This feature allows user to set the respective clasifications that are needed to create a BAP voucher related with the fiscal period, level of consolidate.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Support Entities ►Budget Allocation Planning Type
Budget Allocation Planning Type screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Code | Automatically generated unique identification code. |
BAP Type | A dropdown menu signifying the types of Budget Allocation Planning type with possible values are 'INITIAL','SET',UPDATE'.The Default value is 'INITIAL'. |
Active | A checkbox with possible values TRUE/FALSE. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Name | Name of the Budget Allocation Planning Type. |
Description | Short description of the Budget Allocation Planning Type. |
BAP Voucher Detail for FRT tab screen fields
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Auto-Generated Correlative Number (user can not change it) starts with 1 for every new Budget Control Update Voucher. |
Coding Block | Coding Block for the BAP Voucher for FRT. |
Language | Country specific language used for description. |
Description | Short description on the voucher. |
Approved Commitment Amount Domestic | Display field shows the Total Domestic Commitment amount of the line item. Default is Zero. |
Approved Commitment Requested Amount Foreign | Display field shows the Total Foreign Commitment amount of the line item. Default is Zero. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period for the distribution. |
Approved Commitment Amount Domestic | Commitment domestic amount for the period. |
Approved Commitment Amount Foreign | Commitment foreign amount for the period. |
The Budget Allocation Planning Voucher enables an organization to establish a budget financial control set to different levels, periods and budget control types. This feature allow to control the posting and approval a financial transactions of Commitments and Accrual.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Budget Allocation Planning Voucher
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher screen fields
Field | Description |
Id | The Voucher unique ID, can be either system generated or manual based on Appropriation parameters, if system generated then each voucher type will have different serial. If defined as Auto-generated, the system will read the next serial number from the Serial Numbers entity. |
Workflow Status | Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: ‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, 'PreApproved',‘Approved’, 'Verifed', 'Cancelled'. 'Ratified' 'Redistributed' .The Default value is‘Created’. |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year. |
Voucher Date | The system show the default current system date. |
Budget Allocation Planning Type | This is a Combo Box to select the Budget Control Allocation Type from the BC Types list.System must populate the information automatically. |
Voucher Type | Indicates the different BAP Types that could be created and the respective workflow configurations. |
Period Quota | Fiscal Period related with parameter or Null. |
Budget Office | This is the Budget Office Code for which the Voucher is prepared. |
Posting Status | This field is a 'Display Only' field and will be updated by the system when the voucher is either saved (then the attribute is updated to Saved) or temp saved (then the attribute is updated to Temp Saved). |
Temp # | Serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved. |
Not Posted Reason | The user will select a reason for not posting the voucher when voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Description | Short description on the voucher. |
Currency | It allows the user to select the Voucher Currency. Default is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | Will show the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to the Appropriations, users can change the rate if allowed in the Appropriations parameters, otherwise this field will be ‘Display only’ and updated only by the system when the currency is selected. Default is 1 (because default currency is Domestic). |
Agreement Number | This is a text field. Can be alphanumeric. |
Agreement Date | This is a generic date field. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Total Domestic Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Total Foreign Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Domestic Requested amount of all line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Foreing Requested amount of all line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated. |
Consolidated | Value “True” indicates that the BAP Voucher is consolidated in another BAP (in superior level), “False” is not consolidated. Default is “False”. |
Redistributed | Indicates if the voucher is redistributed. |
Created By | The user who creted the voucher as per the system records. |
Created On | The system generated time to state the time of the document creation. |
Approved By | The user approver. |
Approved On | The date of approval. |
Obligation Distributed Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Total Domestic Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero |
Obligation Distributed Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Total Foreign Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero |
YTD Actual Distributed Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Domestic Requested amount of all line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated |
YTD Actual Distributed Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Foreing Requested amount of all line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated |
Attchment screen fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique Identification code for the attachment. |
Attachment Classification | Dropdown to choose the attachment classification for reference. |
Title | Title for the attachment. |
Description | Description of the attachment. |
Date | Date of file attachment is recorded in this field by the system. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher Details tab screen fields
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Auto-Generated Correlative Number (user cannot change it) starts with 1 for every new Budget Control Update Voucher. |
Coding Block | Coding Block for the BAPV. |
Budget Amount | Total Budget amount. |
Language | Country specific language used for description. |
Description | Short description on the voucher. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Total Domestic Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Total Foreign Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Domestic) | Display field shows the Domestic Requested amount of the line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Foreign Requested amount of the line item. Default is Zero Summarized consolidated. |
Consolidated Voucher Detail | Parent voucher detail. |
Redistributed | Indicates if the voucher is redistributed. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher Distribution For Obligation Screen Fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period for the distribution. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Domestic) | Obligation Request domestic amount for the period. |
Obligation Requested Amount (Foreign) | Obligation Request foreign amount for the period. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher Distribution For YTD Actual Tab Screen Fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period for the distribution. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Domestic) | Actual Request domestic amount for the period. |
YTD Actual Requested Amount (Foreign) | Actual Request foreign amount for the period. |
The Budget Allocation Planning module enables an organization to establish a budget financial control set to different levels, periods and budget control types. This module allow to control the posting and approval a financial transactions of Commitments and Accrual.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Budget Planning For Revolving Funds
Budget Planning For Revolving Funds Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Application Id | Voucher unique ID, can be either system generated or manual based on Appropriation parameters, if system generated then each voucher type will have different serial. If defined as Auto-generated, the system will read the next serial number from the Serial Numbers entity |
Workflow Status | Current workflow status of the Budget Allocation Planning Voucher created. It is a closed domain, means automatically updated by the system |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the Obligation, Default current FY (where 'Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution' is True) |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period of the voucher, Default current period |
Voucher Date | Default current system date |
Budget Revolving Fund Type | This is a Combo Box to select the BAP Type from the dropdown list. Possible values are 'FRT' and 'Other'. |
Period Quota | Fiscal Period related with parameter or Null |
Budget Office | Budget Office Code. |
Description | Voucher short description |
Currency | To allow the user to select the Voucher Currency. Default is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | Will show the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to the Appropriations, users can change the rate if allowed in the Appropriations parameters, otherwise this field will be ‘Display only’ and updated only by the system when the currency is selected. Default is 1 (because default currency is Domestic). |
Number Fund Linked | Source document, revolving funds number. |
Approved Obligation Amount Domestic | Display field shows the Total Domestic Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Approved Obligation Amount (Foreign) | Display field shows the Total Foreign Obligation amount of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Approved By | Automatically populated by the system when last approval stage is reache in corresponding. |
Approved On | Automatically populated by the system. |
Budget Planning For Revolving Funds Detail Tab | This Tab allows users to enter Details Distribution of Budget Plan For Revolving Fund. |
Budget Planning For Revolving Fund Detail Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Auto-Generated Correlative Number (user can not change it) starts with 1 for every new Budget Control Update Voucher. |
Coding Block | Coding Block for the BAP Voucher for FRT. |
Description | Description of Budget Planning For Revolving Fund Detail |
Approved Obligation Amount Domestic | Display field shows the Total Domestic Obligation amount of the line item. Default is Zero. |
Approved Obligation Requested Amount Foreign | Display field shows the Total Foreign Obligation amount of the line item. Default is Zero. |
Budget Planning For Revolving Funds Distribution Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period populate with detail related with Period Quota select in header, If is Null must list montly (annual) |
Approved Obligation Amount Domestic | Default value 0. |
Approved Obligation Amount Foreign | Default value 0. |
This allows the user to create a consolidate voucher, grouping BAP vouchers at next lower level and using the value in paramater BAP CoaGroup to consolidate , after creating the new BAP voucher system must update all BAP voucher consolidated with the corresponing ID on Voucher and Detail Entities.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ►Consolidate Budget Allocation Planning Voucher
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Budget Allocation Planning Type | A dropdown menu signifying the types of Budget Allocation Planning type with possible values are 'INITIAL','SET',UPDATE'.The Default value is 'INITIAL'. |
Voucher Type | The possible Voucher types available. |
Period Quota | If the "Result Voucher Type" is INITIAL (Annual) then "Period Quota" will be Current Fiscal Period for level of field.If "Result Voucher Type" is QUARTERLY then "Period Quota" is List of QUARTERS. |
Currency | The currency symbol used for the country specific currency used. |
Budget Office | In filter Budget Office, system must allow to filter by Parent level and display same and inferior levels.This is the Budget Office code. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher | The Budget Allocation Planning Voucher to be consolidated is to be selected here. |
Create a new BAP Annual Allocation Voucher using data from budget plan entities ('approved' Budget Version) from Performance Budgeting Module. Only Budget Versions approved or partially sent for execution can be sent for execution, so the button will be enabled only for Budget Versions with status 'Approved' or 'Partially Sent for Execution'.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Create Annual Vouchers From Planning
Create Annual BAP Vouchers From Planning screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Budget Version | Unique identification code for Budget Version. |
Institution | Institution name |
Distribution Method | Distribution Method to be used. |
This feature allow users to group several Budget Allocation Planning Vouchers.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ►Group Budget Allocation Planning Voucher
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Budget Allocation Planning Type | A dropdown menu signifying the types of Budget Allocation Planning type with possible values are 'INITIAL','SET',UPDATE'.The Default value is 'INITIAL'. |
Voucher Type | The possible Voucher types available. |
Period Quota | If the "Result Voucher Type" is INITIAL (Annual) then "Period Quota" will be Current Fiscal Period for level of field.If "Result Voucher Type" is QUARTERLY then "Period Quota" is List of QUARTERS. |
Currency | The currency symbol used for the country specific currency used. |
Budget Office | In filter Budget Office, system must allow to filter by Parent level and display same and inferior levels.This is the Budget Office code. |
Budget Allocation Planning Voucher | Refers to the Budget Allocation Planning Voucher which will be grouped. |
The Annual Amounts per Period Report displays the details of the Original and Initial Commitment Quota amounts per month for the entire fiscal year.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Annual Amounts Per Period Report
Planning Updates Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Currency | The currency for which the report will be shown is to be choosen here. |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Annual Originals Report displays the details of the Original (planning) amounts per fiscal period (quarterly) in a fiscal year.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and quarterly from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year and CoA.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Annual Originals Report
Annual Originals Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Show Detailed | If yes shows the detailed information in the output. |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Approved Quota Report displays the details of the Original amounts approved by Entity, Concept and Source.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ►Approved Quota Report
Approved Quota Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Show Detailed | If the checkbox is checked then the System must take value from the parameter BAP BASE COA GROUP and use this COA Group such as a base to populate the Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements and do Rollups to the parameter Budget Control Type.If the checkbox is unchecked then only use the parameter Budget Control Type. |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Budget Updates Request Report displays comparative amounts between the general current and updates amounts.This report is based on former report Execution Planning Request Report, but must hide columns of Obligations (Acummulated), Current (quarterly), Original Quarterly. However, it must show an additional column for Updates Quarterly.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Budget Updates Request Report
Budget Updates Request Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Wrokflow Status | The workflow status available are 'Approval Requested','Approved','Cancelled', etc |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Execution Planning Request Report displays comparative amounts between the general approved and planned Budget Controls.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Execution Planning Request Report
Execution Planning Request Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Show Detailed | If the checkbox is checked then the System will show the details.If the checkbox is unchecked then the details will not be shown. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements | This is used for filtration of the report. |
The Original and Initial Commitment Quota Report displays the details of the Original and Initial Commitment Quota amounts to be executed month per month into a fiscal period (quarterly).The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Original and Initial Commitment Quota Report
Original and Initial Commitment Quota Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Show Balance Column | If checked then the balance column will be shown, if unchecked the balance column will not be shown. |
Show Detailed | If checked then the details will be shown, if unchecked the details will not be shown. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
Hierarchy Rollups Coa Elements | This is used for filtration of the report. |
The Original and Updates vs. Execution Report compares original and update amounts of the Budget Control Distribution versus executed amounts in a fiscal period (quarterly) of a fiscal year.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and quarterly from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year and CoA.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ►Originals And Updates Vs Execution Report
Originals And Updates Vs Execution Report Screen Fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Planning Updates Report displays the details of the Original (planning), Original – Current and Current amounts per fiscal period (quarterly) in a fiscal year.The report can be displayed showing quarterly amounts or total annual amounts. A filter should be used for users to choose detailed or total report.The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and quarterly from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year and CoA.
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ►Planning Updates Report
Planning Updates Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |
The Planning vs. Execution Report displays the details of the Original (planning) and Obligation (execution) amounts, and Balance among them per month into a fiscal period (quarterly).The report shows the amounts per CoA (Coding block) and month from the budget distribution table, and groups this information (with appropriate subtotals), and allows the user to filter the records on Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period (quarterly).
Budgeting & Appropriation ► Budget Allocation Planning ► Report ► Planning Versus Execution Report
Planning Versus Execution Report screen fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Fiscal Period | The system will default to current fiscal period and fiscal year |
Currency | The currency symbol used with respect to tha country specific currency used. |
Budget Control Type | The Budget Control Type list shows the available Budget Control. |
Comment | Comment regarding the report. |