Support Entities



Contract Management Support Entities (Contract Management Module), as well as Other Support Entities and System Parameters (both under the Admin Module) conform the configuration resources for creating and managing contracts.

The optimum order in which the Contract Management parameters should be set up is:

1. System Parameters

For a detailed list of Contract Management System Parameters and its configuration, see System Parameters > Contract Management in the Admin Module.

2. Admin Support Entities

The following parameters required by the Contract Management are located in the Admin Module:

3. Contract Management Support Entities

Establishing the Payment Base and Contract Line Item Type support entities is necessary to proceed with Contract Management.  When a Payment Base or Contract Line Item Type is defined and entered into the System, it can be referenced, modified, and applied to Contract Management processes in the future. 

Payment Base

The Payment Base outlines the payment details applied to a Contract.  The Payment Base may be set to Lump Sum, Time Based, and Other.

  • Lump Sum - Defines a one-time payment in part or in full.
  • Time Based - Defines payments over multiple periods as specified. 
  • Other - Defines alternative payment methods as specified.

A created Payment Base will be stored in the System and will be available to be applied to Managed Contracts.

Contract Line Item Types

Contract Line Items are a line of deliverables of a contract.  Line Items are the base for contract planning, inspections and control techniques.  For this, Line Items must be subdivided or decomposed into a series of Drops or work Items.

A Line Item can refer to a Good, Service, or Work.  When creating a Line Item, the Type must be specified.

  • Good - A tangible commodity as conditioned in the Contract.
  • Service - An intangible service as conditioned in the Contract.
  • Work - Operational services providing on behalf of the Contractor.
  • Other - A Line Item that differentiates from the options above.

When a Line Item is entered into the System, it is later applied to the Managed Contract and their associated processes.



Payment Base


The Payment Base outlines the payment details applied to a Contract.  The Payment Base may be set to Lump Sum, Time Based, and Other.

A created Payment Base will be stored in the System and available to be applied to Managed Contracts.



Contract Management ► Support Entities ►Payment Bases


Payment Base screen fields and Tabs




Unique Identifier for the Payment Base. It is auto-generated by the System.


 If true, the Payment Base can be used in Contract transactions.  If false, the Payment Base cannot be used anymore and it would be there for reference purposes.

 Payment Base Type

Values are Lump Sum, Time Base, or Other.

Unit Of Measure

 Defines in which the Payment Base is measured.


 Language used.


Name of the Payment Base.


Description or instruction(s) related with the Payment Base.


Contract Line Item Type


Contract Line Items are the line of deliverables of a Contract.  Line Items are the base for Contract Planning, inspections and control techniques.  For this, Line Items must be subdivided or decomposed into a series of Drops or Work Items.

A Line Item can refer to a GoodServiceWork, or Other.  When creating a Line Item, the Type must be specified.When a Line Item is entered into the System, it is later applied to Contract and their associated processes.



Contract Management ► Support Entities ►Contract Line Item Types


The Contract Line Item Type screen fields and Tabs




Unique auto-generated identifier for the Line Item Type.


 Line Item Type may be: Good, service, Work, or Other.

Maximum Advance

Maximum Percentage of allowed amounts for Payment Advances on Line Items (i.e., for 20% enter 20 into field).

Maximum Retention

Maximum Percentage of allowed amounts for Payment Retentions on Line Items (i.e., for 30% enter 30 into field).


Language Used.


Name of the Line Item Type.