Schedule Of Activity


Schedule of Activity enables users to create a Schedule of activities for a Specific Notice.



Catalogues ► Schedule Of Activity


Schedule Of Activity screen Fields




Unique identification code of Schedule Of Activity either entered by user or system generated as defined in set-up parameter.


This fields defines whether the record is for use or for reference purpose only. Default value is true.


Schedule Scope id defined in this field.

Procurement Classification

Procurement Classification to be selected from dropdown box. Goods, Consulting Service, Infra are some examples of Procurement Classification.

Applicable Procurement Rules

The conditions referring to the Trade Agreement.

Maximum Amount Approved Budget Contract Php

The maximum amount of ABC as basis for the schedule of activity.

Minimum Amount Approved Budget Contract Php

The minimum amount of ABC as basis for the schedule of activity.

Procurement Mode

The condition referring to the Procurement Mode.


Activities per Schedule are added. One or more Activities may be added.


User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Schedule Of Activity screen.
  2. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  3. User fills out the necessary Schedule Of Activity information in the fields.
  4. User clicks on ‘Save’ button.
  5. If user does not fills up correct information in mandatory fields, system does not saves the record and shows an error message.