Entity containing the registration and control of the programming or planning the execution of all entities receiving grants where the commitment is programmed with quarterly periods and the YTD Actual on a monthly basis.
Expenditures ► Grants ► Distribution Of Transfer
Distribution Of Transfer Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique code automatically generated by the system |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher, Default current FY |
Budget Office | Budget Office ID. Read only attribute in the update mode |
Grantee | Unique code that identifies the Entities receiving grants |
Source Of Income Specified | System will show a List of Elements (rollup) restricted to definition in the Parameter, where Concept Id is equal System String Parameter “Financing Source" |
Item Code Group Expenditure | System will show a List of Elements (rollup) restricted to definition in the Parameter where Concept Id is equal System String Parameter “Expenditure Group" |
ERT Programmation Ytd Actual Detail | Collection of one to many ERT programmation YTD Actual Details |
Entity containing the registration and control of the programming or planning the execution of all entities receiving grants where the YTD Actual is programmed with monthly periods.
ERT Programmation Ytd Actual Details Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Sequence # | Auto generated, start from 1, for each ERT Programmation Obligations Details |
Fiscal Period | Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: 1. Quarter = ‘1st Quarter’ then Sequence of the Fiscal Period include 1,2,3 2. Quarter = ‘2nd Quarter’ then Sequence of the Fiscal Period include 4,5,6 3. Quarter = ‘3rd Quarter’ then Sequence of the Fiscal Period include 7,8,9 4. Quarter = ‘4th Quarter’ then Sequence of the Fiscal Period include 10,11,12 |
Programmation Amount | Programming period. Value default = 0 |
Execution Amount | Execution period. Value default = 0 |
This is a Management document that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the assignments or changes to the budget of each recipient institutions grants.
Document Of Budget Management ERG screen fields
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification code. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher. Default: current Financial Year. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period of the voucher. Default: current period. |
Workflow Status | This field shows the status of the workflow depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this entity the basic Stages are:‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, 'Cancelled', 'Template'.The default value is 'Created'. |
Voucher Date | Shows the Voucher date. By Default shows System date. |
Budget Office | This field contains budget office Id. |
Grants Record Type | The basic Stages are ‘Increase’, ‘Decrease’, ‘Transfer’. By default set as 'Increase'. |
Grants Document Type | Unique code that identifies the document type. |
No Of Supporting Document | No. of document that supports the transaction. |
Legal Provision | Number that supports movement to the budget. |
Legal Provision Date | Date on which the Legal Provision passes. |
Total Value Of Transaction | The value of total transaction which is not editable by the user. |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system. |
Created Date | Populated automatically by the system during creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system, when the doccument gets approved. |
Approved Date | Populated automatically by the system during time and date of the doccument approval. |
Details of the Management document that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the assignments or changes to the budget of each recipient institutions grants.
Details ERG screen fields
Field | Description |
Sequence Number | Unique Number for Each Document Of Budget Management ERG. This number is System Generated. |
Grantee | Catalog that contains the characteristics of receiving grants. |
Coding Block | Coding block information depending on grant attribute. |
Total | This field is for the total value of transaction. The Value should not be Zero. |
This is a Management document that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the execution to the budget of each recipient institutions grants.
Document Of Execution ERG screen fields
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification code. |
Workflow Status | This field shows the status of the workflow depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this entity the basic Stages are: ‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, 'Cancelled', 'Template'. The default value is 'Created'. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher. Default: current Financial Year. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period of the voucher. Default: current period. |
Voucher Date | Shows the Voucher date. By Default shows System date. |
Budget Office | This field contains budget office Id. |
Execution Type | The basic Stages are ‘COM’, ‘DEV’, ‘CYD’. By default set as 'COM'. |
Source Document Number | Number of the source doccument |
Document Type | Unique code that identifies the document type. |
No Of Supporting Document | No. of document that supports the transaction. |
Total Value Of Transaction | The value of total transaction which is not editable by the user. |
Deduction Amount | Automatically recorded by the system. Default value is zero. |
Total Amount | Total Value of the transaction. |
Is Revolving Fund Execution | Indicates if ERG Voucher is for execution with Revolving Funds. Default Value = FALSE |
Is Multifold Funding Source | Checked if the management will be paid with different funding sources. Default is unchecked. |
Executes Project | It indicates whether the record is execution of externally funded projects. Default value false. |
Project Id | Unique identifier that identifies an ID of project. |
Treasury Bank Account | If multifold funding source is unchecked, then the field is enable. Here, user must select payer account. If multifold funding source is checked then the is field disable. |
Bank Account Number | System automatically displays the bank account number. |
Bank Account Bank Name | System automatically displays the bank account bank name. |
Language | Country Specific Language |
Description | Describes the concept of the Transfer |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system. |
Date and Time of Creation | Populated automatically by the system during creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system, when the doccument gets approved. |
Date Approved | Populated automatically by the system during time and date of the doccument approval. |
Entities Receiving Transfer Detail | Details of entities receiving grants of Management documents that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the execution to the budget. |
ERG Paying Account | Collection of one to many Paying Account |
Details of Paying Account of Management documents that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the execution to the budget.
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Unique Number for Each Document Of ERG Paying Account. This number is System Generated. |
Treasury Bank Account | Government’s Bank Account from where the payment gets issued. Only Bank Accounts (linked to the selected treasury bank account) having the currency same as the voucher currency is allowed. |
Bank Account Number | System will automatically display the bank account number. |
Bank Account Bank Name | System will automatically display the bank account bank name. |
Total Value Of Payment | Total value of payment, for an account. |
Details of entities receiving grants of Management documents that records the lifecycle of each transaction of the execution to the budget.
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Unique Number for Each Document Of Entities Receiving Transfers Details. This number is System Generated. |
Grantee | Unique code that identifies the Entities receiving grants. |
Item Code | Item cose related to Grant Id. |
Total Value Of Transaction | Total Amount When Currency is Domestic. |
Amount Deduction | Amount deduction is automatically recorded by the system. |
Total Amount | Total value of transaction. Read only. |
No. Document of expense | No. Document of execution of expense. Automatically assigned by the system. When the document is "approved". |
This Tab contien the deductions details to the record and control the Document of execution ERG .
Deduction Details screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Unique serial number generated by the system. |
Deduction and Retention | Deduction and retention details. The system should present a list of values for selection by the user or search functionality. |
Deduction Type | System will automatically display the Offset code for Deduction Type |
Offset Code | System will automatically display the Offset code. |
Deduction name | System will automatically display the Deduction name. |
Retention origin | Retention origin should be manually entered by the user. |
Domestic Amount | Amount value of Deduction Details, Where Currency is Domestic. |
This Tab contains the list of project structures by “Grants” that must be related with details of the “Document of execution ERG (Voucher)”.
ERG Project structure screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Unique serial number generated by the system. |
Is Counterpart | Check box to genrate ERG Project structure as a counterpart. By default unchecked. |
Domestic Amount | Amount value of Project Structure, Where Currency is Domestic. |
Registration and monitoring of allocations and modifications budget for each entity receiving grants
Expenditures ► Grants ► Grant
Grant Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique code automatically generated by the system |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher, Default current FY |
Institution | Allows to select institution from lookup field |
Grantee | show all list active grantee related |
Item Code | Select a Coding block from Fiscal Year |
Initial Budget | Initial Budget of the Entities receiving grants |
Increases | Additions to the budget of the Entities receiving grants |
Decrease | Decreases the budget of the Entities receiving grants |
Reallocations | Transfer from another Entities receiving |
Budget Current | Initial Budget + Increase - Decrease + Reallocation |
Obligation | Cumulative Obligation executed. Default = 0 |
YTD Actual | Cumulative YTD Actual executed. Default = 0 |
Non YTD Actual Funds | Obligation – YTD Actual. Read only attribute |
Balance Budget | Budget current – Obligation. Read only attribute |
Expenditures ► Grants ► Nicaragua Grants Reports ► Distribution Of Transfers Report
Distribution Of Transfers Report Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Allows to select fiscal year from the dropdown list |
Fiscal Period | Allows to select fiscal period from the dropdown list |
Comment | Allows to write a comment about this repot |
Shows all the information related to Grants.
Expenditures ► Grants ► Nicaragua Reports ► Grants Detail Report
Grants Detail Report Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Current Fiscal Year |
Fiscal Year | Current Fiscal Period |
Comment | Allows to write comment on this report |
Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements | By default it must have selected in the Coding Block Filter Type the option Hierarchical Coding Block Elements. |
Catalog that contains the characteristics of entities receiving grants.
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique code automatically generated by the system |
Active | To indicate if the transfer entity is: restrictive or not restrictive |
Origin | Default is MANUAL. Read only field |
Institution | Allows to select Institution from lookup field |
Grants Type | Grants type, unique id. |
Language | Country specific language |
Description | Name of the entity receiving transfer |
Vendor | Vendor Code. A hyperlink to be provided to drill down to the Vendor screen, a new window to be opened to display the attributes from the Vendor entity. |
Vendor Bank Number | This field will always be automatically populated with Vendor Bank Account |
Document Identification Number | Document identification. |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system |
Created On | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Modified By | Populated automatically by the system when corresponding workflow reaches its last modified stage |
Modified On | Populated automatically by the system |
Entity that has the list of types of grants which reflects the state's obligations.
Expenditures ► Grants ► Support Entities ► Grants Type
Grants Type Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique code that identifies type transfer. |
Active | To indicate if the transfer type is active or restrictive. |
Language | Country specific language |
Description | Description the type transfer |
Origin | Allows to select origin from dropdown list |