Economic Classification Central Gov Report


Shows the economic expense classification for central government. Also, former fiscal years and projections for three fiscal years after planning.


Budget Planning ► Budget Book Builder ► Nicaragua Reports ► Other Reports ► Economic Classification Central Gov Report


Economic Classification Central Gov Report Fields Description

ScenarioUsing lookup button select the budget planning scenario.
Planning CoA GroupUse drop down menu to select the CoA group.
Execution CoA GroupUse drop down menu to select the CoA group.
Fiscal YearSelect the fiscal year as a filter option.
Fiscal Year - 2Select the fiscal year as a filter option.
Fiscal Year - 1Select the fiscal year as a filter option.
Budget Version (Fiscal Year)A budget version include a workflow because this is the header feature that includes a set of budget line groups which eventually could be sent for execution.
Fiscal Year + 1Select the fiscal year as a filter option.
Budget Version (Fiscal Year + 1)Fiscal year of the budget version. A budget version include a workflow because this is the header feature that includes a set of budget line groups which eventually could be sent for execution.
Fiscal Year + 2Select the fiscal year as a filter option.
Budget Version (Fiscal Year + 2)Fiscal year of the budget version. A budget version include a workflow because this is the header feature that includes a set of budget line groups which eventually could be sent for execution.
Fiscal Year + 3Select the fiscal year as a filter option.
Budget Version (Fiscal Year + 3)Fiscal year of the budget version. A budget version include a workflow because this is the header feature that includes a set of budget line groups which eventually could be sent for execution.
CommentShort description or comment on the report search.