This entity is supposed to contain all physical execution and should be populated or update from any transaction from Budgeting Planning and create a Voucher Results.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Budget Control of Goal
Budget Control of Goal screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Workflow Status | Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are 'Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, 'Cancelled'. The default is 'Created'. |
Fiscal Year | Always the current Fiscal Year in the system |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code. |
Product Type | Product type related to product. |
Product Coa Group | This is the COA group from GOALS, related in product |
Coding Block | The CB structure is based on the selected product coa group must be related only with COA GOAL. |
Concept | Populated from Result Voucher Annual approval process or, selected from user. |
Allow To Exceed | This is to define the Default value of the Exceed Flag when the budget control is created. |
Initial Quota | This is the Read-only field with original domestic amount of Result Voucher when Voucher Result Type in 'INITIAL'. Initial value is zero. |
Quota | This is the Read-only field when Result Voucher when Voucher Result Type is "SET", Initial value is zero |
YTD Actuals | This is a Read-only field when Result Voucher when Voucher Result Type is "ACTUAL", Initial value is zero |
Free Balance | This is a Calculated Field Which Displays Only filed = (Original +- Updates) - YTD values. |
Active | This is an Active / Inactive indicator. The Default value is True User can 'temporarily' disable (active=false) a budget control, in such case, when system gets a 'request' for budget, then system will act as if there is zero FreeBalance and will reject the transaction. If this BC is already approved and Change Request is configured, then system will generate such change request when changing this value. |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system. |
Created On | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system when corresponding workflow reaches its last Approval stage. |
Approved On | Populated by the system when workflow reaches its final approval. |
Budget Control of Goal Distribution screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period for the distribution. |
Initial Quota | Calculated read-only field with Initial Quota of Result Voucher for the given period of the control. It can be positive or negative. The default value is zero. |
Quota | Calculated read-only field with Quota of Result Voucher Type set for the given period of the control. It can be positive or negative. The default value is zero. |
Updates | Calculated read-only field with Update of Result Voucher for the given period of the control. Initial value is zero. |
Current Quota | Calculated, display only field displays current budget. Current Quota = Initial Quota +- Updates from Result Vouchers. |
YTD Actuals | Calculated read-only field with YTD actual of Result Voucher for the given period of the control. Initial value is zero. |
Free Balance | Calculated, display Only filed. Free Balance = Current for the period – YTD |
Consolidate Results Voucher allow user to create a consolidate voucher, grouping vouchers at next lower level and using the value in paramater , after create the new voucher system must update all vouchers consolidated with the corresponing ID on Voucher and Detail Entities.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Consolidate Results Voucher
Consolidate Results Voucher screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will by default set the value to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Result Voucher Type | A dropdown which has pre created results voucher type to select . |
Period Quota | If the "Result Voucher Type" is INITIAL (Annual) then "Period Quota" will be Current Fiscal Period for level of field.If "Result Voucher Type" is QUARTERLY then "Period Quota" is List of QUARTERS. |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code. |
Result Voucher | The consolidated result voucher can be fitered from this feature. |
The purpose of this feature is to create Anual Result Vouchers from Budget Planning. System will create the Result Voucher type Annual only with the Line Items (CB) that comply with the filter selected.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Create Annual Result Vouchers From Planning
Create Annual Results Vouchers From Planning screen fields
Field | Description |
Budget Version | The Budget Version is to selected for which the Voucher will be created. |
Concept | Refers to the COA Concept. |
Institution | Institution reference is to be given here. |
Source Budget Plan Structure | The related Source Budget Plan Structure is to selected from the dropdown. |
Result Voucher Type | A dropdown which has pre created results voucher type to select. |
Distribution Method | A dropdown which has pre created distribution method to select. |
This entity is used for creation of Budget Control of Goal from the Management Report Vouchers.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Creating Management Report From Budget Control Of Goal
Creating Management Report From Budget Control Of Goal screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The voucher fiscal year. Default is the the current Fiscal Year in the system. |
Quarter | It indicates for which quarter is the voucher for. |
Budget Office | It indicates the Budget Office Code. |
Product Coa Group | This is the COA group from GOALS, related in product. |
This feature allow to user grouping several vouchers (any type, Annual, Set, Update) and create a new Result Voucher with same characteristic.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Group Result Voucher
Group Result Voucher screen fields and Tab
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Always the the current Fiscal Year in the system |
Concept | A lookup filed to fetch values from the pre created concept. |
Result Voucher Type | A dropdown which has pre created results voucher type to select . |
Period Quota | If the "Result Voucher Type" is INITIAL (Annual) then "Period Quota" will be Current Fiscal Period for level of field.If "Result Voucher Type" is QUARTERLY then "Period Quota" is List of QUARTERS. |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code. |
Product Type | Product type related to product. |
Product Coa Group | Indicates the Product Coa Group. |
Result Vouchers | The result vouchers is to be selected which will be grouped. |
Management report of goals voucher is maintained by this screen.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Management Report Voucher
Budget Control of Goal screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
ID | Voucher unique ID, can be either system generated or manual based on Appropriation parameters, if system generated then each voucher type will have different serial. |
Workflow Status | Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are 'Created',‘Approval Requested’,‘Approved’,‘Rejected’,'Cancelled'.The default is 'Created'. |
Fiscal Year | Always the the current Fiscal Year in the system. |
Quarter | System allows to select one or more quarterly from the list. |
Concept | Refers to COA concept, which should be populated from Products. |
Voucher Date | Date of the Voucher. Default is current system date. |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code. |
Product Type | Product type related to product. |
Product Coa Group | This is the COA group from GOALS, related in product. |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system. Indicates the creator. |
Created On | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system when corresponding workflow reaches its last Approval stage . |
Approved On | Populated by the system when workflow reaches its finall approval. |
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the attachment can be selected here. |
Title | Name of Attachment. |
Description | A detailed Description of the attachment. |
Date | The Date that the Requisition was processed gets mentioned in this field. This field is a Read Only field. |
Management Report Voucher Detail screen fields
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Auto-generated serial number, starts with 1 for every new Voucher. |
Coding Block | The Coding Block related with product COA group selected and exist in Budget Control of Goal. |
Language | Country specific language used for description. |
Description | Description of the Voucher Detail. |
YTD Actuals | Calculated read-only field. Populates with the corresponding Current amount in Budget control for Goal. |
Management Report Voucher User Comment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Unique identification code automatically generated. |
Language | Select Language of preference to be selected from dropdown box. |
Comment | A detailed description of the comment. |
Posted By | Indicates the user. |
Posted On | Indicates the date time of the posting. |
Report generates group goals with spending and funding source.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Reports ► Goal by Spending Group and Found Source
Goal by Spending Group and Found Source screen fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year in which the report is generated. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period in which the report is generated. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Type of Report | A dropdown feature which shows a list of available type of reports. |
Report indicators because of deviation.This shows that the goal was not reached.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Reports ►Indicator And Reason That The Goal Was Not Reached Report
Indicator And Reason That The Goal Was Not Reached Report screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year depends on the fiscal year parameter. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period of the followiung report. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Report that generates the indicators group of expenditure and source of funding.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Report ► Indicator List by Spending Group and Found Source Report
Indicator List by Spending Group and Found Source Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year depends on the fiscal year parameter. |
Quarter | Fiscal period of the following report. |
Type of Report | The type of report to be selected from the list. It refers to the produt types. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Fund Element | It refers to the Fund code from the Fund segment of the Chart of Accounts. |
Expenditure Group | Refers to the expenditure COA element code. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Report of Initial physical programming.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Report ► Initial Physical Programming Report
Initial Physical Programming Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year depends on the fiscal year parameter. |
Quarter | Fiscal period of the following report. |
Type of Report | The type of report to be selected from the list. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Report generated in terms of the Quarterly Physical Execution.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Reports ► Quarterly Physical Execution Report
Quarterly Physical Execution Report Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year in which the report is generated. |
Quarter | Fiscal period in which the report is generated. |
Type of Report | A dropdown feature which shows a list of available type of reports. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Report to show desviation recurring.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Reports ► Types Of Reasons Goals Was Not Reached Report
Types Of Reasons Goals Was Not Reached Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year depends on the fiscal year parameter. |
Quarter | Fiscal period of the following report. |
Goal Coa Group | Indicates the Goal COA Group of Product. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Result Vouchers are managed using this screen. In this feature System must not allow to delete if status is not CREATED.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Result Voucher
Result Voucher screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
ID | System generated unique identification number. |
Workflow Status | Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are 'Created', ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, 'Cancelled'. The default is 'Created'. |
Result Voucher Type | A dropdown which has pre-created results voucher type to select. |
Voucher Type | Indicates the different Result Voucher Types that could be created and the respective workflow configurations. Possible values are - 'INITIAL', ‘SET’, ‘ACTUAL’, 'MANUAL', 'GROUP INITIAL', 'GROUP SET', 'GROUP ACTUAL', 'GROUP MANUAL'. |
Fiscal Year | Always the current Fiscal Year in the system. |
Period Quota | If the "Result Voucher Type" is INITIAL (Annual) then "Period Quota" will be Current Fiscal Period for level of field. If "Result Voucher Type" is QUARTERLY, then "Period Quota" is List of QUARTERS. |
Voucher Date | The date of the Voucher |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code. |
Product Type | Product type related to product. |
Product Coa Group | This is the COA group from GOALS, related in product |
Posting Status | This field is a 'Display Only' field and will be updated by the system when the voucher is either saved (then the attribute is updated to Saved) or temp saved (then the attribute is updated to Temp Saved). |
Temp # | “Calculated/Updated Read Only Field” Serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved. |
Not Posted Reason | The user will select a reason for not posting the voucher when voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Description | Short Description on the entity. |
Agreement Number | This is a text field. Can be alphanumeric. |
Agreement Date | This is a date field manually entered by user. |
Consolidated | Value “True” indicates that the BAP Voucher is consolidated in another BAP (in superior level), “False” is not consolidated Default “False” This attribute must be added to this entity |
Grouping | Value “True” indicates that the BAP Voucher is grouped in another BAP (in superior level), “False” is not grouping. Default “False” |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system. |
Created On | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system when corresponding workflow reaches its last Approval stage. |
Approved On | Populated by the system when workflow reaches its final approval. |
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the attachment can be selected here. |
Title | Name of Attachment. |
Description | A detailed Description of the attachment. |
Date | The Date that the Requisition was processed gets mentioned in this field. This field is a Read Only field. |
Result Voucher Detail screen fields
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Auto generated identification number. |
Coding Block | The Coding Block, depends of COA group selected in Result Voucher. |
Language | Country specific language to enter the description. |
Description | Description of the line item. |
Progress | Contain sum of all distribution items (progress) entered by user. |
Result Percentage | System calculated result percentage. |
Reason of Not Reaching Average | The reason for not reaching the average need to be selected from the dropdown. |
Consolidated Voucher Detail | Indicates the Consolidated Voucher ID in case the voucher is consolidated. |
Result Voucher Distribution screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period for the distribution. |
Progress | Progress for the period. |
The Reason of not Reach Average feature allows the user to create a catalog where a reason is classified that why is the cause of not to have reached the goal.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Support Entities ►Reason of Not Reaching Average
Reason of Not Reaching Average screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification sytem generated code. |
Type of Cause | States the type of reason not reach average |
Active | A checkbox whose possible values are TRUE/FALSE.Default value is TRUE. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Description | Short description regarding the feature. |
This feature Results Voucher Type catalog contains all list of differents type of transaction type that system allow to process, such as "PRGG" Goals programming, "RPRGG" Update Goals, "VEG" Voucher Execution Goal.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Support Entities ►Result Voucher Type
Result Voucher Type screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification sytem generated code. |
Voucher Result Type | This is a closed domain with values "Initial","Set","Actual","Update" |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Name | Name of the feature. |
Description | Short description reagrding the Result Voucher Type |
CoA Group | This feature links the control with a predefined COA Group set as GOAL |
Period Level | This links the Budget Control Type with predefined Period Level (such as Monthly, Quarterly, etc) which will be used for Budget Distribution. When the Budget Control is created, the system should validate if a fiscal period for the Budget Control year that is linked to the selected Period Level exists, otherwise, the system will not allow to save the Budget Control. |
Active | A checkbox whose possible values are TRUE/FALSE.Default value is TRUE. |
This feature depicts that Type of Reason not Reach Average
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Indicators/Products and Goal Execution ► Support Entities ►Type of Reason of Not Reaching Average
Type of Reason of Not Reaching Average screen fields and tab
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification sytem generated code. |
Active | A checkbox whose possible values are TRUE/FALSE.Default value is TRUE. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Description | Short description regarding the feature. |