Bidders use this functionalities to submit their bids (bid responses).
This facility allows Vendors to submit their bids using the form specified in the bidding documents where Technical and Finalcial proposal are sealed in two (2) separate sealed envelopes. Bids may be submitted electronically or manually.
My PhilGEPS ► Bid response
Bid Response Screen Fields
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. |
Official Receipt (OR) Number | Official Receipt Number issued by PhilGEPS. |
Is Joint Venture | Possible Value is TRUE or FALSE. Default value is 'FALSE'. |
Notice | Associates the Bid Response documents to the Notice. |
Vendor | Associates the Bid Response to the Vendor submitting the bid documents. |
Bid Response Type | Possible values is Manual or Electronic; Default value is 'Electronic'. |
Workflow Status | Possible values are 'Created'; 'Pending'; ‘Submitted’; ‘Withdraw’; 'Eligible'. Default value is 'Created'. |
Workflow Process Transition | Transition of the the workflow process on the basis of workflow status. |
Response Received Date Time | The combination of Response Received Date & Time. |
Response Name of Person Who Delivers | Name of the person who delivers the response. |
Submitted By | User that created the Response. |
Bid Receipt | On a Bid Response is posted, a Bid Receipt must be generated and saved as an Attachment. |
Bid Response Detail | One or more Bid Response Detail - Procurement Document Detail |
Bid Notice Line Item | The submitter responsible, selects the notice line items defined by the vendor in the documents manually delivered. |
Users: Suppliers & Buyer
The submitter who is responsible, selects the notice line items defined by the vendor in the documents manually delivered.
This entity contains the detail of every Bid Response.
Bid Response Details Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Response Detail Id | System auto-generated, visible to the user, not updatable by the user. |
Envelope number | Possible Values are Envelope1-Eligibility; Envelope1-Technical; Envelope2-Financial. Default Value is 'Envelope1-Eligibility'. |
Response Comments | Additional information regarding the Response Detail. |
It describes the supplemental bidding documents in response to Vendor set of queries and/or revisions to the initial documents uploaded.
My PhilGEPS ► Bid Supliment
Bid Supliment Screen Fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros. |
Notice | The Notice that will be modified by the supplement |
Workflow Status | Possible Values is Create; Approval Requested; Approved; Cancelled. Default value is 'Created' |
Workflow Process Transition | Transition process of the workflow status. |
Bid Supplement Title No | The “bulletin Number’ of the Supplement. |
Date Published | The combination of Date and Time. When the supplement was approved. |
Date Submitted | The combination of Date and Time. When the supplement was submitted for approval. |
Attachments | The user must upload attachments against the Bid Supplement. |
Activities | The notice activities present in the Notice. |
Doccuments Checklist | Attach notice checklist doccuments. |
User: Buyer