Budget Control Update Voucher Item Distribution


This entity will be populated automatically by the system, getting the current fiscal period from header of Update Voucher and updating it according to the fiscal level of the relevant budget control. Therefore the user doesn´t need to populate it. If the user decides to modify the values populated by the system, then system will always maintain integrity of the amounts: sum of all the distribution amount is equal to total amount of items and same with header which will be sum of all items amount. System will update the aggregated amount automatically.


Budget Control Update Voucher Item Distribution screen Fields



Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period of the distributed amount of the Budget Control Update Voucher.

Free Balance (Domestic)

Domestic Free Balance amount of the period.

Free Balance (Foreign)

Foreign Free Balance amount of the period.

Debit (Domestic)

Domestic Debit amount for the period.

Debit (Foreign)

Distributed Foreign Amount for the period; default is zero.

Credit (Domestic)

Distributed Domestic Credit amount for the period, Default is Zero.

Credit (Foreign)

Distributed Foreign Credit amount for the period, Default is Zero.