
Commitment Or Obligation Analysis Report


This report allows users to analyse Commitment and obligations information according to the parameter given by users.Users are able to group the commitment/obligation data based on a number of criteria, displaying sub-totals if required. The grouping options are based on the different Segments of Chart of Accounts.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Commitment/Obligation Analysis Report


Commitment Or Obligation Analysis Report sereen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter Criteria for the report.


If the record is retrieved from Commitments entity then “CMT” if it is from Obligations then “OBL”, or ‘ALL’.

Commitment Item Status

Status of the commitment item.User can select from ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.

Obligation Item Status

Status of the obligation item.User can select from ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.


The Commitment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Obligation that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Vendor that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


A comment for the Commitment/Obligation Analysis Report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

Indicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.


Financial Budget Overview Report


The Financial Budgets Overview allows users to view many budgets records all at once within a user-defined range. The coding block applicable to budgets is specified using the Coding Blocks function.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Financial Budget Overview Report


Financial Budget Overview Report screen Fields and description



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system.

Budget Control Type

Contains the budget group where the coding block will be selected.


A comment for the Financial Budget Overview Report.


State Budget By Organization Report


The State Budget By Organizatioin Report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.
In addition to allowing the user to select report break sections, there is the ability to group the data on up to four ‘sort sequences’ and specify ranges for these groupings. By specifying these sort sequences, sub totals are included for the last three of the four groupings.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  State Budget By Organization Report


State Budget By Organization Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Commitment Details Report


The Commitment Details Report displays the details of the Commitment information. The report shows the details from the Commitments table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Budget Office, Issue Date and Commitment Status.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Commitment Details Report


Commitment Details Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Commitment Status

The Commitment Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Office

The Budget Office that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Issue Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Group By Type

The Group By Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 


Obligations Detail Report


The report will display the most important columns of the Obligations, some filter will be allowed to the users (Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Budget Office, Issue Date and Commitment Status) the report can be grouped and summarized for any of the available filters.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Obligations Details Report


Obligations Detail Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Obligation Status

The Obligation Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Workflow Status

The Workflow Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Filter the report by source of the obligation.
Two options available
Purchase Order

Source Document #

The document number of the source document (PO) with Hyper-link to source voucher.


The Commitment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Obligation that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Vendor that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

Indicates that there will be a hierarchical element restriction and Coding block restriction used to filter.

Issue Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Group By Type

The Group By Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 


Budget Update Transfer Voucher Report


The report shows the details from the Budget Control Update Voucher, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Voucher Type (Update or Transfer), Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Voucher Date, Budget Office and Voucher Number.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Update Transfer Voucher Report


Budget Update Transfer Voucher Report screen Fields



Report Type

Users can see two types of report.
Summary report
Detail report

Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter Criteria for the report.

Budget Control Voucher Type

The Budget Control Voucher Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Office

The Budget Office that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Number

The Voucher Number that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Allows to select classification from drop-down list

Voucher Amount From

Voucher Amount From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Amount To

Voucher Amount To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Group By Type

The Group By Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 


Obligations By Vendor Report


This Report shows the list of Obligations by Vendor from the Obligation Entity, and groups the information (with Vendor totals) by Vendor. The user should be allowed to filter by Obligation Fiscal Year, Vendor Code, Amount, Obligation Source, Status, and Balance. The output will display a list of Obligation by Vendors, sorted by Vendor code.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Obligation By Vendor Report


Obligations By Vendor Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter Criteria for the report.


The Source that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Domestic Balance

The Domestic Balance that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Total Domestic Amount From

The Total Domestic Amount From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Total Domestic Amount To

The Total Domestic Amount To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Issue Date

To Date : The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
From Date : The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Vendor Tab

The Vendor that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Commitment List By Commitment Number Report


The report will display the Commitment IDs, item numbers and description, commitment status, source, total amounts and total YTD actual amounts, and variances, in both domestic and foreign currencies. The information will be grouped by commitment number. Filters by Fiscal Year, commitment ID, commitment source, status, and positive/negative balance will be available.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Commitment List By Commitment Number Details Report


Commitment List By Commitment Number Report screen Fields



Commitments Fiscal Year

The Commitments Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. Its a mandatory field.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Commitments Distribution FiscalYear

The Commitments Distribution Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Commitment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Issue Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Commitment Source that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Possible values are: Manual, Requisition.


The Status of the commitment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Possible values are: "Open", "Closed".


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Domestic Balance

The Domestic Balance that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Obligation List By Obligation ID Report


The report will display the Obligation IDs, item numbers and description, vendor name, obligation status, source, total amounts and total YTD actual amounts, and variances, in both domestic and foreign currencies.  The information will be grouped by Obligation ID.  Filters by Fiscal Year, Obligation ID, issue date, obligation source, status, and positive/negative balance will be available. 



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Obligation List By Obligation ID Report


Obligation List By Obligation ID Report screen Fields



Obligation Fiscal Year

The Obligation Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Distribution Fiscal Year

The Distribution Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Obligation Source that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Possible values are: Manual, Purchase Order.


The Status of Obligation that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Possible values are: Closed, Open.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Domestic Balance

The Domestic Balance that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Possible values are: Positive, Negative.


The Obligations that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Issue Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Approval Date

From Date (Approval Date): The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date (Approval Date): The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Control Summary Report


The Budget Control Summary report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Control Summary Report


Budget Control Summary Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Variance Summary Report


The purpose of the Budget Variance Report - Summary is to display the current budget and actual figures for the report period (Current Period), the year to date (YTD) Current Budget and Actual figures and the variance for the period and the year to date expressed as a dollar figure and a percentage of the current budget.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Variance Summary Report


Budget Variance Summary Report screen Fields




The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Allocation Planning Report


This report shows information about the programming, execution and pending to expense of Budget Allocation Planning, allowing to user filter or analize allocation planning



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Allocation Planning Report


Budget Allocation Planning Report screen field



Fiscal Year

Fiscal year as reflected while generating the report.

Budget Control Type

States the budget control type name. The user will be able to select only Budget control type having COA group with Budget preparation and Budget Execution as FALSE.


Budget Control Currency Amount (Domestic)


Comment regarding the report.


Credit Opening Analysis Report


The User can use this report to compare the Amounts that are using such a Quota for expend or Credit Openning against to Commitment or Obligations. Credit Opening Analysis Report  (with Allocated, UnAllocated, Not Main Allocated) Columns.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Credit Opening Analysis Report


Credit Opening Analysis Report screen fields

Fiscal YearFiscal year as reflected while generating the report.
Fiscal Period FromFiscal Year Starting date
Fiscal Period ToFiscal Year end date.
Budget Control TypeStates the budget control type name. The user will be able to select only Budget control type having COA group with Budget preparation and Budget Execution as FALSE.
CurrencySystem should display Currency Symbol for the Domestic amount.
Allocated/UnAllocatedThis allocated?unalloacted amount uses domestic amount.
Not Main Allocated/Not Main UnAllocated 
CommentComment regarding the report


FreeBalance Summary Accumulated Report


This report compares the non-obligated funds with commitments to provide summarized free balance information (in both currency amounts and percentages) for each budget control account defined under the specified sort sequence criteria.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► FreeBalance Summary Accumulated Report


FreeBalance Summary Accumulated Report screen fields


Fiscal Year

Signifies the fiscal year of the report.

Budget Control Type

The user is allowed to select only Budget control type having COA group with Budget preparation and Budget Execution as FALSE


System should display Currency Symbol for the Domestic amount..


Comment regaring the Report.


Liberia Reports

Budget Execution For Liberia Report


This report allows user to display the budget execution as of a specific date.

A screenshot of the Budget Execution For Liberia Report  feature is available here<. Image is shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to the installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.

Users access Budget Execution For Liberia Report  from within the menu through this navigation path: Budgeting & Appropriations ► Reports ► Liberia Report  ► Budget Execution For Liberia Report 


The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Budget Execution For Liberia Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Fiscal YearIt allows application users to select the fiscal year using dropdown feature.
CurrencyIt allows application users to select the currency using dropdown feature.
Display Zero Amount InformationDefault value of this field is true, when application users checks as fasle,then system will remove all rows of information that has no amounts in any of the columns.
CommentIt allows application users to enter comments related to report.
Coding Block Filter TypeIt allows application users to select the coding block filter type.
Coding Block It allows users to select the coding block using lookup feature or users can enter manually.


Visible Fields

The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Budget Execution For Liberia Reportin their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Budget Execution For Liberia Report is available here.

Report DateIt indicates the report generation date.
Report TimeIt indicates the report generation time.
User CodeIt shows the user ID who generates the report.
Page NumberIt indicates the page number.
Report NameIt indicates the name of the report.
Fiscal YearIt indicates the fiscal year as per the filter selected by users.
Filter CriteriaIt indicates the filters whatever selected by the user.
CurrencyIt indicates the domestic currency of the country or as per the selection of users.
CommentsIt shows the comment entered by user during the report generation.
Original AppropriationShows the amount of original appropriation.
TransferShows the transfer domestic amount.
Allotment YTDShows the budget control current amount domestic.
Outstanding ObligationsShows the obligation domestic amount.
Grand TotalShows the grand total of each column.


The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Budget Execution For Liberia Report feature.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format.
This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format.
This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format.
This button allows users to generate the report in HTML format.
The Lookup field allows users to browse and select existing items.


Budget Execution Project Report


This report allows users to display the budget execution as of a specific date.

A screenshot of the Budget Execution Project Report feature is available here<. Image is shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to the installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.

Users access Budget Execution Project Report  from within the menu through this navigation path: Budgeting & Appropriations ► Reports ► Liberia Report  ► Budget Execution Project Report 


The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Budget Execution Project Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Fiscal YearIt allows application users to select the fiscal year using dropdown feature.
CurrencyIt allows application users to select the currency using dropdown feature.
ProjectIt allows application users to select the project using lookup feature.
Display Zero Amount InformationDefault value of this field is true, when application users checks as false,then system removes all rows of information that has no amounts in any of the columns.
CommentIt allows application users to enter comments related to report.

Visible Fields

The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Budget Execution Project Reportin their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Budget Execution Project Report is available here.

Report DateIt indicates the report generation date.
Report TimeIt indicates the report generation time.
User CodeIt shows the user ID who generates the report.
Page NumberIt indicates the page number.
Report NameIt indicates the name of the report.
Fiscal YearIt indicates the fiscal year as per the filter selected by users.
Filter CriteriaIt indicates the filters whatever selected by the user.
CurrencyIt indicates the domestic currency of the country or as per the selection of users.
CommentsIt shows the comment entered by user during the report generation.
Original AppropriationShows the amount of original appropriation.
TransferShows the transfer domestic amount.
Allotment YTDShows the budget control current amount domestic.
Outstanding ObligationsShows the obligation domestic amount.
Grand TotalShows the grand total of each column.


The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Budget Execution Project Report feature.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format.
This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format.
This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format.
This button allows users to generate the report in HTML format.
The Lookup field allows users to browse and select existing items.


Projected Surplus/Deficit List of Accounts Report


This report compares annual budgets with forecasts to provide projected surplus/deficit information (in both currency amounts and percentages) for each budget account defined under the specified sort sequence criteria.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Project Surplus/Deficit List of Accounts Report


Projected Surplus/Deficit List of Accounts Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Variance List Of Accounts Report


The purpose of the Budget Variance Report - List of Accounts is to display the current budget and actual figures for the report period (Current Period by default, users can change it), the year to date (YTD) Current Budget and Actual figures and the variance for the period and the year to date expressed as a dollar figure and a percentage of the current budget.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Variance List Of Accounts Report


Budget Variance List Of Accounts Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Free Balance List Of Account Report


The purpose of the "Free Balance List of Accounts" report is to list the Budget Control Financial Coding Blocks and associated Budget, YTD Actuals, Obligations, Commitments and Free Balance Amounts.  The information can be grouped by any concept of any segment of the financial coding block.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Free Balance List Of Account Report


Free Balance List Of Account Report screen Fields

Fiscal YearThe Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Budget Control TypeThe Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
CurrencyThe Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Coding Block DescriptionThe Coding Block Description that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
CommentThe Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Projected Surplus/Deficit Summary Report


This report compares annual budgets with forecasts to provide summarized projected surplus/deficit information (in both currency amounts and percentages) for each budget account defined under the specified sort sequence criteria.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Project Surplus/Deficit List of Accounts Report


Projected Surplus/Deficit Summary Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


FreeBalance Summary Report


This report compares the non-obligated funds with commitments to provide summarized free balance information (in both currency amounts and percentages) for each budget control account defined under the specified sort sequence criteria.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Free Balance List Of Account Report


FreeBalance Summary Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Financial Budget Inquiry Report


The purpose of the Financial Budget Inquiry report is to display current budget figures for the fiscal year selected based on the selected financial coding block concepts and elements.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Financial Budget Inquiry Report


Financial Budget Inquiry Report screen Fields



Report Type

The Report Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Users can see two types report: Detail and Summary.

Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

 Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list

Display Currency

The Display Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Expenditure And Forecast List Of Accounts Report


This report provides a detailed itemization of the remaining forecast and projected surplus or deficit information, in both domestic amounts and percentages, for each specified budget account. This information can help you determine whether your annual forecast targets will be achieved.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Expenditure And Forecast List Of Accounts Report


Expenditure And Forecast List Of Accounts Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Details Report


The Budget Details Report displays the annual budget broken down by budget period (e.g. month) based on the criteria selected. The report displays values from the Chart of Accounts tables as specified by users.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Details Report


Budget Details Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system.

Fiscal Period Form

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Original Budget

Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.

Current Budget

Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.

Free Balance

Check to see in this report.


Check to see in this report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Segment Group By

Segment group that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Concept Group By

Concept group that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Indicative Commitment Details Report


The purpose of the "Indicative Commitment Details Report" report is to display details of the indicative commitments in the system. This report allows users to get detailed information for indicative commitments grouping by different fields and using different filters as Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period,  Budget Office, Commitment Status or Workflow Status.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Indicative Commitment Details Report


Indicative Commitment Details Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Commitment ID

The Commitment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Commitment Status

Users can select from ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’. as filter criteria.

Workflow Status

The workflow status that may selected as filter criteria.


Source of the commitment that may be selected as filter criteria.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Office

Budget office that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Issue Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Group By Type

The Group By Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 


Budget Management Report


This report shows information about the execution status of different elements of the Chart of Accounts. The report allows users to select the kind of elements that he/she wants to analyze.

It displays for each COA element the following information: current budget, actual, difference between current budget and actual and percentage of difference. 

It also displays the information by group; users are able to select the grouping criteria using an element or group of elements of the COA. The report also allows filtering the information by coding block (specific coding block, coding block expression or hierarchical coding block elements).

Due to the information include in this report, it is particularly oriented to Managers and Directors.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Management Report


Budget Management Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

Contains the budget group where the coding block will be selected.


A comment for the Financial Budget Overview Report.


Budget Update Transfer Details Report


The report shows the details from the Budget Control Update Voucher, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows users to filter the records on Voucher Type (Update or Transfer), Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Voucher Date, Budget Office and Voucher Number.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Budget Update Transfer Details Report


Budget Update Transfer Details Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Type

The Voucher Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Allows to select the Classification from drop-down list

Workflow Status

The Workflow Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Is Include Fiscal Period Distribution

Filter the report by checking the IsIncludeFiscalPeriodDistribution check box.

Voucher Id

The Voucher Id that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Date

The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Institution that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Inadeh Reports

Budget Execution For Inadeh Report


The budget execution For Inadeh report displays the accumulated amount, from the first period up to the final period for the selected budget control.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Inadeh Report  Budget Execution For Inadeh screen 


Budget Execution For Inadeh Report screen fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Segment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Concept that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Detail For Inadeh Report


The budget detail report display all the transactions related to each coding block and values from budget control.
This report displays a summary with accumulated amount year to date of the budget control and its distribution per period.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Inadeh Report  Budget Detail For Inadeh Report 


Budget Detail For Inadeh Report screen fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Currency that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Budget Execution Report For Revenues


This report displays the list of incomes for each Institution existing in the system allowing the analysis of the information by different Income Classifications. Using this report, user analyses the income information by the different levels of the Income Hierarchy in the CoA structure, comparing the original budget, Current (Annual), Current (To Date), actual, accumulated balance and % Accumulated Execution.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Inadeh Report  Budget Execution Report For Revenues 


Budget Execution Report For Revenues screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 

Group By Segment Concept

The Group By Segment Concept that may be selected as filter criteria for the report. 


Laos Reports

Budget Status Statement Report


The Budget Status Statement Report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  Budget Status Statement Report 


Budget Status Statement Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Cash Allocation Listing By Allocation Number Report


The Cash Allocation Listing By Allocation Number Report report displays the details of the Budget Control Update Voucher information.The report shows the details from the Budget Control Update Voucher, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows users to filter the records on Voucher Type (Update or Transfer), Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Voucher Date, Budget Office and Voucher Number.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  Cash Allocation Listing By Allocation Number Report


Cash Allocation Listing By Allocation Number Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period From

The Fiscal Period From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period To

The Fiscal Period To that may be selected as filter Criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list

Budget Control Voucher Type

The Budget Control Voucher Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Number From

The Voucher Number From that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Number To

The Voucher Number To that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Workflow Status

The Workflow Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Budget Control Type

The Budget Control Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Voucher Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Quarterly Budget Statement Report


The Quarterly Budget Statement Report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.
In addition to allowing the user to select report break sections, there is the ability to group the data on up to four ‘sort sequences’ and specify ranges for these groupings. By specifying these sort sequences, sub totals are included for the last three of the four groupings.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  Quarterly Budget Statement Report


Quarterly Budget Statement Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


State Budget Plan Central And Local Report


The State Budget Plan Central And Local Report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.
In addition to allowing the user to select report break sections, there is the ability to group the data on up to four ‘sort sequences’ and specify ranges for these groupings. By specifying these sort sequences, sub totals are included for the last three of the four groupings.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  State Budget Plan Central And Local Report


State Budget Plan Central And Local Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


A comment for the Commitment/Obligation Analysis Report.


State Budget Status By Organization Report


The State Budget Status By Organization Report displays the details of one level of the Budget Control information, and all Commitments and Obligations registered and controlled at that level in the application. These are displayed, along with some additional calculations to display the aggregated data necessary for appropriations.
The report shows the details from the Commitments and Obligations tables, allowing the user to filter on the GL Tables (Appropriation Category, Account Type, etc.) along with Fiscal Year and Location.
In addition to allowing the user to select report break sections, there is the ability to group the data on up to four ‘sort sequences’ and specify ranges for these groupings. By specifying these sort sequences, sub totals are included for the last three of the four groupings.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  State Budget Status By Organization Report


State Budget Status By Organization Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


State Budget Status Central And Local Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report  State Budget Status Central And Local Report


State Budget Status Central And Local Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Fiscal Period

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Periods in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Quarterly Budget Status Statement Report




Budgeting & Appropriations  Reports  Laos Reports  Quarterly Budget Status Statement Report

Quarterly Budget Status Statement Report Screen Fields




Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Fiscal Period

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Periods in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Expenditure State Budget Status With Commitments And Obligations Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Expenditure State Budget Status With Commitments And Obligations report


Expenditure State Budget Status With Commitments And Obligations Report screen Field



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Fiscal Period

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Periods in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Project State Budget Report


State Budget Plan (Central and Local)' can be taken as base for this report.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Project State Budget Report


Project State Budget Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Expenditure By Sector Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Expenditure By Sector Report


Expenditure By Sector Report screen Field



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list

Fiscal Period

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


State Budget By Sector Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► State Budget By Sector Report


State Budget By Sector Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Cash Allocation Listing By Economic Classification Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Cash Allocation Listing By Economic Classification Report


Cash Allocation Listing By Economic Classification Report screen fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system. 

Budget Control Voucher Type

The Budget Control Voucher Type that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Workflow Status

The Workflow Status that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select the amount types from drop-down list

Budget Control Update Voucher

The Budget Control Update Voucher that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Approval Date

From Date: The From Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
To Date: The To Date that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Expenditure Budget By Office Report




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Expenditure Budget By Office Report


Expenditure Budget By Office Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select amount types from dropdown list

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Expenditure Budget By Ministry/Province




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report Expenditure Budget By Ministry/Province

Expenditure Budget By Ministry/Province screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select amount types from dropdown list


Ministry or Province that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Departmental Budget By Organization




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report ► Departmental Budget By Organization

Departmental Budget By Organization screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select amount types from dropdown list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.


Departmental Budget Status By Organization




Budgeting & Appropriation ► Reports ► Laos Report Departmental Budget Status By Organization


Departmental Budget Status By Organization screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Year that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Print Amount

Allows to select amount types from dropdown list


The Comment that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements

The Is Hierarchical Elements Restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.
The Coding Block restriction that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.