retroactive transactions.
  • Copy the automatic cost items in cost items per period. Most of the time, one (1) automatic cost item will create one (1) cost item per period. However if there is a new salary transition, certain cost items need to be split to reflect the new salary. Also, if a cost item has a new cost item effective date, this would mean that part of the month, the cost item is one amount and the other part it is another amount, so again the system will need to create multiple cost items per period to reflect this.
  • Calculation of Statutory Holidays. The system must verify if there were any statutory holidays during the pay period being calculated or any statutory holiday for the retroactive transactions, based on the Shift Schedule Definition of the employee assignment.
  • Check if manual or retroactive cost items per period need to be split.  For every record found in Cost Items Per Period with Frequency set to One time or Pay Period, and IsProRated set to True, the application will verify if any Salary Transition occurs between the Cost Item Start Date and End Date. If a Salary Transition occurs, the cost item per period will be split at the Salary Transition effective date.
  • Verify and assign Accumulated Benefit entitlements.  The application will verify the global variables associated to the Accumulated Benefits and verify if the employee for which the pay is calculated, is entitled to accumulated benefits as per Accumulated Benefit Entitlement.  If Entitlement credits have already been generated, under Cost Items Per Period (Cost Item Transaction Type is set to Entitlement and State is set to Approved), the Number of Hours/Day/Unit is set based on the number of days under Accumulated Benefit Entitlement Detail.
  • Find the Accumulated Benefit transfers balance, from Accumulated Benefits Summary .  If the Accumulated Benefit Type is Daily of Hourly, the Number of Hours/Day/Unit of Cost Item Per Period is set to Balance, otherwise if Accumulated Benefit Type is Paid, Amount for Frequency is set to Balance.
  • Calculate the value of the cost items per period. In cost items per period, there will be records coming from automatic cost items or cost items per period that were entered through the time and attendance module or cost items per period that were added manually through the cost items per period screen.  The application will scan these cost items per period in order of sequence Cost Items.  Only Cost Items Per Period that have a status not set to Cancelled nor Finalized, and a State set to Approved are calculated.  Calculated Amount and Amount Limiting Regular Cost Item, from Period are determined at this step, based on a detailed algorithm.
  • Apply the maximums.  At this step, the Maximum by Pay, Monthly Maximum and Annual Maximum, from Cost Items Per Period are applied, if any.
  • Apply penalties. At this step, the Employee Assignment Penalties are applied, if any.
  • Update Accumulated Benefits. Summary of Accumulated Benefits fields, including Accumulated, Credit, Debit, Taken, Paid and Balance are updated, based on the Effect on Accumulated Benefit, from Cost Item Per Period.
  • Set other attributes in cost items per period. If no error was generated during the previous steps, the fields Employee net Payment, Sequence Calculated, from Cost Items Per Period are set to the values determined, and the status is set to 'Calculated'.
  • Update the cumulated hours, based on the Number of Hours/Day/Unit, from Cost Item Per Period.
  • Check for remaining balances in accumulated benefits. If the global parameter Accumulated Benefit = TRUE and the global parameter Gregorian Calendar = TRUE, the application will verify if the pay period is the last pay period before the new year and if so, will verify that every Summary of Accumulated Benefit has a balance of zero.  If the balance is not zero, the following error will be generated: "The year end procedure for the Accumulated Benefits has not been done.  This employee cannot be calculated.  Please execute the year end procedure and recalculate".  The application also verified if any assignments ended and there are remaining balances. If so, the following error will be generated:"The employee's assignment has ended and has remaining balances.  Accumulated Benefit transfers need to be generated before pay can be calculated."

Calculate Deduction Items

To CALCULATE Deductions, the following actions must be performed:

The deductions have to be calculated in the order of sequence, specified under Deductions . This step includes the calculation of Period DeductionsCalculated Amount based on other deductions previously calculated, with a smaller sequence order, less any exemption specified under Deductions per Period.

There are 4 reasons why transactions go in arrears:

1) For an extended period of time, the employee is on leave and does not have any cost item to cover the mandatory deduction.

2) For a specific pay period, the employee does not have sufficient cost items to cover the mandatory deduction.

3) The calculated deductions that affect the pay have a greater value than the maximum allowed.

4) The employee is paying back the arrears through automatic deductions.

All transactions in Arrears will be included in the Arrears form.

  • Check for penalties.  The application will apply the penalties specified under Employee Assignment Penalties , if applicable.
  • Validate and apply the rules.  The application will apply the Maximum Per Pay, Monthly Maximum Amount and Annual Maximum, from Employee Deduction Rules, as well as the Maximum Cumulative Deductions.
  • Set other attributes in deductions per period.  The application will set the Employee Net Payment, Sequence Calculated and the Status to Calculated, under Deductions Per Period.

Calculate GL Distribution


The calculation of the GL Distribution is comprised of the following steps:

  • Validate that the distribution can be done.  The application will validate, for each Employee, that Is Finalized is false (un-checked), Is Valid is true (checked), and there is no Cancel Date, under View Pay Cheque.


  • Erase the previous GL distribution. If the GL distribution has already been calculated, the application deletes the employees GL distribution for the pay period for which the pay is calculated, so it can be re-generated properly. The distribution is saved under Cost Items and Deductions.


  • Generate the cost item distribution,for the Debit and Credit transactions.  If a partial or full line of coding is specified under Cost Item Per Period, it has precedence.  For the segments not specified under Cost Items Per Period, the application then looks at the Automatic Cost Items partial or full line of coding.  For the segments not specified under Automatic Cost Items, the application then looks at the Cost Items partial or full line of coding.  For the segments not specified under Cost Items, the application looks at the Assignment Financial Coding Block.  Code splitting is performed, at the Assignment Financial Coding Block level, if a Percentage different than 100% is specified.  Finally, for the segments not specified under Assignment Financial Coding Block, the application retrieves the coding from Position Financial Coding Block.  Code splitting is performed, at the Position Financial Coding Block level, based on the Percentage specified under Position Financial Coding Block.


  • Generate the deduction distribution, for the Debit and Credit transactions.  If a partial or full line of coding is specified under Deductions Per Period, it has precedence.  For the segments not specified under Deductions Per Period, the application then looks at the Automatic Deductions partial or full line of coding.  For the segments not specified under Automatic Deductions, the application then looks at the Deductions partial or full line of coding.  For the segments not specified under Deductions, the application looks at the Assignment Financial Coding Block.  Code splitting is performed, at the Assignment Financial Coding Block level, if a Percentage different than 100% is specified.  Finally, for the segments not specified under Assignment Financial Coding Block, the application retrieves the coding from Position Financial Coding Block.  Code splitting is performed, at the Position Financial Coding Block level, based on the Percentage specified under Position Financial Coding Block.

Retroactive Pay Calculation

There are two (2) kinds of retroactive pays:

1) A delay occurs for approval of a new employee or a new promotion.  This is directly linked to a new assignment.

The application will create cost items per period and deductions per period marked as retroactive, for each pay period for which retroactive payments are made.

2) A delay occurs for signature of an increase.  This is not linked to a new assignment.

The Retroactive Summary screen is used to enter employee assignment filters, Cost Items to consider and percentage of increase.  A list of employee assignments meeting the filter criteria will be presented to the user.  Retroactive amounts will be calculated by multiplying the sum of cost items per period, associated to each selected cost item and for each assignment, by the percentage of increase.  Once the retroactive details are approved, pre-approved records are created in the employee assignments change requests and cost items per period.


View Pays


Once the records established in Employee Net Payments have been specified, Payroll Calculation Results can be viewed by the user. In this list, only calculations that did not have an error will be displayed, as any payroll calculation with an error will not be saved.



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► View Pays


View Pays screen Fields and Tabs




 Unique identification code of the Net Pay.

Is Finalized

 Finalized indicator. If checked, no modification is allowed.

Is GL Distributed

 GL Distributed indicator. If checked, a GL distribution has been generated.

Is Valid

 Valid indicator. If checked, indicates that the transaction is valid.

Is Pay slip sent by email

 If checked by email it signifies that pay slip is sent by mail.

Date Calculated

 The date that the employee's payroll was calculated.

Cancel Date

 The date of cancellation of the payroll calculation, if applicable.

Amount Paid

 The employee net pay for the pay period.


 Employee for whom the payroll calculation results are generated.

Fiscal Year

 The Fiscal Year the pay belongs to.

Pay Code

 Pay Code for which the payroll calculation is generated.

Pay Period

 The Pay Period for which the payroll calculation is generated.

First Name

 The employee's first name.

Middle Name

 The employee's middle name.

Last Name

 The employee's last name.

Transfer Number

 Number associated to the transfer to the Financials system.

Cancel Transfer Number

 Transfer Number associated to the cancelled cheque.

Financial Transfer Number

 Transfer number when the batch for the EV/JV is created.

Pay Period Adjustment Rate

 The adjustment rate of the pay period.


 The institution (organization) that the person belongs to.

Cancelled By

 User who cancelled the payment.


 Additional comment to display on the Pay Stub in selected language.

Cost Items per Periods Tab

 Displays the details to each cost item per period generated for the selected result.

Deductions per Periods Tab

 Displays the details to each deduction per period generated for the selected result.

Payment Details Tab

 This Tab is used to include details on the payments.


Pay Calculation Log


The Pay Calculation Log displays all information pertaining to calculation and finalization processes that have been executed. It is used to view the status of the process that was launched. It also displays any errors that occurred during the process in order to allow modifications to be performed for those employees prior to re-calculating or finalizing.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Pay Calculation Log

Pay Calculations Log screen Fields and Tabs




 Unique identification code of the Pay Calculation Log.

Is Calculating

 Is Calculating Status - if checked, the payroll calculation is being calculated at this time.

Start Date

 Start date of the pay calculation.

End DateEnd date of the calculation

Fiscal Year

 Select Fiscal Year from drop down menu.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Period

 The Pay Period associated to the Payroll Calculation


 Defines the type of process that has been executed.  Can be Payroll Calculation or Finalize Pay Period.


 Once the process has been completed, the system will display a message to indicate whether it was successfully, or had errors.

Created ByCreated user 

Institutions Tab

 Lists the organizations that were included in the process.

Pay Calculation Log Details Tab

 Lists the employees and the errors their pay incurred during the process, if any.



Pay Calculation Log Details


Shows the detail information about the Payroll Calculation Log.


Pay Calculation Log Details Tab screen Fields



Employee Net Payment

 Shows the serial number of the employee’s net payment.

Is Modified

 Checked if the employee payment is modified.

Is Calculated

 Is Calculating Status - if checked, the payroll calculation is being calculated at this time.

Is Distributed

 Checked if the employee payment is distributed.

Message Type

 Shows the type of messages after calculating the pay.

Employee Assignment

 This gives the list assignment id that satisfy the search criteria above and that will be calculated for this employee.


 Shows the name of the employee.


 Show any exception if the pay calculation have failed.


 Shows the country specific language selected for the Pay Calculation Details.


 For defining any external message.


Finalize Pay Period


The Finalize Pay Period function is used to prevent additional changes, and freeze the amounts that have been calculated for the selected Fiscal Year, Pay Code, and Pay Period.  Once finalization has been completed, the application will not allow any modifications to be made for the selected period. Finalized pays cannot be recalculated.  Financial information can be generated when the pay period is finalized. This leads to the actual delivery of employee funds.



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Finalize Pay Period


Finalize Pay Period screen Fields



Fiscal Year

 Fiscal Year of the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the Payroll Calculation.


 Employee for which Payroll Calculation is performed.


 Identifies which organization the payroll is based on or being calculated for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Payment Batch for Salaries


The Payment Batch for Salaries generates the required set of payments needed to deliver financial information and payments related to a specific pay period. This information will be taken from the results obtained during the finalization process.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Payment Batch for Salaries

Payment Batch for Salaries screen Fields 



Fiscal Year

 Fiscal Year of the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the Payroll Calculation.

Create Batch For

 Select payments to create a Batch for All, New or Corrected.


 Additional comments.

InstitutionLists the organizations that were included in the process.


Payment Summaries for Salaries


The Payment Files are a function that is generated through the Payment Summaries for Salaries screen. The Payment Files generate all information required for the applicable Banking Institutions to process employee pays who are receiving Direct Deposit.



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Payment Summaries for Salaries


Payment Summaries for Salaries screen Fields




 Summary Identification number.

Fiscal Year

 Fiscal year of the payment summary for the salaries.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the payment summaries for salaries.

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the payment summaries for salaries.

Creation Date

 Date Summary is entered in system.

Total Payments

 This contains the overall payments.

Total Amount

 This contains the amount of payment.

Rejected Payments

 Updated when a payment is rejected.

Rejected Amount

 Updated when an amount is rejected.

Payments on Hold

 Updated amount when a payment is placed on hold.

Amount on Hold

 Updated amount when an amount is placed on hold.

Employee Direct Deposits Generated

 Check to indicate employee direct deposits generates file.


 Additional comments.

Sequence #

 Payment number.


 Current payment status.


 Employee Identification number.


 Institution Identification number.

Pay Method

 This contains the method of payment which can be cash, cheque or direct deposit.


Unapplied Payments


The Unapplied Payments screen enables users to import files of rejected payments received from a financial institution (bank).


The Unapplied Payment Screen Includes the following fields:

Payment SummaryPayment Summary provides a summary of Payments within a Payment Batch. The Payment Summary can be identified by a unique auto generated number or ID.
Unapplied Payment FileUnapplied Payment File contains information such as; Employee

ID and Name, Net Pay, Employee Name, banking information, and Error.

Importing Unapplied Payments


The Unapplied Payments screen enables users to import files of rejected payments received from a financial institution (bank).

To Import Unapplied Payments, follow the steps below:


1. Enter the new Unapplied Payments information. Fields with an asterisk  are mandatory fields.

2. Enter the Payment Summary, click on the Lookup Icon, and enter the Payment Summary information, or leave the Payment Summary Information blank to retrieve all Payment Summaries.

3. Click on the Find icon  .

4. Select the appropriate Payment Summary.

Note: The Payment Summary used must include Payments that were Rejected. To determine the Status of a Payment refer to the Payment Summary (Click for more Information) screen at the bottom there is a Payment Details box, which displays the Status of Payments.

Note: If the Payment was Rejected because the Employee Information is incorrect. Changes to Employee Payment information must be modified.  Refer to Payment Information for more Information.

Note: Once the Employee information is corrected, the user must Return to the Payment Summary (Click for more Information) and change the status of the Payment from Rejected to Corrected. Then a New Payment Batch reflecting the correct Payment Information must be created.

  • Payment Summary: Payment Summary provides a summary of Payments that were created with the Payment Batch options. The Payment Summary can be identified by a unique auto generated number or ID. At the bottom of the form, the details of the summary can be viewed.

5. Enter the Unapplied Payment File, click on the Browse Icon , then select the appropriate Unapplied Payment File.

Note: The Unapplied Payment File is provided by the Bank (or Financial Institution) when payments have been Rejected.

  • Unapplied Payment File: Unapplied Payment File contains information such as; Employee ID and Name, Net Pay, Employee Name, banking information, and Error.

6. Select the Import Icon  to Import the Information entered in the Unapplied Payment Screen.

Employee Invoice Batch


This screen allow users to generate employee invoice batch. Once the pay is calculated and finalized, the next step is to generate a batch of employee invoices.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Employee Invoice Batch

Employee Invoice Batch Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the employee payroll.
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay period of the employee payroll.


Employee Invoice Summaries


This screen is used to generate a file that will create an invoice for each employee that needs to be paid.  This 1 file will be imported in Financials which will create an invoice at the employee level in Oracle Financials.  This means that for each employee, there is a supplier and for each pay period an invoice will be created for each employee.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Employee Invoice Summaries

Employee Invoice Summaries Screen Fields

IDSummary Identification number.
Fiscal YearFiscal year of the employee invoice summary.
Pay CodePay Code associated to the employee invoice summary.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payment summaries for salaries.
Creation DateDate Summary is entered in system.
Total PaymentsThis contains the overall payments.
Total AmountThis contains the amount of payment.
Sequence Payment number.
StatusCurrent payment status.
EmployeeEmployee Identification number.
InstitutionInstitution Identification number.


Export Configuration Tables


The information exported is the payroll configuration entities. Deductions catalogue, Cost item scale, Cost item scale group, cost item scale step, Generic Positions. This process may take a lot of time so, this process works as a back end process where the user can leave the form and continue working. The process execution log is used to see if any errors occurred or when the process is finished.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Export Configuration Tables

Export Configuration Tables Screen Fields

Export TypeExport Type. Possibile values are: Deductions, Bands, Income Classification, Job Titles
Pay CodePay Code associated to the Payment Cancellation.
Effective DateSystem Default current date.


Export Employee Deductions


The information exported is the payroll information coming from the entity deduction financial coding block.  This will produce a file in XML format that will be consumed by another system. The information exported is related to employee deductions that were paid out for a specific pay period. This process can take a lot of time so we need to have this as a back end process where the user can leave the form and continue working.  The process execution log is used to see if any errors occurred or when the process is finished.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Export Employee Deduction

Export Employee Deductions Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the export establishment control.
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payroll interface generation.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Export Establishment Control Quota


The information exported is the quota information coming from the entity employee position.  This will produce a file in XML format that will be consumed by another system. The information exported is related to positions, the quota, and the salary scale information and to see how many position are OPEN for hire.

This process can take a lot of time so we need to have this as a back end process where the user can leave the form and continue working. The process execution log is used to see if any errors occurred or when the process is finished.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Export Establishment Control Quota

Export Establishment Control Quota Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the export establishment control.
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payroll interface generation.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Export Establishment Payroll and Wage Performance Data


The information exported is the payroll information coming from the entity cost item financial coding block.  This will produce a file in XML format that will be consumed by another system. The information exported is related to employee information, the salary scale information and the cost items that were paid out for a specific pay period.This process can take a lot of time so this process works as a back end process where the user can leave the form and continue working. The process execution log is used to see if any errors occurred or when the process is finished.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Export Establishment Payroll and Wage Performance Data

Export Establishment Payroll and Wage Performance Data Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the Payroll and Wage Performance Data.
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payroll interface generation.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Export Pension and Gratuity Performance Data


The information exported is the payroll information coming from the entity retirement request and entity cost item financial coding block.  But for this export it is for pension informatin only.

This will produce a file in XML format that will be consumed by another system.

The information exported is related to employee information, the salary scale information and the cost items that were paid out for a specific pay period.

This process can take a lot of time so this process works as a back end process where the user can leave the form and continue working. 

The process execution log is used to see if any errors occurred or when the process is finished.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Export Pension and Gratuity Performance Data

Export Pension and Gratuity Performance Data Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the pension and grautuity performance data.
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payroll interface generation.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Generate Bank Transfers Vouchers Files


Generate Bank Transfers Vouchers Files screen allow users to creating and exporting files with details of Bank Transfers for all employees included in the payroll.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Generate Bank Transfers Vouchers Files

Generate Bank Transfers Vouchers Files Screen Fields

Fiscal YearThe year for which the payment has to be cancelled.
Pay CodePay Code associated to the Payment Cancellation.
Generation TypeGeneration type is the generated payroll file type. Four options is available 1. Bank Transfer Vouchers. 2. Employers. 3. Social Security Deductions. 4. Tax Check Vouchers. In the bank transfer user need to select ‘Bank Transfers Vouchers’ in the generation type field.
Pay PeriodPay Period associated to the Payment Cancellation.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Generating Payroll Obligation


Provide to the entire governments that implements Free Balance CSM reserve the necessary funds to cover the pay for all employees thru the fiscal year in a quota budget configuration. This quota can be configured monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual projection depends of the parameter setting. This process will allow the user to create one or more FA Obligations, Items and Distribution, to reserve the necessary fund to cover the regular pays during the current fiscal year.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Generating Payroll Obligation

Generating Payroll Obligation Screen Fields

IdID for the Deduction. It is a system generated code.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of the Obligation, Default current Fiscal Year.
Fiscal Period LevelFiscal Period Level of the Obligation, Default current period Level.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal Period of the Obligation, Default current period.
InstitutionAccounting Office Code. By default user current employee institution
Start DateStart date of the obligation
End DateEnd date of the obligation
Number of Fiscal Periods to GenerateNumber of Fiscal Periods to Generate of the Payroll obligation.
Obligation Item Distribution RestrictedIf TRUE, then the period and amount of the posted transactions against the Obligation must be validated against the Obligation’s item distribution. Default as defined in the Appropriations parameter
Enable Obligation Item DistributionIf True, Obligation Item get distributed automatically.
Referenced Fiscal YearReferenced Fiscal Year of the Obligation Payroll.
Referenced Pay CodeReferenced Pay Code of the Obligation Payroll.
Referenced Pay PeriodReferenced Pay Period of the Obligation Payroll.
Referenced Payment AmountReferenced Payment Amount of the Obligation Payroll.
Forecasted Incremental PercentageIf Forecasted Incremental Payment is greather than zero: Amount * (Forecasted Incremental Payment *Amount/100). If Forecasted Incremental Payment is =zero then no calculation on the amount is required.
Created DateCreation date of the genetaing Payroll obligation, automatically updated by ststem.
Created ByApplication user, automatically updated by ststem.
LanguageCountry specific language used to register description.
DescriptionDescription of the genetaing Payroll obligation
Obligation TabThis tab allows User to view details of the Obligation which automatically generated once genetaing Payroll obligation get approved.


Payment Batch for Vendors


When selecting the option of Payment Batch, the user will see a list Displayed.  This list is created from some of the attributes of the entity Payment Summary in descending order of Batch Creation Date. Organizations are paid bi-weekly, monthly, or by other methods that the organization may find appropriate. Some employees are paid based on job information while other employees are paid via time entry. Payroll managers publish payroll schedules to help units meet important deadlines to ensure timely payment to employees. If job record or time entry information is incorrect at the time of payroll calculation an overpayment or underpayment may occur.



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Payment Batch for Vendors


Payment Batch for Vendors screen Fields



Fiscal Year

 Fiscal Year of the Payroll Calculation.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the Payroll Calculation.

Effective Date

 The date in which the payment is batch is effective

Create Batch For

 Select payments to create a Batch for All, New or Corrected.


 Country specific language used to register description.


 Additional comments.


Payment Cancelation

Payment Summaries for Vendors


This is used to show all the payment details which will be paid to different vendors. This screen shows the paid amount, rejected amount, amount on hold etc. which will be paid or already paid to the vendors.



Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Payment Summaries for Vendors


Payment Summaries for Vendors screen Fields




 Summary Identification number.

Fiscal Year

 Fiscal year of the payment summary for the salaries.

Pay Code

 Pay Code associated to the Payroll Calculation

Pay Period

 Pay Period of the Payroll Calculation

Creation Date

 Date Summary is entered in system.

Effective Date

 The particular date in which the payment was effective.

Payments on Hold

 Updated amount when a payment is placed on hold.

Amount on Hold

 Updated amount when an amount is placed on hold.

Payments Rejected

 Updated when a payment is rejected.

Amount Rejected

 Updated when an amount is rejected.


 Country specific language used to register description.


 Additional comments


 The Sequence following the payment.


 Current payment status.


 The deduction resulting the Payment


 The vendor associated to the respective payment


 Institution Identification number.


Payroll Interface Generation


This function allow user to generate bank transfer, generate unique payment voucher, generate emoloyee tax cheque file and generate social security deduction file.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Payroll Interface Generation

Payroll Interface Generation Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the payroll interface generation
Pay CodePay Code of the employee payroll.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payroll interface generation.
Expense Voucher Row CountShows number of rows in the expense voucher.
InstitutionsIdentifies which organization the payroll Interface Generation for (i.e., Ministry of Finance).


Process Unapplied Payments (Salaries)


Upon the completion of payroll, a payment file is generated and sent to the bank, where the direct deposit is performed.  If there are any mistakes that the bank realizes (i.e. the bank account number is entered wrong), the bank will send a file back to the organization. The organization must then update the information and resubmit the payment file with the new information for the employees who had mistakes in their payment files.  However, in order to regenerate the information on a payment file, the employee’s pay must be reversed to be marked as "not paid". Upon uploading an unapplied payment file, all of the payments will be automatically marked as not paid so that the user can update the information and regenerate a payment file for all employees with payment file corrections.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Process Unapplied Payments (Salaries)

Process Unapplied Payments (Salaries) Screen Fields

Unapplied Payment FileThis is the file uploaded by the bank because an error occurred in processing an employee’s salary.


Process Unapplied Payments (Vendors)


The vendors need to import unapplied payments. These unapplied payments are identified with the EFT No and must be marked as rejected. The user needs to correct the banking information in the vendor form mark the records as corrected so that when they generate the payment file for vendors; they can export only the corrected ones.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Process Unapplied Payments (Vendors)

Process Unapplied Payments (Salaries) Screen Fields

Unapplied Payment FileThis is the file uploaded by the bank because an error occurred in processing an employee’s salary.


Unapplied Vendor Payment Import

Vendor Invoice Batch


This screen allow users to generate vendor invoice batch. Once the pay is calculated and finalized, the next step is to generate a batch of vendor invoices.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Vendoor Invoice Batch

Vendor Invoice Batch Screen Fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year of the vendor payroll.
Pay CodePay Code of the vendor payroll.
Pay PeriodPay period of the vendor payroll.


Vendor Invoice Summaries


This screen is used to generate a file that will create an invoice for each vendor that needs to be paid.  This 1 file will be imported in Financials which will create an invoice at the vendor level in Oracle Financials.  This means that for each employee, there is a supplier and for each pay period an invoice will be created for each vendor.


Payroll Management ► Payroll Transaction Processing ► Payroll Calculation ► Vendor Invoice Summaries

Vendor Invoice Summaries Screen Fields

IDSummary Identification number.
Fiscal YearFiscal year of the employee invoice summary.
Pay CodePay Code associated to the vendor invoice summary.
Pay PeriodPay Period of the payment summaries for salaries.
Creation DateDate Summary is entered in system.
Total DetailsThis contains the overall Details.
Total AmountThis contains the amount of payment.
Sequence #Payment number.
StatusCurrent payment status.
VendorThis contains the vendor