Goods Returned Notes Listing Report


This report lists all Good Returned Notes and items, and displays them by associated Purchase Order. This report allows you to determine the Purchase Orders that have been processed and the items that have been returned from your organization, in addition to the monetary value and quantity of the goods returned. The report can be filtered by different criteria including Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Vendor, and Goods Returned Note.



Purchasing ► Reports ► Goods Returned Notes Listing Report


Goods Returned Notes Listing Report Fields



Fiscal Year

Filter Criteria displaying a list of Fiscal Years in the system.

Fiscal Period

The Fiscal Period that may be selected as filter criteria for the report.

Note Type

This is read only field. This field automatically populated by the system as Return.

Return Note

Receive Returned Note (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon and Find icon to retrieve the Note that was received, which is to be used as filter criteria.


Vendor (optional parameter) that can be selected using the Lookup icon and Find icon to retrieve the Vendor to be used as filter criteria.


Users can select status of good returned note to generate report.

Issue Date

Users can insert good returned note beginning and ending date to generate report.


A comment may be added to the report output with this field.

Sort By

Report Header must show the selected Sort By Criteria.