
Former Opportunities


This forms referrers to the process of LISTING opportunities with status:

  • Active
  • Closed
  • Closed Pending-opening
  • Closed pending evaluation
  • Closed Pending-Post Qualification
  • Closed Pending-Award
  • Awarded
  • Failed


Opportunities ► Former Opportunities

Open Opertunities screen Field and Tab

Application User

Name of the Logged in user.

Number of Categories

Name given by the user to the CSO.

Line ID

Reference for the grouped information of the attributes.


Ultimate Parent of Item Code based on UNPSC Categories i.e Segment.

Number of Open Opportunities

Opportunities whose status is Active.


User: Admin, Buyer and Suppliers

  1. User goes to Opportunities and the system displays the form.
  2. A form will display containing the search fields based from the principal entity related to the functionality.
  3. The user can choose to view listings for APP, former opportunities former opportunities, and award notices in the system.



Open Opportunities


This forms referrers to the process of LISTING opportunities with status is ACTIVE for each Government Agency


Opertunities ► Open Opertunities

Open Opertunities screen Field and Tab

Application User

Name of the Logged in user.

Number of Categories

Name given by the user to the CSO.

Line ID

Reference for the grouped information of the attributes.


Ultimate Parent of Item Code based on UNPSC Categories i.e Segment.

Number of Open Opportunities

Opportunities whose status is Active.


User: Admin, Buyer and Suppliers

  1. User goes to Opportunities and the system displays the form.
  2. A form will display containing the search fields based from the principal entity related to the functionality.
  3. The user can choose to view listings for APP, Open opportunities former opportunities, and award notices in the system.