This report shows information related with the cash plan execution for a specific cash plan type (plan of receipts, plan of payments, etc.). Displayed information includes: budget amounts (original and current), cash plan amounts (original and current) and execution amounts (actual, accounts payable and accounts receivable). The report can be filtered by fiscal year, cash plan type, status, detail level (annual, fiscal period or date), coding block or fiscal period. Also, the report can be group by any CoA concept (level) for each segment in the cash management CoA group. This allows analyzing the displayed amounts at different levels of segregation. Using the filtering functionality such as coding block, this report allows generating information by different criteria such as source of financing, institution, agency, cost center, expense/revenue type, etc. (basically by any of the elements including in the CoA).
Cash Plannning Execution Report screen include the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year for which Cash Planning Execution Report is to be generated. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period for which Cash Planning Execution Report is to be generated. |
Cash Planning Type | Cash planning type of Cash plan which has been executed, is to be selected. |
Cash Plan Status | Status of Cash plan is to be selected. |
Detail Level | Details on the basis of which the report is to be generated. Options available are: Annual, Fiscal period and date. |
Currency | Currency in which the report is to be generated. |
Comment | Comment on the report to be generated. |
This report shows detailed information for a Cash Plan including budget amounts (original, current, actual, etc.) and cash plan amounts (original, current). It shows information for a specific cash plan type such as plan of receipts, plan of payments, etc. not for consolidated cash plans. The report can be filtered by fiscal year, cash plan type, status, detail level (annual, fiscal period or date), coding block or fiscal period. Also, the report can be group by any CoA concept (level) for each segment in the cash management CoA group. This allows analyzing the displayed amounts at different levels of segregation. Using the filtering functionality such as coding block, this report allows generating cash plan information by different criteria such as source of financing, institution, agency, cost center, expense/revenue type, etc. (basically by any of the elements including in the CoA).
Cash Planning Report screen include the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year for which cash planning report is to be generated. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period relating to cah planning report is to be generated. |
Cash Planning Type | Cash planning type of Cash planning is to be selected from dropdown box. |
Cash Plan Status | Status of Cash plan is to be selected from the dropdown box. |
Detail Level | Details to be shown in the report which may be annual, based on fiscal period or date, is to be selected from this field. |
Currency | Currency in which the report is to be generated. |
Comment | Comment on the report is mentioned in this field. |
This report shows the consolidated cash plan which incorporates the information of all the individual cash plans for a specific fiscal year such as Plan of Receipts, Plan of Payments and Plan of Receipts and Payments by Source of Financing. Report information is presented to the Fiscal Year level (consolidated).
The report is broken down by revenues and expenses. Each coding block included in the individual cash plans is displayed inside one of these main groups (revenues, expenses, other). Some of them can be splitted into sub-groups. Report shows all the hierarchy if applies.
A sum of cash plan amounts is displayed for each group and sub-group. The report can be filtered by fiscal year and cash plan status. Due to the information include in this report, it is particularly oriented to Managers.
Consolidated Cash Planning Report screen include the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year for which consolidated cash planning report is to be generated. |
Cash Planning Status | The status of cash planning is to be selected in this field from dropdown box. |
Currency | Currency in which the report for consolidated cash planning is to be generated. |
Comment | Comment on the report is to be made in this field. |
This report shows the consolidated cash plan which incorporates the information of all the individual cash plans (plan of receipts, plan of payments and plan of receipts and payments by source of financing, etc.) for a specific period. Usually a fiscal period corresponds to a month, for that reason this report can be used as monthly consolidated cash plan.
The report is broken down by revenues and expenses. Each coding block included in the individual cash plans is displayed inside one of these main groups (revenues, expenses, other). Some of them can be splitted into sub-groups. Report shows all the hierarchy if applies.
A sum of cash plan amounts is displayed for each group and sub-group. The report must be filtered by fiscal year, fiscal period and cash plan status. Due to the information include in this report, it is particularly oriented to Managers.
Fiscal Period Consolidated Cash Planning Report screen include the following fields:
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year for which consolidated cash planning report is to be generated. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period for which consolidated cash planning report is to be generated. |
Cash Planning Status | Status of Cash planning is to be selected for which report is to be generated. |
Currency | Currency in which the report is to be generated. |
Comment | Comment on the report is to be made in this field. |
It contains all SriLanka report for Cash Planning module.
This report helps users comparing estimated cash flows with the actual cash flows for receipts, outflows and debt are broken down under defined categories and reflecting the performance under each category which is the ratio of actual with the estimate. It provides different filter option to generate a very specific report.
A screenshot of the Cash Flow Performance Summary Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.
Users access Cash Flow Performance Summary Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Cash Planning ► Reports ►SriLanka Reports ► Cash Flow Performance Summary Report.
The following table lists and describes all filter fields for the Cash Flow Performance Summary Report in their default order. Note that some fields depends on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | It lists the fiscal years and allows users to select a fiscal year from the list as a report filter. The default value is set as current open fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | It lists the fiscal period and allows users to select a fiscal year from the list as a report filter. The default value is set as current open fiscal period. |
Date | It shows the current system date. |
Institution | It lists institution and allows users to select the institution as a report filter. It allows users to define a range of the institution. |
Cash Planning Type | It lists the cash planning type. It allows users to select as a filter. |
Print Amount | It lists and allows users to select the scale of the amount. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Cash Flow Performance Summary Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Cash Flow Performance Summary Report is available here.
Field | Description |
COA Codes | Shows the coding block in the report. |
Description COA | It shows the description of coding block. |
Actual | It shows the opening balance. |
Deviation | It shows the calculated actual amount as per deviation formula. |
% of Annual Estimates | It shows the calculated annual percentage estimates. |
Inflow Subtotals | Shows subtotal of inflows. |
Outflow Subtotal | Shows subtotal of outflows. |
Surplus/Deficit | Shows the total surplus or deficit amount. |
Total Financed Borrowing | Shows the total borrowing amount. |
Difference | Shows the difference amount by adding surplus/deficit and total financed borrowings. |
Closing Cash Balance | Shows the closing balance by adding actual and difference amount. |
Total Bank Balance | Shows the total bank balance. |
Deviation In Balance | It dispalys the deviation balance. |
The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Cash Flow Performance Summary Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format. |
![]() | This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format. |