Cash Requirement Report


Cash Requirements Report displays the cash required to pay the Epense Vouchers which have been approved for payment.


Fields of Cash Requirements Report may be described in the following lines:

Report TypeWhther the report is a summary report or details report is selected in this field from dropdown box.
Vouchers On HoldWhether the voucher are on hold for report purpose, is mentioned.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year for Cash Requirements Report generation.
Payment Due DateDue date for payment is entered on the basis of which the report is generated.
Financial InstitutionBank from where the payment is to be made.
Financial Institution BranchBranch of bank from where the payments are to be made.
Payment DateDate of payment for Expense Voucher.
VendorVendor who shall receive the payment.
Accounting OfficeAcounting office for Payment Order.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury bank account related with Payment Order.
Payment LocationLocation where the payment is to be made.
Payment MethodMethod of payment for Expense Voucher is selected for report generation.
Payment ModeMode of payment for Expense voucher is selected for report generation.
CommentComment for Report.
Sort BySorting the data for report generation.