This section holds complementary contents relative to the different System modules.



Common Tasks

This section contains a descriptions of common tasks shared by different Modules of the System.

Searching for Records or Elements



(any screen in Search Mode or click a Find icon )


To SEARCH for ALL records/elements, follow the following steps:

  1. Leave all fields blank.
  2. Click the Find icon .


You can create filters for one or more fields:

  • You can use '*' (ZERO OR MORE characters wildcard):  This will recover all records/elements that comply with your filter (e.g., '*2' will retrieve '2', 'c2', '1232', but not '23'; '*SMITH*' will retrieve 'JOHN SMITH', 'CAROL SMITHERS', but not 'Carl Smith').
  • You ca use '?' (ONE character wildcard):  This will recover all records/elements that comply with your filter (e.g., '?2' will retrieve '32', 'x2', '#2', but not '2'). 


Creating Coding Blocks


(Click New Icon  under  or  or  at  Contract Payment Retention)


This entity contains the collection of Coding Blocks used in Contract Line Items, Payment Retention and Guarantees entities.  It is a collection because Coding Blocks are registered per Fiscal Year and Contracts can be multi-year.  It is necessary a collection of Coding Blocks for all fiscal years covered by the Contract:

A Coding Block can be added by SELECTING a pre-existing one already recorded in the System, or by COMPOSING a Coding Block out of segments pre-defined in the Chart of Accounts.

To SELECT a Coding Block, follow these steps:

  1. In the Coding Block window, click the Lookup icon  next to the Coding Block field, then click the Find icon  on the Coding Block window for recovering the list of all pre-defined Coding Blocks
  2. Select the desired Coding Block from the list, and
  3. Click the Save and Return icon  to record your selection and return to the previous window or click the Discard icon  to clear your current selection and return to the previous window.

To COMPOSE Coding Block, follow these steps:

  1. In the Coding Block window, click the New icon next to the Coding Block field.  Another window will display.
  2. For each Coding Block segment displayed select the appropriate element from the pull-down list.
    Alternative, you can click the Lookup icon , then click the Find icon  on the Element window for recovering the list of all pre-defined elements, and then click the required element to return to the previous window.  Also, you can click the Hierarchical Element Selection icon  to compose the Coding Block using the values from the pull-down lists; once all  hierarchical segments have been specified, click the Save and Return icon  to record your selection and return to the previous window or click the Discard icon  to clear your current selection and return to the previous window.
  3. Once all Coding Block segments have been specified, click the Save and Return icon  to record your selection and return to the previous window or click the Discard icon  to clear your current selection and return to the previous window.
  4. Click the Save and Return icon  to record your selection and return to the previous window or click the Discard icon  to clear your current selection and return to the previous window.


Contract Payment Coding Block


This entity contains the collection of Coding Blocks used in the Payment entity. It is a collection because Coding Blocks are registered per Fiscal Year and Contracts can be multi-year. Therefore, a payment can be planned in a fiscal year and completed in another fiscal year.

Navigation  click the New Icon under

Not Included Reports

Contract Claims Report


This report shows a list of Contract Claims. Each Claim with the following information: Claim ID, Vendor ID (who submits the Claim), Contract ID, Claim Date, Claim Status, Resolution ID, Resolution Type Short Description, and Resolution Status.

Some additional filters are available such as Contract, Vendor, Claim Date Period, Claim Status, Resolution Type Result, and Resolution Status

An Example of this report is shown below.


Definition of Report Fields

The Contract Claims Report includes the following fields:

Report FieldsDescription
Report dateThe date the report was created. It is automatically generated.
Report timeThe time the report was created. It is automatically generated.
UserThe person who generates the report.
PageReport page number.
Filter CriteriaFilter Criteria as entered under the Contract Claims Report.
Sort ByUsed to sort the report by a specific sorting criteria
CommentsAny comment written by the user in the report generation window
Claim IDUnique Identifier for the Claim.
Vendor IDUnique Identifier for the Vendor.
Contract IDUnique Identifier for the Contract.
Claim DateDate Claim was submitted.
Claim StatusClaim status may be: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Rejected or Cancelled. Default value is created. 
Resolution IDUnique identifier for the Resolution.
Resolution Type Short DescriptionShort description of the resolution type ex: Not enough support information.
Resolution StatusResolution status may be: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Published or Cancelled. Default value is created. 

Generation of the Report

The Contract Claims Report shows a list of Contract Claims.

To GENERATE the Contract Claims Report, follow the steps below:


The Contract Claims Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:

  • Contract - Contract unit (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon , and Find icon  to retrieve the Contract unit.  If selected, the report will include the selected Contract unit and all Contracts below the selected unit. Refer to Managed Contract for more information.
  • Vendor - Vendor unit (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon , and Find icon  to retrieve the Vendor unit. If selected, the report will include the selected Vendor unit and all Vendors below the selected unit. Refer to Vendors for more information.
  • Claim Status - Select a Claim Status from the options available for selection.
  • Resolution Status - Select a Resolution Status from the options available for selection.
  • Claim Date Period - Claim Date Period (optional parameter) that can be selected by using the calendar icon
  • Resolution Type - Select the Resolution Type from the drop-down menu.
  • Comments - Enter the Comments related to the generation of the report
  • Sort By - Click the ,,  icons to add and remove filter criteria to / from the selected list and click the , , ,  icons to move the items in the selected list up and down to put them in the desired order of appearance. Sort the Claim ID by the preferred ascending and descending order using the red arrow icon

If all filter criteria are left blank, all Contracts, Vendors, Claim Statuses, Resolution Statuses, Claim Dates Period, Resolution Types, and Comments will be included in the Report, as well as all the  Contracts, Vendors, Claim Statuses, Resolution Statuses, Claim Dates Period, Resolution Types, and Comments allowed by the report user security profile.

The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the , , , , and  icons.

Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report


This report shows a list of Vendor Performance Evaluations related with Contracts. Each Performance Evaluation shows the following information: Evaluation ID, Vendor ID, Vendor Name, Contract ID, Rating Short Description, Rating Value, and Evaluation Date.

Some additional filters are available such as Contract, Vendor, and Evaluation Date Period.

An example of this report is shown below.


Definition of Report Fields

The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report includes the following fields:

Report FieldsDescription
Report dateThe date the report was created. This Value is automatically generated.
Report timeThe time the report was created. This Value is automatically generated.
UserThe person who generates the report.
PageReport page number.
Filter CriteriaFilter Criteria as entered under the vendor Performance Evaluation in Contract Report.
Sort ByUsed to sort the report by a specific sorting criteria.
CommentsComment written by the user in the report generation window.
Evaluation IDUnique integer identifier for a evaluation.
Vendor IDUnique integer identifier for a Vendor.
Vendor NameName of Vendor.
Contract IDUnique Identifier for the Contract.
Rating Short DescriptionBrief description for the Vendor Performance Rating ex: Excellent, Good, Regular, Bad etc.
Rating Value
Value assigned to the rating. For example: 5 is Excellent, and 1 is Bad.
Evaluation DateDate of Evaluation.
AverageAverage Rating Value for vendors in evaluation.

Generation of the Report

The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report shows a list of Vendor Performance Evaluations related with Contracts.

To GENERATE the Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report, follow the steps below:


The Vendor Performance Evaluation In Contracts Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:

  • Vendor - Vendor unit (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon , and Find icon  to retrieve the Vendor unit. If selected, the report will include the selected Vendor unit and all Vendors below the selected unit. Refer to Vendors for more information.
  • Contract - Contract unit (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon , and Find icon  to retrieve the Contract unit. If selected, the report will include the selected Contract unit and all Contracts below the selected unit. Refer to Managed Contract for more information.
  • Evaluation Start Date - Evaluation Start Date (optional parameter) that can be selected by using the calendar icon .
  • Evaluation End Date - Evaluation Start End (optional parameter) that can be selected by using the calendar icon .
  • Comments - Enter the Comments related to the generation of the report.
  • Sort By - Click the ,,  icons to add and remove filter criteria to / from the selected list and click the , , ,  icons to move the items in the selected list up and down to put them in the desired order of appearance. Sort the Evaluation ID by the preferred ascending and descending order using the red arrow icon .

If all filter criteria are left blank, all Vendors, Contracts, Evaluation Start Dates, Evaluation End Dates, and Comments will be included in the Report, as well as the Vendors, Contracts, Evaluation Start Dates, Evaluation End Dates, and Comments allowed by the report user security profile.

The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the , , , , and  icons.