Support Entities

Cost Item


A cost item is any element that can be used to predict and calculate future developments of organizational departments such as basic salary, vacation pay and full-time salaries at the assignment level. There are four information tabs at the bottom that further expand the capabilities of a cost item. The deductions tab lists the deduction and cost item relationship for a deduction calculation. A deduction can be viewed, added or deleted in this tab. The dependant tab represents cost items calculated on other cost items. For example, another expense can appear from producing an employee's salary. Each cost item, by law, may be associated with an income tax which will be recorded in the Income Tax tab within the Cost Item function. The last tab is Effective Date which manages all the different dates that document when the cost item will become effective.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Cost Item


Cost Item screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record


Select the language used  to register the description and name


Name of the Cost Item.


Long description of the Cost Item.


This determines the order of calculation.


Select from the Drop Down Menu the Type of Cost Item that users are creating.


Use of Cost Item - Daily, Hourly etc.

Frequency based on

Initially it is Not Applicable. If selected, the Frequency can be modified.

Is Basic Salary

If checked, Cost Item is a Basic Salary earning. 

Is ProRated

If checked, Cost Item will be ProRated.  A ProRated Cost Item will be used mainly for a salary increase in the middle of a pay period or if an employee resigns in the middle of the month.

Is this limiting the Basic Cost Item

This is the reduction amount of a cost item in association with a specified effective date.

May this paid on different periods then the regular periods

If checked, this is paid on different periods.

Is this linked to a NON-Salary scale

When Frequency is DAILY or HOURLY, Non Salary Scale can not be selected. When Frequency is NOT DAILY or HOURLY, Non Salary Scale can be selected. If selected, extra fields in Cost Items will be mandatory to complete in order to specify which scale to use.

Is Statutory Holiday

Will be checked if Cost Item is a Statutory Holiday and will be used as a pay calculation. When selected, Is Limiting Regular will be selected and cannot be unselected.  Frequency will display DAILY when Is Statutory Holiday is selected.

Does this cost item have an effect on the pay

Default is true. It indicates if the cost item  affects the pay.

Inactive Date

By default, is null. Once a date is entered the Cost Item will no longer be available on and after that date.

Maximum value by calculation

It allows setting the maximum value for the cost calculation.

Should pay excess value

If checked then allows paying the excess value for the cost item.


Allowed Combinations


This is part of the HCS Cost Item.  It appears as a tab in the form.


Allowed Combinations screen Fields



Pay Zone

Pay zone is mandatory if cost item scale group is specified.

Cost Item Scale Group

The Cost Item Scale Group includes the information related to the group used in the Cost Item Scale.

Cost Item Scale

The Situation field is used to describe the employment status of the employee in the assignment. Up to four levels can be used to describe the situation.

 Situation Code CombinationSelect the value from the drop down 


Coding Block Debit Tab


This is part of the HCS Cost Item.  It appears as a tab in the form.


Coding Block Debit Tab screen Fields



Coding Block

This is the final line of coding that will be created in Cost item financial coding block.


Percentage should be in decimal format.

Situation Code Combination

This function organizes and manages these combinations of situation codes that are to be associated with a specific cost item.




This is part of the HCS Cost Item.  It appears as a tab in the form.


Dependant screen Fields




If checked, the dependant is active (applicable during calculation).

Considered Cost Item

The Cost Item that will be used as the dependant.


The percentage amount of the cost item that the deduction will apply to. Range from 0 – 100.


Effective Date


This is part of the HCS Cost Item.  It appears as a tab in the form.


Effective Date screen Fields



Effective Date

The date at which the cost item becomes effective.

Amount For Frequency

The amount of the cost item.


The percentage of the amount to be calculated for the cost item.


Cost Item Package


This is a support entity for Human Capital.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Cost Item Package


Cost Item Package screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record


Select the language used  to register the description and name


Description of the Cost Item Package


Allowed Combination


This tab is associated with Cost Item  

Allowed Code Combination Tab screen Fields



Pay Zone

Pay zone is mandatory if cost item scale group is specified.

Cost Item Scale Group

The Cost Item Scale Group includes the information related to the group used in the Cost Item Scale.

Cost Item Scale

This describes the cost item scale (which holds the cost item scale steps containing the specific salary ranges).

Situattion Code Combination

Select the value from the drop-down option


Cost Item Package Detail Tab


This tab is associated with Cost Item  



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Cost Item Packge Detail


Cost Item Package Detail Tab screen Fields



Effective Date

The collection must have unique effective dates.

Cost Item

A cost item is any element that can be used to predict and calculate future developments of organizational departments such as basic salary, vacation pay and full-time salaries at the assignment level.

Pay Zone

Pay zone is mandatory if cost item scale group is specified.

Cost Item Scale Group

The Cost Item Scale Group includes the information related to the group used in the Cost Item Scale.

Cost Item Scale

This describes the cost item scale (which holds the cost item scale steps containing the specific salary ranges).

Cost Item Scale Step

It describes cost item scale steps as defined by the Public Service (or equivalent). Should be unique within this cost item group-subgroup and level.


Cost Item Scale


A cost item scale is any element that can be used to predict and calculate future developments of organizational departments such as basic salary, vacation pay and full-time salaries at the assignment level.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Cost Item Scale


Cost Item screen Fields




Unique identifier Code  for each record

Pay ZoneSelect the value of Payzone from the dropdown list.


Group information associated to the Cost Item Scale of the position.


If checked, Cost Item is available.

Is Salary Scale

If checked, Salary scale linked to the employee position as entered under Cost Item Scale Group.


Country specific language used to register the description.


Cost Item Scale Name.


Cost Item Scale Description.


Cost Item Scale Step


This tab is associated with Cost Item Scale 


Cost Item Scale Step screen Fields



Step Number

Defines number of Cost Item Scale Step


If checked, Cost Item Scale Step is available.

Date For Increase

Date at which the salary will be automatically increased to the next level.

Hours For Increase

Number of hours prior to a salary increase to the next level.

Default Amount

Cost Item Scale Step Default Amount

Minimum AmountCost Item Scale Step Minimum Amount
Maximum AmountCost Item Scale Step Maximum Amount


Cost Item Scale Tab


This tab is associated with Cost Item Scale. It defines the Salary Scale of the employee.


Cost Item Scale Tab screen Fields



Sub Group

Defines the Sub Group of the Cost Item Scale


If checked, Cost Item Scale is available

Increase Percentage

Percentage of Increase at anniversary date for Cost Item Scales with a minimum-maximum range

Scale Level

Number indicating the Cost Item Scale Level

Effective Date

Date at which the Cost Item Scale becomes effective

Frequency  Rate

Use of Cost Item Scale – Annually, Bi-weekly, Daily, Every 4 weeks, Hourly, Monthly, Weekly.


 Country specific language used to register the description.


Name of the Cost Item Scale


Description of the Cost Item Scale


Fiscal Period


The Fiscal Period information is another key component of Human Capital to determine and calculate appropriate forecast information.
The Fiscal Period values are used across the application to determine the adequate amount for month-end accruals when performing the accruals generation and export functionality, or when running HC reports on the last day of a specific fiscal period.
These values are also used in the exporting functionality to ensure that expense transactions are exported to the financial system based on this concept to ensure and facilitate constant reconciliation between the General Ledger (the financial system) and the salary expenses Sub- Ledger (HC).
The Fiscal Period may be segregated quarterly, monthly or every six months. Fiscal period goes from the beginning of each Fiscal year (e.g. April 1st.) to the end of the fiscal year, e.g. March 31th).
The fiscal period values must be created on a fiscal year basis by the HC System Administrator.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Fiscal Period


Fiscal Period screen Fields



Period Number

Unique identification code, manually entered by user. The Period Number must be unique for the active fiscal year, e.g. you can have period number 1 in fiscal year 2017, and period number 1 in fiscal year 2018.

Start Date Period

Start Date of the Fiscal Period.

End Date Period

End Date of the Fiscal Period.

StatusCurrent status of the period. The Status is Open by default. The available options are: Open, Closed and Restricted (Closed with Exceptions).


Select the language used  to register the description and name


Description of Fiscal Period.

Note: Before creating a Fiscal Period in the new fiscal year, click on the Find icon to identify if any Fiscal Period already exists for that Fiscal year.

Note: Before creating a fiscal period, verify that you are in the appropriate fiscal year and scenario. If not, position yourself in the appropriate fiscal year and scenario for which the new fiscal period information needs to be created.

Note: The Fiscal Period number must be unique within the fiscal year, e.g. 1 for April; 2 for May, etc..

Note: The System Administrator can select one of the available status by clicking on the drop-down menu. To re-open a fiscal period, simply reselect the open status and to save the changes. The System Administrator can select one of the available status by clicking on the drop-down menu. To re-open a fiscal period, simply reselect the open status and to save the changes.

Fiscal Year


Human Capital Fiscal year must be associated with a unique Accounting Fiscal Year. It cannot have two entries in Human Capital Fiscal Year using the same Account Fiscal Year.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Fiscal Year


Fiscal Year screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record


Select the language used  to register the description and name

Fiscal Year

Each Entry in HC Fiscal year must be associated with a unique Accounting Fiscal Year. Cannot have two entries in HC Fiscal Year using the same Account Fiscal Year.


Name of the Fiscal year.

Start Date

Select the date from the calendar and the Start date must be less than End Date.

End Date

Select the date from the calendar and the End date must be greater than Start Date.

Close Fiscal Year

If checked, the process Close Fiscal Year is activated.



Pay Code


Pay code includes the list of pay codes along with their corresponding pay periods as a collection. Pay code associated to the Payroll Calculation.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Pay Code


Pay Code screen Fields



Pay Code ID

Unique identifier Pay Code ID  for each record


If checked indicates the Pay Code is available.

Number of Pay Periods Per Year

Total number of pay periods in the fiscal year.

Average work days in a Period

Number of work days in a period e.g. 21 for monthly Pay Period.

Average Work Days per Year

Average number of working days per year to be entered by the user. Used for forecasting.


Country specific language used to register description.


Pay Code description.


Actual Number of Days


This defines Actual number of working days in the year.


Actual Number of Days screen Fields



Fiscal Year

The current fiscal for the pay period.

Actual Number of Work Days in the year

Number of work days in the year.


Pay Period


Pay Period includes the list of pay periods with associated pay dates, Work From and Work To dates.


Pay Period screen Fields



Pay Period Number

Unique pay period number for each record

Pay Date

Defines the Pay Date for the Pay period.

Work From 

The starting date for pay period.

Work To

The end date for pay period.

Fiscal Year

Select the current fiscal for the pay period.



Pay Rate


Pay Rate represents a weekday schedule definition belonging to a schedule definition entity.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Pay Rate


Pay Rate screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record


Distribution percentage.

Number Hours

Used during pay calculation to do salary conversions such as converting an annual salary to hourly.


Short description of Pay Rate.


Long description of Pay Rate.


Pay Zone


This is a support entity for Human Capital. It should be with HC cost item scale in the menu.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Pay Zone 


Pay Zone screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record

LanguageCountry specific language used to register the description.


Description of the Pay Zone


Shift Schedule Definition


Shift Schedule Definition is used to organize shift hours with the number of working days per week. HR managers can associate overtime policies and tardiness policies to Shift Schedules and define the work hours and work days of each Shift Schedule.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Shift Schedule Definition


Shift Schedule Definition screen Fields




Unique identifier code for each record

Fixed Salary

This is to indicate if the employee gets paid a fixed salary independent of the fact that there is 21 days in a month or 22 days.

Number of Hours per Day

Specifies the minimum hours per day that must be fulfilled.

LanguageCountry specific language used to register description.


A brief description of the shift schedule definition.


Shift Schedule Weekday


Shift Schedule Weekday that organizes shift hours with the number of working days per week.


Shift Schedule Weekday screen Fields




Shift Schedule Weekday that organizes shift hours with the number of working days per week.

Is Working Day

Checked, if shift falls into that category

Weekday Order

Display Order of days (i.e. 1, 2,3...7)

Pay Rate

This represents a weekday schedule definition belonging to a schedule definition entity.


Statutory Holiday


Statutory holidays manage one of the cost items associated with an employee assignment. Statutory holidays produce another cost applied against the organization. This function allows the ability to specify whether employees will be paid or not on a particular Statutory Holiday. The Statutory Holiday function manages one of the cost items associated with an employee. Statutory holidays and associated Cost Items are used by payroll calculation and financial planning and forecasting.


Statutory Holiday screen Fields




Unique identifier for each record

Is Payable

By Default it is checked and indicates that the employee will be paid on that Statutory Holiday.


It will be will be used as a pay calculation.


Situation Code Catalogue


A situation code is an identifier that defines the employment status of an employee in the assignment.  For example, a situation code will describe a position and the associated pay along with a start and end date of employment and other required information pertaining to that employee position. A Catalogue of Situation Codes gathers together all the valid Situation Codes that can be used when linking an employee and a position. This function is available to search the catalogue of situation codes as well as create, modify and delete codes. Situation Codes listed in this function can be combined with others that will be managed and organized in another function called Situation Code Combinations.  Cost Items, which are further explained in various other functions, work closely with the situation code catalogue as well. Situation Codes will be retrieved from the catalogue here to produce situation code combinations and link them with cost items.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Situation Code Catalogue


Situation Code Catalogue screen Fields




Unique identification code of the Situational Code Catalogue.


If checked, Situation Code is available.


Language as chosen.


Used for reporting and searching purposes.


Situation Code description.

Situation Code Level

This parameter determines the highest situation code level display order for the application.


Situation Code Combination (HC)


The Situation field is used to describe the employment status of the employee in the assignment. Up to four levels can be used to describe the situation. Example: for an employee assignment that is indeterminate (Level 1), full-time (Level 2), leave of absence (Level 3) and parental leave (Level 4) the situation code would be I-FT-LOA-PAR. However, the situation code for an indeterminate full-time assignment would be I-FT--, with levels 3 and 4 left blank.


Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Situation Code Combination

Situation Code Combination screen Fields



Application Id

The unique identification code for each Situation Code Combination generated by the system.


Country Specific Language used to register the description.


A detailed description for the Situation Code Combination.

Used for Planned Staffing

By default it is unchecked. Should be checked if the Situation Code Combination is used for Planned Staffing.

Accumulate Hours

By default it is unchecked. It is used to calculate the hours of the assignment during payroll forecasting. It helps to take decisions for the salary increase of the employee.

Is for Soft Commitments

Used for Salary Commitments Generation. Default is False.  If set to True by the user, the assignments using this Situation Code Combination will be used in the generation of soft commitments.

Generate Accruals in Reports

By default, it is set to "As defined in GL account".  Possible values are "As defined in the GL account", "Cumulative" and "Between 2 dates".  Should be set to "Cumulative" for cumulative calculation, and to "Between 2 dates" for between 2 dates calculation.

Used for generation of Accruals

By default, it is set to "As defined in GL account".  Possible values are "As defined in the GL account", "Cumulative" and "Between 2 dates".  Should be set to "Cumulative" for cumulative calculation, and to "Between 2 dates" for between 2 dates calculation.

Used for Generation of Commitments

Used for Salary Commitments Generation.  By default, it is set to "N/A".  Possible values are: "Accruals + Forecasts to Year End", "Full-Year Forecasts", "Actual Expenditures + Forecasts to Year End", "Forecasts to Year End", "N/A".

Used for Generation of Forecasts

Used for Salary Forecasts Generation. By default, it is set to "N/A".  Possible values are: "Accruals + Forecasts to Year End", "Full-Year Forecasts", "Actual Expenditures + Forecasts to Year End", "Forecasts to Year End", "N/A".

Shift Schedule

Shift Schedule related to the situation code combination entered manually by the user from the list defined under the Shift Schedule Definition Entity.

Forecasting Employee Class

Employee Classes use during Pay Process.

HC Pay Code

This includes the list of pay codes along with their corresponding pay periods as a collection.

Related HC Situation Code Combination

This will be used in the assignment, when a situation code selected in assignment has this field populated; it means that a 2nd assignment will be created with the situation code specified here.  More details will be on the rules and regulation of the HCS employee assignment.

Situation Code Combination Level 1

Select a Situation Code Combination (Level 1) from the drop-down menu.

Situation Code Combination Level 2

Select a Situation Code Combination (Level 2) from the drop-down menu.

Situation Code Combination Level 3Select a Situation Code Combination (Level 3) from the drop-down menu.
Situation Code Combination Level 4Select a Situation Code Combination (Level 4) from the drop-down menu.


Cost Item Package Attributions Tab


This tab allows the user to enter the Cost Item Package Attributions for the Situation Code Combination. 

Cost Item Package Attribution Screen fields

Cost Item PackageThis drop-down list allows the user to select the Cost Item Package to include in the situation code combination.
Attribute AutomaticallyThe default value of it is marked as Checked.


Cost Item Per Situation Code Combination (HC) Tab


The Cost Item Per Situation Code Combination Tab field is used to describe the employment status of the employee in the assignment. 

Situation Code Combination Tab screen Fields




when checked indicates the Situation Code Combination is available.

Is This Cost Item Automatically Attributed To the Assignment

When checked it will relate to the cost item.

Cost Item

Select the appropriate Cost Item.


HCS CI Situation Coding Block Tab


This tab is allow users to filter coding block expression.

HCS CI Situation Coding Block Tab screen Fields



Coding Block

Coding for each Global Cost, as per the Commission on Audit group. It provide the user to enter the coding block manually or using the feature lookup and element view.


Situation Code Level


This screen includes the names of the situation code levels.  A situation code can have up to 4 levels. Examples of situation code combinations are Permanent, full-time, contract, and part-time.



Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities  Situation Code Level


Situation Code Level screen Fields




Unique identification code of the Situational Code Levels Definition.


If checked, Situational Code Levels Definition is available.

Display Order

This parameter determines the highest situation code level display order for the application.


Language as chosen.


A brief description of the Situation Code Level


Statutory Holiday Catalogue


An accurate configuration of the statutory holidays is key for forecasting salary costs correctly. This function allows the ability to specify whether employees will be paid or not on a particular Statutory Holiday. Statutory holidays and associated Cost Items are used by payroll calculation and financial planning and forecasting. Depending on the conditions of employment, holidays may or may not be remunerated.

The set-up of the holidays is usually done when setting up a new fiscal year.

Note: The difference between an employee’s forecast with paid or non-paid holidays can represent on average 11 days of salary. When multiplied by the number of employees in the organization, the impact on the total salary forecast can be significant. The appropriate configuration of holidays is therefore crucial.


Human Capital ► Budgeting and Forecasting ► Support Entities ► Statutory Holiday Catalogue


Statutory Holiday Catalogue screen Fields



Application Id

Unique identification code manually entered by user. The id can either be numeric or alphanumeric.

Holiday Name

Short description of Statutory Holiday Catalogue.

Note: A statutory holiday cannot be deleted from the catalogue if it is referenced in a shift Schedule Definition, but the holiday dates can be removed, modified or added as long as they are in the active fiscal year.

Holiday Date


Holiday Date tab is used to select the date from the calender for the selected holiday.


Holiday Date Tab screen Fields



Holiday Date

Select the date from the calendar for Holiday Date.


Note: If a holiday is on a weekend and it is not part of a regular working week, it must be deferred to the first regular working day immediately following the holiday. Otherwise, the forecasts will be overestimated by one day for each employee with a Shift Schedule paid-holidays. At the same time, the employees with a Shift Schedule non-paid holiday will be underestimated by one day also.

Year End Rollover


In the Human Capital, most information can be shared across multiple fiscal years. Since some of the information is fiscal year-dependent, it needs to be carried over from one year to another. The Year End Rollover process is designed to handle this process, which is explained below.

The year-end rollover process is usually executed at the end of the fiscal year. In some organizations changes to the financial coding block (FCB), the chart of accounts or the accounting practices often coincide with the beginning of the new fiscal year.
Note: This document is intended for system administrators and experienced users who are required to perform a fiscal year transition or FCB updates.


Human Capital ► Budgeting and Forecasting ► Support Entities ► Year End Rollover


Year End Rollover screen field

Actual number of days for the new yearUsed to the number of working days for the new year. Example 262 (for year 2019). This information will be used to compute time-related cost items. Typically, the entry is 260, 261 or 262 days.


Generate Pay Periods


At the end of the year, the user needs to create new pay periods in Human Capital Pay Period for each pay code in the system.  Some pay codes have 52 pay periods because employees get paid on a weekly basis, this means that we need to make 52 new entries for that one pay code every year.  This procedure would generate the same pay periods for the new fiscal year based on the ones from last year. It will only generate pay periods for the pay codes where isActive=TRUE.


Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Generate Pay Periods

Generate Pay Period:

Generate based on Fiscal YearFiscal year from the pay periods will generate
Generated in fiscal yearFiscal year where the pay periods needs to generate.



It is possible that the last Pay Period of the current fiscal year (2018) overlaps to the next pay period of the next fiscal year (2019). Once an overlap is identified, the 1st Pay Period of a Fiscal Year will be a copy of the last Pay Period of the previous Fiscal Year.


Note: For pay periods with bi-weekly frequency, the number of pay periods might be 27, including the pay period that overlaps. Verify that you are in the new fiscal year (e.g. 2019-2020) to generate the pay periods.

HC Element Configuration


HC Elements Configuration includes the COA Group and Segment associated to the Elements flags used for the Accruals, Commitments and Forecasts calculation.


Human Capital ► Budgeting and Forecasting ►Support Entities ► Hc Element Configuartion

Hc Element Configuartion Screen Fields




The unique identification code for Element Configuration. It is automatically generated by the system.

COA Group

The COA group drop-down list allows the user to select it which would be configured. It shows the COA group of the active chart of account.


Segment of Coding Block Structure, Selected the drop down menu displaying the segment from the active COA.

Element Configuration DetailsIt allows the user to attach one or more elements configuration details using the lookup feature.