Budget Control Update Voucher Classifiacation


The purpose of this function and its sub-function is to apply restrictions to the Budget Control Update Voucher. When configured and enabled this function enforces restrictions on the coding block selection for the items entered in Budget Control Update Voucher.



Budgeting & Appropriation ► Support Entities ► Budget Control Update Voucher Classification


Budget Control Update Voucher Classification screen Fields




Unique identification code that is manually entered or automatically generated based on parameters.

Fiscal Year

Current Fiscal Year for which the classification is created.

Budget Control Type

Defines the Budget Control Types (e.g., Allotement1, Allotment2, Financial Budget, etc.) and link each type with a pre-defined COA Group.

Budget Control Update Voucher CategoryThis will enable the user to classify the budget Control Update Voucher Classification accordingly to requiered destination output form.

Voucher Type

Refers to type of the voucher (Update or Transfer) for the classification is created.


If checked, indicates that this classification can be used in Budget Control Update Voucher.

Is Within ProgramIndicate that Transfer is within Program.


Country specific language used to enter the description and other information.


A Brief description of the classification.

It is used to indicate if the virement type must be balance between outs and income. Default value is “True”.
Linked WithIndicates if the virement type is candidate to link with another virement type.
Budget TypeIndicates the type of Budget for the classification. Possible values "Expenses" and "Income."

To indicate the classification will be debit or credit.

Virement Voucher Update TypeTo define a valid combination between Virement and Budget Control Update Voucher Classification
Equity RuleTo indicate the Equity Rule for the classification.
Applies To BAPVTo indicate if the Classification will also apply to BAPV.
BAPV TypeTo indicate the BAPV Type if the classification applies to BAPV. Possible Values are 'ANNUAL', ‘NORMAL’ and ‘INTERNAL’
ConsolidationTo indicates if the Virement will be consolidated or not. (Applies if using Virement module)
Balanced Credit/DebitIs used for indicating if the virement type must be a balance between Credit and Debits (to validate in Consolidated Virements). (Applies if using Virement module)

Force Same Element for Concepts

List of 0 or many concepts where the element for this concept must be the same for the whole transfer/update voucher. For example, it may be required that transfer always be done within the same department. So this is enforcing that all coding lines in a budget control transfer voucher have the same code for the department element.

Valid Code Combinations

Defines the valid code combinations of the coding blocks allowed in the transfer/update voucher coding string.

Exclusion Groups

Defines 2 groups of elements that must be exclusive in the same transfer/update voucher.


Exclusion Group

Exclusion Groups Tab screen fields



Serial Number

System generated number.


 Identifies which Concept of the given budget control type coding structure (CoA Group) this restriction applies to.

Group1 Type

Identifies if the exclusion group 1 applies to debit lines, credit lines or both.

Group1 Expression

This information can be represented using the same approach used for Valid Code Combination, but for a single concept.

Group2 Type

Identifies if the exclusion group 2 applies to debit lines, credit lines or both.

Group2 Expression

This information can be represented using the same approach used for Valid Code Combination, but for a single concept.

LanguageCountry specific language used to enter the description and other information.
DescriptionA Brief description of the classification.


Valid Code Combinations

Valid Code Combinations Tab screen fields

Serial Number

System generated number.


Identifies if the valid code combination applies only to the debit lines, only to the credit lines or to both types.

Rule Expression

The Rule Expression allows the definition of the coding strings that are allowed for the given budget control type.

COA Group

Automatically populated by the system based on the CoA Group used in the Budget Control Type of the BCUV classification.


Country specific language used to enter the description and other information.


A Brief description of the classification.