Shift Schedule Definition is used to organize shift hours with the number of working days per week. HR managers can associate overtime policies and tardiness policies to Shift Schedules and define the work hours and work days of each Shift Schedule.
Human Capital ► Budgeting and forecasting ► Support Entities ► Shift Schedule Definition
Shift Schedule Definition screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier code for each record |
Fixed Salary | This is to indicate if the employee gets paid a fixed salary independent of the fact that there is 21 days in a month or 22 days. |
Number of Hours per Day | Specifies the minimum hours per day that must be fulfilled. |
Language | Country specific language used to register description. |
Description | A brief description of the shift schedule definition. |
Shift Schedule Weekday that organizes shift hours with the number of working days per week.
Shift Schedule Weekday screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Weekday | Shift Schedule Weekday that organizes shift hours with the number of working days per week. |
Is Working Day | Checked, if shift falls into that category |
Weekday Order | Display Order of days (i.e. 1, 2,3...7) |
Pay Rate | This represents a weekday schedule definition belonging to a schedule definition entity. |
Statutory holidays manage one of the cost items associated with an employee assignment. Statutory holidays produce another cost applied against the organization. This function allows the ability to specify whether employees will be paid or not on a particular Statutory Holiday. The Statutory Holiday function manages one of the cost items associated with an employee. Statutory holidays and associated Cost Items are used by payroll calculation and financial planning and forecasting.
Statutory Holiday screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for each record |
Is Payable | By Default it is checked and indicates that the employee will be paid on that Statutory Holiday. |
Holiday | It will be will be used as a pay calculation. |