Budget Control Update Voucher


The Budget Control Update Voucher is used to transfer a Budget amount from one budget item to another or to increase or decrease the amount of a budget item. When the Voucher type is set to 'Update', users can enter a single budget item with the amount to be increased or decreased; users also can enter multiple items. 



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Control Update Voucher


Budget Control Update Voucher screen Fields and Tabs




Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters.

Workflow Status

Current workflow status of the Update Voucher created. It is a closed domain, means automatically updated by the system.

Budget Control Type

Function used to define the Budget Control Types (e.g., Allotement1, Allotment2, Financial Budget, etc.) and link each type with a predefined COA Group.

Voucher Type

This function is an option to update the Budget Control or Transfer to budget.

Fiscal Year

Captures the Fiscal Year of the Budget Control.  Default value is the current Fiscal Year in the system.

Fiscal Period

Captures the Fiscal Period of the Budget Control.  Default value is the current Fiscal Period in the system.


Indicates the voucher classification. User to select a classification a drop down list should present all the active classifications that apply to the selected Budget Control Type.

Budget Office

Budget office of the Budget Control, contains an Institution catalogue.

Posting Status

This field is a 'Display only' field and will be updated by the system when the voucher is either saved (then the attribute is updated to Saved) or temp saved (then the attribute is updated to Temp Saved).

Temp #

Serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved.

Not Posted Reason

This field gets mandatory when the Budget Control Update Voucher is Temp saved. Users have to put here the reasons for not posting the voucher.


Selected currency for the Voucher.  Default is Domestic Currency.

Exchange Rate

Latest active exchange rate for the selected currency.

Update Higher Level Budget Controls

If checked, indicates if updating the higher level Budget Controls once the lower control is updated through this voucher is allowed.

Voucher Date

Date the voucher is created.


Language used to register the Budget Control Update Voucher’s description.


A Description of the Budget Control Update Voucher.

Debit (Domestic)

Total Domestic Debit amount of all line items. Default is Zero

Debit (Foreign)

Total Foreign Debit amount of all line items.

Credit (Domestic)

Total Domestic Credit amount of all line items.

Credit (Foreign)

Total Foreign Credit amount of all line items.

Created By

Indicates users who created the Budget Control Update Voucher; automatically populated.

Created On

Indicates the date the Budget Control Update Voucher was created; automatically populated.

Approved By

Indicates users who approved the Budget Control Update Voucher; automatically populated.

Approved On

Indicates when the Budget Control Update Voucher was approved; automatically populated.

Is Reversed

Indicate if the Budget Control Update Voucher is reversed.

Is Reversal

Indicate if the Budget Control Update Voucher is a reversal from a previously created and approved Budget Control Update Voucher

Reversed Voucher

Voucher ID the reversed voucher.

Reversal Voucher

Voucher ID the reversal voucher.

Items Tab

Items and Item Distributions for the Budget Control Update Voucher.

Attachment Tab

Collection of zero to more attachments, which are used as supporting documents for the Budget Control Update Voucher.




The information regarding the attachment. It further contains the description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here.


Attachment Tab screen Fields




Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters.

Attachment Classification

Classification of the attachment can be selected here.


Name of Attachment.


Any description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here.


Automatically populated by the system


Budget Control Update Voucher Item

Budget Control Update Voucher Item  screen fields



Serial Number

Automatically generated Serial Number for the Item, starts with 1 for every new Budget Control Update Voucher.

Coding Block

Coding Block for the Item.

Debit (Domestic)

Total Domestic Debit amount of the line item.

Debit (Foreign)

Total Foreign Debit amount of the line item

Credit (Domestic)

Total Domestic Credit amount of the line item.

Credit (Foreign)

Total Foreign Credit amount of the line item.


Language used to enter the description information.


A Description of the line Item.

InstitutionDefault is from the BCUV Budget Office. If the BCUV is from Budget Planning, this attribute will be populated with the Institution Element equal to the Element of the BCUV Line Item Coding Block, of segment with Is Organization Segment set to True, and with is Budget Office set to True.

Distributions Tab

Section where the Budget Control Update Voucher Item Distributions are defined for the Current Fiscal Year. 


Budget Control Update Voucher Item Distribution


This entity will be populated automatically by the system, getting the current fiscal period from header of Update Voucher and updating it according to the fiscal level of the relevant budget control. Therefore the user doesn´t need to populate it. If the user decides to modify the values populated by the system, then system will always maintain integrity of the amounts: sum of all the distribution amount is equal to total amount of items and same with header which will be sum of all items amount. System will update the aggregated amount automatically.


Budget Control Update Voucher Item Distribution screen Fields



Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period of the distributed amount of the Budget Control Update Voucher.

Free Balance (Domestic)

Domestic Free Balance amount of the period.

Free Balance (Foreign)

Foreign Free Balance amount of the period.

Debit (Domestic)

Domestic Debit amount for the period.

Debit (Foreign)

Distributed Foreign Amount for the period; default is zero.

Credit (Domestic)

Distributed Domestic Credit amount for the period, Default is Zero.

Credit (Foreign)

Distributed Foreign Credit amount for the period, Default is Zero.