Warranty Maintenance Policy contains information related with the warranty or maintenance information of the Asset Item.
Asset and Inventories Commons ► Warranty Maintenance ► Warranty Maintenance Policy
Warranty Maintenance Policy screen fields
Fields | Description |
Id | This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Selects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list. |
Fiscal Period | Selects fiscal period from dropdown menu list. |
Information Type | It is a closed domain where the possible types status for the insurance policy are Warranty and Maintenance |
Workflow Status | These are the possible status for the claim. This can change for different workflow configurations. |
Institution | System should allow to user only select Institutions based on his Data Access Security. |
Provider | Company who is providing the warranty or contract maintenance, it usually would be same vendor who sold the Asset Item. Look up functionality is needed. |
Employee | Employee Code ID of a person who authorizes the warranty-maintenance. Lookup. System should allow to user only select Employees based on his Data Access Security. |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order ID which is related to warranty-maintenance. The system will present a list of Open PO's with a lookup utility. |
Warranty Maintenance Location | These is the possible types of locations. Possible types could be On-site or Off-site. |
Maintenance Type | These are the possible maintenance types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Preventive 2. Minor repair 3. Major repair |
Warranty Type | These are the possible warranty types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Repair 2. Replacement 3. Compensation |
Number of Years | Default value will be Years (End Date-Start Date) user can change it. |
Cost | The Default value for this is zero. Should be greater or equal to zero. |
Language | Select language as per drop down options. |
Observations | Description, observations or remarks related to the claim. |
Created By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created On | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage. |
Approved On | Read Only Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage |
Warranty Maintenance Claim Item Tab | Item related to the Warranty maintennance Claim. |
Attachments Tab | Attachment related to the Warranty Maintenance Policy. |
System allows to attach files to support the Warranty Maintenance Policy.
Attachments Tab screen fields
Field | Description |
ID | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Attachment Classification | Reference to attachment classification. |
Language | Country specific language for the title and description. |
Title | Title of the Attachments. |
Description | Description of the attachments. |
Attachment | System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc. |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | Uploading Date of the attachment. |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Language | Mandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. |