Institutional Revolving Fund Voucher


Registration and control of revolving fund documents, petty cash and advance in their different modes of execution: Opening, Expansion, replacement and refund.


Expenditures ► Revolving Funds ► Institutional Revolving Document Voucher ► Institutional Revolving Fund Voucher

Institutional Revolving Fund Voucher Screen Fields




Voucher unique ID, automatically generated by the system

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year of the voucher, Default current FY (where 'Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution' is True)

Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period of the voucher, Default current period

Workflow Status

This field shows the status of the workflow depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this entity the basic Stages are: ‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, 'Cancelled', 'Template'. The default value is 'Created'.


Allows to select the Accounting Office Code from search functionality

Voucher Date

Default current system date

Record Type

Read only attribute which is automatically filled by the system depending the menu option selected by the user

Execute Type

Read only attribute which is automatically filled by the system depending the menu option selected by the user

Operation Type

Allows to select the operation type from dropdown list

Fund Number

Allows to add the fund number from lookup functionality

Source Fund Number

The fund number of the source fund.

Institution ID for Execution

Populated automatically by system from Institution to Execute of Fund Number selected.

Fund Type

This only applies if Record Type = "FRT" in other case it must to be hidden

Norm Of Revolving Fund

Reference to Norm ID

Grants Document type

Reference to Document Type ID. Unique code that identifies the document type

No Supporting Document

No. document that supports the transaction

Date No. supporting document

Date of No. document that supports the transaction


To allow the user to select the Voucher Currency. Default is Domestic Currency.

Exchange Rate

Will show the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to Expenditures users can change the rate if allowed in the Currency parameters, otherwise this field will be ‘Display only’ and updated only by the system when the currency is selected.

Total Domestic Amount Requested

Shows Total Domestic Amount for the details of funds (Total Domestic Amount of the details of funds). Default is Zero

Total Foreign Amount Requested

Shows Total Foreign Amount for the details of funds (Total Foreign Amount of the details of funds). Default is Zero

Total Domestic Amount Approved

Shows Total Domestic Amount for the details of funds (Total Domestic Amount of the details of funds). Default is Zero

Total Foreign Amount Approved

Shows Total Foreign Amount for the details of funds (Total Foreign Amount of the details of funds). Default is Zero

Bank Paying Account

Reference to Treasury Bank Account ID or Ref: Paying Account's Entity

Bank Account Source

Populate by system from Revolving Fund Bank Account of Fund Number selected


Country specific language

Fund Purpose

Describe the purpose of fund.

Vendor Beneficiary

Reference to Vendor Code. A hyperlink to be provided to drill down to the Vendor screen, a new window to be opened to display the attributes from the Vendor entity.

Offset Code

Populate by system from Debts to Pay Offset Code of Fund Number selected

Replacement of fund

Enable and Visible only if the attribute (“Record type” = “FRT” or “CCH”) AND the attribute “Operation type” = “APE”.

Created By

Populated automatically by the system

Created Date

Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record.

Is Requested

State that identifies whether the document this Requested. default: false

Requested by

Populated automatically by the system, when the document is requested.

Date Requested

Populated automatically by the system in time of Requested.

Is Approved

State that identifies whether the document this approved. State default: false

Approved By

Populated automatically by the system, when the document is approved.

Date Approved

Populated automatically by the system in time of approved for registration

Is Linked

Attribute Enable if the attributes “Record Type = FRT” AND “Execute type” = “INS” AND “operation type” = “APE”. Value default = false.


Funds Details


Contains the details of the revolving funds document and source-level group of the institution that execute the revolving fund.

Funds Details Tab Screen Fields



Sequence #

Unique code that identifies the Details fund. Automatically generated by the system

Details Norm

Reference to Details Norm ID

Available Balance

Amount available to the revolving fund. Amount automatically calculated by the system

Total Domestic Amount Requested

If Domestic Currency, then the user must enter the value else the value is equal to   the attribute “Total Foreign Amount Requested by” * the value the attribute “Exchange rate”

Total Foreign Amount Requested

If not Domestic Currency, then the user must enter the value else default value zero.

Total Domestic Amount Approved

If Domestic Currency, then the user can modify value else the value is equal to the attribute “Total Foreign Amount Requested” * the value the attribute “Exchange rate”

Total Foreign Amount Approved

If not Domestic Currency, then the user can modify value Else default value zero.