Budget Output / Outcome

Support Entities

Product Type


This entity represents the classification for the product.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output/ Outcome ► Support Entities ► Product Type


Product Type Group Screen Fields




This represents the unique ID of a product Type entity, which is generated automatically by the system or entered by the user according to the parameter “Generate Product Type ID”.


Checkbox whose default value is true. Possible values are TRUE/FALSE.


This attribute states the name of the classification


This attribute states the classification description.


Product COA Group


Used to identify the list of valid Goal or Financial CoA Groups that can be set at Product Entity.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output/ Outcome ► Support Entities ► Product Coa Groups


Product CoA Group Screen Fields




This represents the unique ID of a Product CoA Groups entity, which is generated automatically by the system or entered by the user.


Indicates whether this record is active or inactive.


Indicates whether this entity represents a Goal, which is usually a meaning to measure different stages of a product development.


Lists all the currently active COA presents in the system.


Indicates whether this is financial type.

CoA Group

Reference to the CoA Group from CoA.




Used to identify the list of valid Goal or Financial CoA Groups that can be set at Product Entity.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output/ Outcome ► Product


Product Screen Fields and Tabs



CodeThis represents the unique ID of a product entity, can be generated automatically by the system or enter by the user according to parameter “Generate Product ID”.
ActiveIndicates if the Product is ative. True by default, user can only switch this to False if this product is not present in any Product correlation entity, or if it’s present but marked as false in attribute active. 
When this attribute it’s false this Product cannot be selected as part of any Product correlation.
NameName of the Product.
DescriptionA brif Description of the Product.
StatusPossible values are “Created, Request for Verification, Request for Approval, Cancelled, Approved, and Rejected”.
Workflow Process TransitionIndicates workflow process transition.
InstitutionIndicates the institution for the product.
Product TypeClassification given to the Product.
Is Final
Default is FALSE. Only intermediate products (is Final equal FALSE) can be added in entity Product Correlation to other Products. When this is Final, Contribution can only be set as Direct.
Is Direct ContributionShould be TRUE when Is final is TRUE.
Is ControllableDefines if the product is referred as a product the institution has Control (Example, a Road) or doesn’t (Example, Crime Reduction).
Product FrequencyPossible values are “Periodical, Non Periodical”.
Maximum No Of Decimals AllowedNumber of Decimals to be validated on data entry of the Product. Can’t be greater than the number of decimals allowed in the Big Decimal Type.
COAIndicates chart of accounts of the Product.
Goal CoG GroupDefines the Goal CoG Group at witch, in the CoG, product entities are represented.
Financial CoA GroupCoA Group structure that this products adheres to, so any CoA Coding Block added to attribute Product Budget for this Product has to be of this CoA Group
Goal Coding Block Type DefinitionCoding Block Expression representing this product in CoA, this Coding Block Expression has to be of Group defined in attribute Goal CoA Group.
Product Budget Coding Block Type Definition
This is a CoA Coding Blocks Expression representing the Budget who financially support this product. This Coding Block Expression has to be of Group defined in attribute Financial CoA Group.
Is CalculatedDefault FALSE. When is TRUE Calc. Type should be enabled and required otherwise Calc. Type should be set to “Result”
Calc. TypePossible values are “Result, Weighted, Rate, Financial”. Default value is “Result”.
CoefficientRepresents the coefficient of an product, it’s used to calculate when Calc. Type is Rate.
Unit Of MeasureThis refers as the Unit of Measure that defines how the product is measured.
Created DateTime of creation.
Created ByUser who creates the record.
Approved DateApproval time. Automatically update by the system when workflow reaches its stage Approved.
Approved ByUser who Approves. Automatically update by the system when workflow reaches its stage Approved.
Fiscal Year Control TabDefines for a given fiscal year, if this Product will be active for budget execution, budget planning or both.

Concepts Tab

Concept for which Product is Related.

Product Correlations TabProduct correlation can be added by this tab.

Elements Tab

Element for which Product is related.


Fiscal Year Control


This entity represents the collection of fiscal years to which the Product/Indicator is relevant for the institution.


Fiscal Year Control Tab screen fields

Fiscal YearReference to the fiscal Year to allow in the Product.
Active for ExecutionFlag to define if this Product can be used when executing Budget as to store progress based on that execution.
Active for PlanningFlag to define if this Product can be used in Budget Planning as to define how the planned budget will be linked to institution objectives when executing that budget.
ProgressThis attribute is read only, will be calculated by the system. This represents the progress reached  in a given fiscal year.


Product Correlation


This entity stores the relationship between products when one product is set as Calc. Type = Rate, Weighted or Result.


Product Correlation Tab screen fields

ProductThis represents the divisor of the Rate division operation when Result Product Calc. Type is Rate. Or the proportion Product when Result Product Calc. Type is Weighted. Or the Related Product when Result Product Calc. Type is Result.
ActiveTrue by default, when False this instance has to be ignored from all processes that make use of this entity.




This screen consist of searching feature related to the Goal of the Budget Output / Outcome.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output / Outcome  Goal


Goal screen Fields and Tabs




Select the Product using search button.

Fiscal Year

Select Fiscal Year using drop down menu. 

Coding Block

Select the Coding Block.


It fetches the reference Id od the Institution.


Present status of the Goal. Eg. Approved, Rejected, etc.

Goal Budget Coding Blocks

Select the coding block for this atribute.


Strategic Plan


This screen consist of searching feature related to the Goal of the Budget Output / Outcome.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output / Outcome  Strategic Plan


Strategic Plan screen Fields and Tabs




ID for the plan, automatically generated by system.


True when the strategic plan is active, false otherwise. Default value is True.

Workflow Status

Indicates current wrokflow status of the plan.

Workflow Process Transition

Indicate workflow process transition.

Strategic Plan Status

“Calculated/Updated  Read Only Field” updated by the system. Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are:
‘Approval Requested’,


Detailed description of the Strategic Plan.
InstitutionReferse to the related Institution.
Period BeginBegin Plan date.
Period EndEnd date for the Plan.
MissionMission Information.
VisionVision information.
TendenciesTendencies information.
ProblemsProblems information.
ChallengeChallenges information.
PolicyPolicies information.
Product ProgressesIndicators belonging to the plan.
Product ActionCollection of 0 to N. Strategic Actions.


Product Progress


This entity hold the Product that belong to a plan and store its progress.


Product Progress screen Fields and Tabs




Product belonging to the plan.

Calculated Progress

Calculated Progress for the indicator relative to this plan.


Progress for the Product relative to this plan.


Strategic Plan Action


This entity will hold the descriptions of the actions that contribute to acomplish the Strategic Plan.


Strategic Plan Action screen Fields and Tabs



Correlative Id

Sequence Number, starting from 1.


Indicated the related Concept.


Related Element from the selected Concept.

DescriptionBrif description of the strategic plan action.
PolicyPolicy information.
Elements TabCollection of related elements.


Product Progress Calculation


This screen consist of searching feature related to the Product Progress Calculation of the Budget Output / Outcome.



Budget Planning ► Budget Output / Outcome  Product Progress Calculation


Product Progress Calculation screen Fields and Tabs



Fiscal Year

Select Fiscal Year using drop down menu. 

Calc. Type

Select the Calc. Type using drop down menu.


It fetches the reference Id od the Institution.


Select the Product using search button.