Fleet Management Reports

Vehicle Detail Report


Display in a detailed and simple report fully detailed information about a vehicle, including the most importan vehicle attributes and other importan information as insurance, maintenances registered on the vehicle, vehicle usages etc.


The Vehicle Detail Report screen include the following fields:

Report Field


Vehicle ID

Display the unique ID of the vehicle.


Display the institution from where the vehicle belongs or is assigned to.

Vehicle Type

Display the short description linked to the vehicle’s type


Display the make code linked to the vehicle.


display the model code

Sub model

display the line code

Original cost

domestic cost

Current Value

current value of vehicle

Odometer value at Registry time

Also add the measure unit abbreviation related to the odometer value in vehicle e.g. 20340 (KM)

Current odometer value

Also add the measure unit abbreviation related to the odometer value in vehicle

Fuel type

Displays the fuel types related to the vehicle and its short description.

Is primary

Display as True or False

tank capacity and measure units

Display the tank capacity followed by the unit of measure used for the tank

EXAMPL: 20 (Gallons)

number of consumptions

Number of different registered consumptions for the vehicle.

(group by vehicle and fuel type)

total cost (fuel types)

Sum all cost of vehicle registered fuel consumptions (group by vehicle and fuel type)

Insurance vendor code

displays the vendor code linked to the vehicle

Policy Number

Display the insurance policy

Start date

displays the start date of the given insurance

End date

displays the end date of the given insurance

Insurance cost

displays the total cost of the insurance for the vehicle

Maintenance ID

Display the unique id for a maintenance.

Service Supplier

Display supplier

Supplier vendor code

Display the vendor code related to the maintenance.

Total cost

Sum of all of the maintenance for a specific vehicle.

Group by maintenance, vehicle, service supplier, vendor code

Currency symbol

Display the currency symbol for the selected as domestic currency.

Fiscal year

Display the id for the current active fiscal year.


Display the user ID of the user that is generating the report.


Vehicle Fuel Consumption Report


This report has the main purpose of display all of the fuel consumptions registered for a vehicle.


The Vehicle Fuel Consumption Report screen include the following fields:

Report Field


Fiscal year

Displays the current fiscal year


Displays the institution’s name given by the attribute from institution table for the vehicle in the vehicle detail

Vehicle Make

Display the related code to the Vehicle Maker entity

Vehicle Model

Display the related code to the Vehicle Model entity

Vehicle Line

Display the related code to the Vehicle Line entity next to the model code

Example : Rav4 LXE (where rav4 is the model and LXE is the line)

Responsible employee name

Display names for the referenced Employee

Consumption status


Fuel Type

Display the Fuel type short description.


Display the attribute name for the referenced vendor

Vehicle usage description

Display only a short version of the found usage’s description and truncate always to 200 chars and add “…”

The system must select the MIN Vehicle usage internal ID that matches the fuel consumption date with the following criteria:

D1 = consumption date

D2 = Usage started on date Vehicle Usage Registry for the vehicle id in this table

Min internal usage registry ID where

D1 > = D2

In case more than one is found, the system must select the MIN internal ID.

Driver ID

The driver related to the USAGE GIVEN IN THIS TABLE

Vehicle total consumption

Sum all of the details for the same vehicle that are included in all found Fuel consumption registry

Institution Total consumption

Group by institution vehicle fuel consumptions and sum all of the Totals given

Report Total Consumption

Sum all of the totals


Vehicle Maintenance Per Year


This report will be used to monitor the expensed amount in vehicle maintenances per year.


The Vehicle Maintenance Per Year report screen include the following fields:

Report Field


Serial Number

the report must generate a correlative/total (see mockup) number for each printed vehicle in its corresponding grouping institution

Responsible Position

Display the position linked to the employee, look for the employee assignment linked to the employee that has: the max assignment ID, and the actual end date is null or is greater than system current date at reporting generation time.

Earning Scale

the cost item scale level is related to the generic position

Position Category

display the short description linked to the generic position

January amount

Group and sum the total cost for the vehicle in the comply with the following:

  • date belong to the corresponding month (fiscal period)
  • the status is “Delivered by Supplier"

February amount

same as above

March amount

same as above

May amount

same as above

June amount

same as above

July amount

same as above

August amount

same as above

September amount

same as above

October amount

same as above

November amount

same as above

December amount

same as above

Total of report

In case a single ministry (top level institution level) is displayed hide this row.


Vehicle Report By Institution


This report displays a detailed list of vehicles highlighting some important vehicle attributes sorted and grouped by Institution.


The Vehicle Report By Institution report screen include the following fields:

Report Field


Institution Type

Display the parent institution if applicable

Vehicle ID

Display the unique ID of the vehicle.


Display the make code linked to the vehicle.


display the model code

Sub model

display the line code

Current odometer value

Display the odometer value plus the odometer measure type abbreviation

for example: 20,000.00 (Km)

Original cost

domestic cost

Current Value

current value of vehicle

total cost (fuel types)

Sum all cost of vehicle registered fuel consumptions (group by vehicle)

Insurance cost

displays the total cost of the insurance for the vehicle (group by vehicle)

Maintenance expenses

Sum of all of the maintenance for a specific vehicle Grouped by vehicle.

Report totals

Sum all columns amounts.

Currency symbol

Display the currency symbol for the selected as domestic currency.

Fiscal year

Display the id for the current active fiscal year


Display the user ID of the user that is generating the report.


Vehicle Usage And Fuel Consumption


This report will be used to track the vehicle trip usage and the fuel consumed during a specific period of time that for this report will be weekly.


The Vehicle Usage And Fuel Consumption report screen include the following fields:

Report Field


Fiscal Period

Display the period short name

Parent Institution

Parent institution Name


Displays the Institution

Vehicle Plates Number

Display the attribute

Vehicle Make

display the vehicle maker's code related to the attribute

Vehicle Model

display the vehicle model code related to the attribute