Warranty Maintenance Policy


Warranty Maintenance Policy contains information related with the warranty or maintenance information of the Asset Item. 



Asset and Inventories Commons ► Warranty Maintenance ► Warranty Maintenance Policy


Warranty Maintenance Policy screen fields


This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system.

Fiscal YearSelects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list.
Fiscal PeriodSelects fiscal period from dropdown menu list.
Information Type

It is a closed domain where the possible types status for the insurance policy are Warranty and Maintenance

Workflow StatusThese are the possible status for the claim. This can change for different workflow configurations. 
InstitutionSystem should allow to user only select Institutions based on his Data Access Security.

Company who is providing the warranty or contract maintenance, it usually would be same vendor who sold the Asset Item. Look up functionality is needed.


Employee Code ID of a person who authorizes the warranty-maintenance. Lookup. System should allow to user only select Employees based on his Data Access Security.

Purchase OrderThe Purchase Order ID which is related to warranty-maintenance. The system will present a list of Open PO's with a lookup utility.
Warranty Maintenance Location
These is the possible types of locations. Possible types could be On-site or Off-site.
Maintenance Type
These are the possible maintenance types for the claim. 
Possible types could be:
1. Preventive
2. Minor repair
3. Major repair
Warranty Type
These are the possible warranty types for the claim. 
Possible types could be:
1. Repair
2. Replacement
3. Compensation
Number of YearsDefault value will be Years (End Date-Start Date) user can change it.
CostThe Default value for this is zero. Should be greater or equal to zero.

Select language as per drop down options.


Description, observations or remarks related to the claim.

Created By

Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record.

Created On

Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record.

Approved By

Read Only. Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage.

Approved On

Read Only

Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage

Warranty Maintenance Claim Item Tab

Item related to the Warranty maintennance Claim.

Attachments Tab

Attachment related to the Warranty Maintenance Policy. 


Attachments Tab


System allows to attach files to support the Warranty Maintenance Policy.

Attachments Tab screen fields




Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.
Attachment ClassificationReference to attachment classification.
LanguageCountry specific language for the title and description.
TitleTitle of the Attachments.
DescriptionDescription of the attachments.
AttachmentSystem allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc.
Date TimeDate and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.
DateUploading Date of the attachment.
UserLast user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.
LanguageMandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language.