Performance Indicators

Performance Indicator Voucher


This entity is used to update the Performance indicators thru a Voucher.  Updates can be either for Target or Actuals, but no new Outcome or Output can be added or deleted.


Budgeting & Appropriation ►Performance Indicator ► Performance Indicator Voucher

Performance Indicator Voucher screen fields:

Voucher IDAuto-generated, the system will read the next serial number.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of the Obligation, Default current FY
Voucher DateDefault current system date.
Workflow StatusDepending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: ‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, Cancelled' Default = ‘Created’
QuarterFiscal year quarters, Valid values are: (1,2,3,4)
DescriptionDescription of the Performance Indicator Voucher.
Line Items Details TabIn this Tab user can select the Performance Indicators for a Voucher and then proceed to enter the values for their correspondant Target or Actual for Outcome/Output Indicators.


Line Item Details Tab

Line Item Details Tab screen fields:

Serial NumberAuto-Generated Correlative Number (user can not change it) starts with 1 for every new Virement Voucher Line Item.
Performance Indicator IDId of the Performance Indicator.
Line Items DetailsAt moment of creation system will retrieve all Performance Indicators Details records related to the selected Line Items Details in Performance Indicators Voucher so user can select the records to enter the values.


Support Entities

Performance Indicators


This entity will be used to set up performance indicators with the combination of Agency Concept of the Organization Segment and Organizational OutCome, Programs Concepts of the Cost Structure/Activity Project (CSAP) Segment.
In short words, this is the Catalogue of Performance Indicators used to evaluate the performance of the Government Agencies.


Budgeting & Appropriation ► Performance Indicators ► Support Entities ► Perfoemance Indicators
Performance Indicator screen fields:
Application IdAuto-generated, the system will read the next serial number.
NameName of the Performance Indicator.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of the Performance Indicators, Default Value Current Fiscal Year.
Coding BlockCoding Block of the Performance Indicator.
Workflow StatusDepending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: ‘Created’, ‘Approval Requested’, ‘Approved’, Cancelled' Default = ‘Created’
OUTCOME INDICATORS TabThis is Outcome Indicators related to a Performance Indicator.
OUTPUT INDICATORS TabThis is Output Indicators related to a Performance Indicator.




Indicator IDAuto-Generated Correlative Number (user can not change it) starts with 1 for every new Indicator Item.
Indicator TypeIndicator Value (Outcome)
Data TypeValues (Number, Percentage, Description).
Physical Target Q1User Defined field for Physical Target Q1.
Physical Target Q2User Defined field for Physical Target Q2.
Physical Target Q3User Defined field for Physical Target Q3.
Physical Target Q4User Defined field for Physical Target Q4.
Actuals Q1Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q2Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q3Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q4Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.



OUTPUT INDICATORS Tab screen fields:


Indicator IDAuto-Generated Correlative Number (user can not change it) starts with 1 for every new Indicator Item.
Indicator TypeIndicator Value (Outcome)
Data TypeValues (Number, Percentage, Description).
Physical Target Q1User Defined field for Physical Target Q1.
Physical Target Q2User Defined field for Physical Target Q2.
Physical Target Q3User Defined field for Physical Target Q3.
Physical Target Q4User Defined field for Physical Target Q4.
Actuals Q1Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q2Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q3Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.
Actuals Q4Read Only, automatically calculated when a Performance Indicator Voucher is approved.