FreeBalance Help documentation for the Cash Planning module is included within.
Entities list of cash planning.
Cash planning voucher details are saved in this screen.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Voucher
Cash Planning Voucher screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | Voucher unique id which is entered by the user or system generated. It depends on the system settings. |
Workflow Status | The workflow status of the Cash Planning voucher. It depends on the workflow status settings. The value changes according to the approval. Possible values are Created, Approval Requested and Approved, etc. |
Fiscal Year | The default value of the fiscal year is the current fiscal year which is open for the transactions. User can select it using the drop-down button. |
Voucher Type | The type of cash planning voucher. The default value is Programming. |
Posting Status | Posting status provides the status of the cash planning voucher. It is updated by the system when the voucher is either saved or temp saved. |
Cash Plan Type | Cash plan type, it can be selected using the drop-down list. |
Funding Source | The funding source for the cash planning voucher. User can select it using the lookup button feature or enter manually. |
Copy Annual Programming | It is used to indicate if the Quarterly programming must be copied of Annual programming. By default, it is a read-only mode. |
Not Posted Reason | The user will select a reason for not posting the voucher when the voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Institution | The institution code for the cash planning voucher. The user can enter manually or select it using the lookup feature. |
Voucher Date | It automatically fetches the system current date. |
Temp Number | The serial number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved status. |
Language | The default language is English. User can change the language using the drop-down button. |
Description | Description of the cash planning voucher. |
Currency | By default, it shows the country's domestic currency. If the cash planning voucher is created with foreign currency user need to select it using the drop-down list. |
Exchange Rate | It displays the active exchange rate for foreign currency. It fetch the exchange rate from the exchange table. |
Is Consolidated | Value “True” indicates that the Cash Planning Voucher is consolidated in another (in superior level), “False” is not consolidated. |
Programming to Reprogramming | Default value is zero. |
Grouping Cash Planning Voucher | This attribute should be used to identify the document that groups or contains different Cash Planning vouchers. |
Distributed | By default it is False. It indicates if the amount was distributed if the amount approved was different to request for higher level only. The system will update automatically. |
Is Update Higher Level Budget Controls | An indicator to allow updating the higher level Cash Controls once the lower control is updated through this voucher. |
Total Amount Requested(Domestic) | Total of Domestic Amount Requested of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Total Amount Requested(Foreign) | Total of Foreign Amount Requested of all line item. Default is Zero. |
Total Amount Approved(Domestic) | The Total of Domestic Amount Approved of all line item. Default is Zero |
Total Amount Approved(Foreign) | The Total of Foreign Amount Approved of all line item. Default is Zero |
Consolidated Total Amount Approved(Domestic) | Total of Domestic Amount Consolidated and approved in the High level. Default is Zero |
Consolidated Total Amount Approved(Foreign) | Total of Foreign Amount Consolidated and approved in the High level. Default is Zero |
Created By | The user id of the creator, the system automatically displays the information. |
Creation Date | Date of the Cash planning voucher creation. |
Approved By | The user id of the approver. The system automatically fetches the approver information. |
Approved Date | System fetch the current system date when Cash Planning Voucher got approved. |
Is Consolidated to High Level | Value “True” indicates that the Cash Planning Voucher is consolidated in another (in superior level), “False” is not consolidated. The Default value is “False”. |
Consolidated High Level Voucher | This attribute should be used to identify the document that groups or contains different Cash Planning vouchers consolidated to High Level. |
Cash Planning Voucher Details | Collection of one or more line items of type Cash Plan Detail. |
This tab stores Cash Planning Voucher Details.
Cash Planning Voucher Details Screen and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Correlative | Auto-Generated Correlative Number. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal Period of the Cash Planning. User can select it using drop-down list. |
Coding Block | The coding block structure for cash planning voucher. |
Language | The default language is English. The user can select other language from the drop-down list. |
Description | The small description related to cash planning voucher. |
Total Amount Requested(Domestic) | The Total of Domestic Amount Requested of all Line Item Distribution. By default value is Zero. |
Total Amount Requested(Foreign) | The Total of foreign Amount Requested of all Line Item Distribution. By default value is Zero. |
Total Amount Approved(Domestic) | The Total of Domestic Amount Approved of all Line Item Distribution. Default value is Zero. |
Total Amount Approved(Foreign) | The Total of Foreign Amount Approved of all Line Item Distribution. Default value is Zero. |
Consolidated Voucher Detail | Parent Voucher Detail. |
Distributed | The default value is False. It Indicate if amount was distributed if the amount approved was different to requested. |
Cash Planning Voucher Detail Distribution Tab | The tab allows to store cash planning voucher details. |
The tab store Cash Planning Voucher Details Distribution details.
Cash Planning Voucher Details Distribution Screen and Tabs
Fields | Distributions |
Fiscal Period | Auto-Generated Correlative Number. |
Total Amount Requested(Domestic) | The Total of Domestic Amount Requested of all Line Item Distribution. The default value is zreo. |
Total Amount Requested(Foreign) | The Total of Foreign Amount Requested of all Line Item Distribution. The default value is zreo. |
Total Amount Approved(Domestic) | The Total of Domestic Amount Approved of all Line Item Distribution. The default value is zreo. |
Total Amount Approved(Foreign) | The Total of Foreign Amount Approved of all Line Item Distribution. The default value is zreo. |
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Consolidate Cash Planning Voucher
Consolidate Cash Planning Voucher screen fields
Fields | Description |
Voucher Type | Type of voucher can be selected from the dropdown list. It can be wither 'Programming' or 'Reprogramming'. |
Budget Office | Budget Office to Consolidate can be selected using the lookup function. Syatem allows to filter by Parent level and display same and inferior levels (Childs). |
Cash PlanType | Allows users to select the Cash Plan Type based selected Voucher type. |
Currency | Applicable currency can be selected from the dropdown list. |
Funding Source | Displays the funding source. It shows the Elements restricted to definition where Concept Id is equal to' Financing Source' parameter. If Cash Plan Type attribute selected on their Cash Plan Group attribute is 'Accounting' this attribute should be hidden and clear information selected it self. |
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Consolidate Cash Planning Voucher To High Level
Consolidate Cash Planning Voucher To High Level screen fields
Fields | Description |
Voucher Type | Type of voucher can be selected from the dropdown list. It can be wither 'Programming' or 'Reprogramming'. |
Budget Office | Budget Office to Consolidate can be selected using the lookup function. Syatem allows to filter by Parent level and display same and inferior levels (Childs). |
Cash Planning Voucher Type | Allows users to select the Cash Plan Voucher Type based selected Voucher type. |
Currency | Applicable currency can be selected from the dropdown list. |
Funding Source | Displays the funding source. It shows the Elements restricted to definition where Concept Id is equal to' Financing Source' parameter. If Cash Plan Type attribute selected on their Cash Plan Group attribute is 'Accounting' this attribute should be hidden and clear information selected it self. |
The cash planning voucher using the data from budget control, the status of the workflow should be Approved.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Import Cash Planning Voucher From Financial Programming Of Payments
Import Cash Planning Voucher From Financial Programming of Payment screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Source Fiscal Year | It is retrieved from the fiscal year, the fiscal year must be open for the transactions. The default value is the current fiscal year. |
Source Budget Control Type | The budget control type. It can be selected from the drop-down list. |
Institution Id | Institution code. It can be manually entered by the user or can select it with the lookup feature. |
gea_CreateCashPlanningVoucherFrom FinancialProgrammingOfPayments_distributionMethod | It allows selecting the distribution method from the drop-down list. The possible value is "Pondered and First Period". |
Cash Planning Voucher Type | It shows a list with Cash Plan Type. |
Currency | It shows the country default currency which is active. It allows the users to select the other currency if the transaction is in foreign currency. |
Funding Source | It displays the funding source. |
This entity allows user to allocate payment quota from one bank account to another bank account for a specific coding block. Using this entity, system creates a Bank Account Transfer described as below:
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Payment Quota Mapping
Payment Quota Mapping screen fields
Fields | Description |
Application ID | Unique code of each individual record. It can be either system generated or manual based on Appropriation parameters, if system generated then each voucher type will have different serial. |
Fiscal Year | Current Fiscal year on which the mapping takes place. |
Active | Indicate whether the record is active or not to use as a reference in other entities. |
Source Bank Acocunt | Source Bank Account code can be selected using the lookup function from which the amount will be transferred. |
Description | A description about the transfer. |
Destination Bank Account tab | Destination Bank Account code can be added using the "Add New" button under the tab to which the amount will be transferred. |
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Enable Planning Through Implementing Agencies
Planning through Implementing Agencies Voucher screen fields and tab
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification, entered by the user |
Workflow Status | Displays the current workflow status of the record. Depending on the workflow configuration setting, the basic stages are: Created, Request for Approval, Active. |
Originating Institution | Originating Institution, a look up for selection of Institution is needed. By default current user's institutiion. User can update. |
Amount | Voucher amount, calculated field. Read Only. |
Coding Block | Coding Block Information. |
Initiated Date | System given current date assigned automatically. |
Description | Description of the record. |
Created By | Name user who creates. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created Date | Read only. Will be automatically populated by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Populated automatically by the system at approval time of the record. |
Approved Date | Populated automatically by the system at approval time of the record. |
Planning Through Implementing Agencies Details tab | This entity will record the information regarding the Implementing Agencies |
Attachments tab | To add any related documents. |
This entity will record the information regarding the Implementing Agencies
Planning through Implementing Agencies Detail screen fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Auto generated item serial number starts with 1 for each Journal Voucher |
Implementing Agency | Implementing Institution can be selected using the lookup function. |
Amount | Amount that Implementing Agency will manage. |
Cash Planning Support entities.
Stores the Seasonality factor of the Cash Planning Voucher.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Support Entities ► Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor
Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Application Id | Automatically assigned by the system or manually entered by the user, depending on the system parameter setting. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the Cash Planning, default current Fiscal Year. The fiscal year should be open for the transaction. |
Fiscal Period | The default value is the current fiscal period. The fiscal period should be open for the transaction. |
Cash Planning Voucher Type | This field should display the "Cash Planning voucher type". |
Budget Office | Budget Office Code. By default use current employee institution. |
Application Language | The default value is English. User can change it. |
Description | Description relates to Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor. |
Currency | By default, this field displays the country domestic currency. If the transaction is in a foreign currency system allows selecting the foreign currency from the drop-down menu. |
Coding Block | Coding block structure. User can select it using lookup feature. |
Created By | The system automatically fetches the user id of the creator. |
Created Date Time | The system automatically fetches the current date and time. |
Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor Distribution | Collection of one or more line items of Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor Distribution. |
This tab storage the Seasonality factor of the Cash Planning Voucher.
Cash Planning Voucher Seasonality Factor screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Correlative Id | A unique identification id. |
Fiscal Period | It dispalys the current Fiscal period. |
Percentage Factor | The percentage of the cash planning voucher seasonality factor. |
Cash Planning voucher type allows the users to classify Cash Planning Voucher for data entering, searching and reporting purposes. Examples of cash plan types can be Annual Cash Planning for Revenues, Annual Cash Planning for Expenditures, Monthly Cash Planning for Revenues, etc.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning ► Support Entities ► Cash Planning Voucher Type
Cash Planning Voucher Type screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | Automatically assigned by the system or manually entered by the user, depending on the system parameter. |
Active | The default value is true. If this is False, then this Cash Plan Type cannot be used in future transactions |
Language | The Default value is English. The user can change the language. |
Name | Name of the Cash Planning Voucher Type. |
Description | Description of Cash Planning Voucher Type. |
Budget Control Type | Limited to Budget Control Type Where Used to Create Manual Cash Planning Voucher True. |
Period Level | Period Level Which Cash Plan Type will use. |
Cash Plan Group | The cash plan group by default value is Revenues. |
Voucher Execution Type | The voucher execution type. The possible values are 'PROGRAMMING OF PAYMENTS', 'PROGRAMMING OF REVENUES', and 'REPROGRAMMING OF PAYMENTS', etc. |
Is ApplySeasonality Factor | The default value is False. If user make it false then it would be not applied for seasonality factor. |
Cash planning scenarios entities.
Allows users to create, review, update and delete Cash Plan From Cash Plan.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenarios ► Create Cash Plan From Cash Plan
Create Cash Plan From Cash Plan Screen fields and tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | A unique identifier, it is system generated. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the destination cash plan. The default fiscal year is the system current year. The fiscal year should be open for the regular transaction. |
Source Cash Planning Management | Source cash plan to copy, cash plan must be Approved. |
Destination Cash Planning Management | Destination cash planning management information. It is read-only field. |
Destination Cash Plan Type | Type of the Destination Cash Plan. |
Copy Cash Plan Type | Sets what data will be copied to the new cash plan. |
Is Executed | It is generated by the system. |
Executed By | The user details fetch by the system when it got executed. |
Executed Date | The execution date system automatically fetches the current system date. |
Language | The default language is English. The user can select another language from the drop-down list. |
Description | Description relates to Create Cash Plan From Cash Plan. |
It enable the system to record imprest control. It is generated through a business process generate imprest control account. Imprest control accounts will be used to establish a cap to multi bank transfer regarding specific expenditure.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenario ► Imprest Control ► Imprest Control
Imprest Control Screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Application Id | A unique identification code generated by the system. |
Active | The default value of it is True. When cash Management Fiscal Year becomes not eligible for Budget Execution, the attribute value is to be set to False. |
Workflow Status | It displays the current status of the workflow. It changes as per the approval of the workflow. |
Cash Planning Management | It stores the Cash Planning Management source of this imprest control. |
Fiscal Year | The Fiscal Year of this imprest control. The fiscal year should be open for the transaction. |
Accounting Office | Stores the Accounting Office of this imprest control. |
Currency | The default value is the country's domestic currency. The user can change it if the transaction is in foreign currency. |
Exchange Rate | It fetches the foreign currency exchange value from the exchange rate table. |
Language | The default language is English. The user can select another language from the drop-down list. |
Description | The description relates to imprest control. |
Created By | The system automatically fetches the user id of the creator. |
Create Date Time | The system fetches the system current date. |
Approved By | The system automatically fetches the approver Id when it gets approved. |
Approved Date Time | The system automatically fetches the current system date when it gets approved. |
Planned Accumulated Net Current Domestic Amount | The accumulated net current domestic amount. |
Planned Accumulated Net Current Foreign Amount | The accumulated net current foreign amount. |
Accumulated Paid Domestic Amount | The accumulated paid amount in domestic currency. |
Accumulated Paid Foreign Amount | The accumulated paid amount in foreign currency. |
Accumulated Balance Domestic Amount | The accumulated balance domestic amount. |
Accumulated Balance Foreign Amount | The accumulated balance in foreign amount. |
Imprest Item Tab | The imprest items details. |
This tab allows the user to store Imprest Items details.
Imprest Item Screen Fields and tabs
Items | Descriptions |
Serial Number | A unique serial number of the imprest item. |
Planned Accumulated Net Current Domestic Amount | It displays the categories aggregated amount per imprest control, that is, displays the Planned Accumulated Net Current Amount per imprest control. |
Planned Accumulated Net Current Foreign Amount | It displays the categories aggregated amount (foreign) per imprest control, that is, displays the Planned Accumulated Net Current Foreign Amount per imprest control. |
Accumulated Paid Domestic Amount | It displays the categories aggregated amounts per imprest control, that is, displays the Accumulated Paid Amount per imprest control. |
Accumulated Paid Foreign Amount | It displays the categories aggregated amounts per imprest control, that is, displays the Accumulated Paid Foreign Amount per imprest control. |
Accumulated Balance Domestic Amount | This displays the Accumulated Balance Amount; Accumulated Balance Amount is calculated regarding the subtraction of Accumulated Paid Amount from Planned Accumulated Net Current Amount. |
Accumulated Balance Foreign Amount | display the Accumulated Balance Foreign Amount; Accumulated Balance Foreign Amount is calculated regarding the subtraction of Accumulated Paid Foreign Amount from Planned Accumulated Net Current Foreign Amount. |
Imprest Item Category Tab | The imprest item category details. |
This to store Item Category amounts per imprest control.
Imprest Item Category Screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Serial Number | A unique identification id for the imprest item category. |
Category Code | It dispalys the category code which is generated for the imprest control. |
Planned Net Current Domestic Amount | It displays the planned net domestic amount for the imprest control category. |
Planned Net Current Foreign Amount | It displays the planned net foreign amount for the imprest control category. |
Own Sources Domestic Amount | This field is used by the user to input the Own Sources Amount per imprest category. |
Cash Requirement Domestic Amount | This field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of Own Sources from Planned Net Current Amount per imprest category. |
Cash Requirement Foreign Amount | This field displays the calculated amount regarding the Subtraction of Own Sources (foreign) from Planned Net Current Amount (foreign) per imprest category. |
Paid Domestic Amount | It displays the paid amount per period aggregated at category level. |
Paid Foreign Amount | It displays the paid amount per period foreign aggregated at category level. |
Accumulated Cash Requirement Domestic Amount | This field display the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of the Paid amounts from the Cash Requirement per imprest category. |
Accumulated Cash Requirement Foreign Amount | This field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of the Paid amounts (foreign) from the Cash Requirement (foreign) per imprest category. |
Imprest Item Category Details Tab | It allows the user to store the imprest item category details. |
The purpose of this tab is to store the Imprest Item Category Details.
Imprest Item Category Details Screen and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Serial Number | A unique serial number for Imprest Item Category. |
Fiscal Period | It displays the fiscal Period belonging to the Cash Planning Detail. |
Planned Net Current Domestic Amount | The field displays (Period)Planned Net Domestic Amounts for the imprest control, that is, the Planned Net Current Amount distributed accordingly to Fiscal Period. |
Planned Net Current Foreign Amount | This field displays (Period) Planned Foreign Net Amounts for the imprest control, that is, the Planned Foreign Net Current Amount distributed accordingly to Fiscal Period. |
Own Sources Domestic Amount | This is used by the user to input the (Period) Own Sources Domestic amount at period level. |
Own Sources Foreign Amount | This is used by the user to input the (Period) Own Sources Foreign amount at period level. |
Cash Requirement Domestic Amount | This field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of (Period) Own Sources from (Period) Planned Net Current Amount. |
Cash Requirement Foreign Amount | This field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of (Period) Own Sources Foreign from (Period) Planned Net Current Foreign Amount. |
Paid Domestic Amount | It displays the paid domestic amount, that is, the Category released amount per period. |
Paid Foreign Amount | It displays the paid foreign amount, that is, the Category released amount per period. |
Accumulated Cash Requirement Domestic Amount | It displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of the Paid amounts detail from the Cash Requirement detail with the addition the amount of the previous period Accumulated Cash Requirement detail. |
Accumulated Cash Requirement Foreign Amount | It displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of the Paid Foreign amounts detail from the Cash Requirement Foreign detail with the addition the amount of the previous period Accumulated Cash Requirement Foreign detail. |
It enables the user to define the Imprest Control Categories per Fiscal Year. It use to aggregate Imprest Control Accounts budget control lines per category accordingly to the Generate Imprest Control Accounts Business Process.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenario ► Imprest Control ► Imprest Control Category
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | Unique Identification code of the Imprest Control Category. |
Active | The default value is true. |
Fiscal Year | This field stores the Fiscal Year available for the current year budget execution. |
Imprest Categories Tab | This collection enables the user to create the set of categories, per fiscal year, that would be used to group the Imprest Control items under Imprest control Accounts. |
This tab screen is to enable the user with the possiblity of create Imprest Categories.
Imprest Categories Screen and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Serial Number | A unique identification serial code for Imprest Category. |
Concept | It allows the user to select the category chart of account concept. |
Element | It allows the user to select the Chart of Account element releated to selected concept. |
Language | The default language is English. User can change it. |
Name | The name of the Imprest Category. |
This report provide the data of the Average percentage of actual revenue receipts in comparison with the monthly projections for last three years and average percentage of actual disbursements for PS, MOOE and CO in comparison with the monthly disbursement programs (at aggregate level) for last three years.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenario ► Report ► Philippines Report ► Monthly Comparison Report
Monthly Comparison Report Screen
Fields | Descriptions |
Fiscal Year | The Fiscal year to generate the report. The default fiscal year is the current fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | The Fiscal period to generate the report. User has to select the fiscal year. |
Account Type | It allows the user to select the account type as report filter. |
Institution | The user can enter the Institue or by using lookup feature they can select to generate the report. |
COA Organization Structure | User can select the COA Organization structure. |
This report shows the summary of borrowings of the Government of Sri Lanka. It displays the domestic and foreign borrowings and the forecasts as well as the projected borrowings at the end of the year.
The report shows the following details:
A screenshot of the Borrowings Summary Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access Borrowings Summary Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenarios ► Reports ► SriLanka Reports ► Borrowings Summary Report.
The following table describes all filter fields for the Borrowings Summary Report screen, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Filter | Description |
Fiscal Year | This field shows the current fiscal year as a report filter. |
Fiscal Period | This field shows the current fiscal period as a report filter. |
Date | This field shows the current system date as a report filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Visible Field
The following table lists and describe all visible fields for the Borrowings Summary Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on Filters selection.The language of the report depends on the configuration of the system.
Field | Description |
Borrowing limit | It is sum of the objects which starts with code 14 from budget control. |
Borrowing actuals | This section of the report shows the actual borrowing amount. |
Forecast | It shows the forecasting amount of borrowing. |
Summary | In summary, it shows the actual borrowing amount and forecasted amount. |
Excess | It shows the excess amount of borrowing. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Borrowings Summary Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | The pdf button allows users to generate the report in the pdf format. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or higher version. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 or higher version software. |
![]() | This RTF button allows users to generate the report in RTF format. |
![]() | The Word button allows the users to generate the report in word format. This format is compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or higher version. |
![]() | This ODT button allows users to generate the report in ODT format. This format is compatible with word processing software such as Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | This ODS button allows users to generate the report in ODS format. This format is compatible with spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
This report generates the Summarized/Detailed information regarding the principal and interest payments made by the Government of on its Debt. The system provides various report format like Excel, pdf, RTF, ODS, etc. User can generate the report using the different report filters which give sorted report data.
A screenshot of the Debt Servicing Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access Debt Servicing Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenarios ► Reports ► SriLanka Reports ► Debt Servicing Report.
Visible Fields
The following table lists describe all visible fields for the Debt Servicing Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | This field stores the fiscal year. The user can change the fiscal year. The default value is set to the current fiscal year which is open for the transaction. |
Report Format | This field allows users to select the report format i.e. Summary or Details. The summary report type provides the summarized report data and if user wants details information then they can select it as Detail from the dropdown list. The default value is set to the Summary. |
Instrument Type | It allows users to select the instrument type from the dropdown list. |
Comment | It contains users comment for the report which appears on the report comment section. User can enter the comment or may leave it as a blank. |
Sort By | It help user to sort as per the report data as per the selection. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Debt Servicing Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | The pdf button allows users to generate the report in the pdf format. The pdf reader software should be installed in the system to open the generated report. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This report is compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or higher version. To open this file user should have Microsoft Office 97 or Higher version installed in the system. |
![]() | The Excel button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. This report compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 or higher version software. To open this file user should have Microsoft Office 2003 or Higher version installed in the system. |
![]() | This RTF button allows users to generate the report in RTF format which is similar as Word. User can open this report with Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | The Word button allows the users to generate the report in word format. To open this file user should have Microsoft Office 2003 or Higher version installed in the system. |
![]() | This ODT button allows users to generate the report in ODT format which is similar as Word. User can open this report with Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | This ODS button allows users to generate the report in ODS format which is similar as Excel. User can open this report with Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office. |
![]() | The Refresh Sorting Order button helps user to refresh the sorting selection. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Do every user can generate this report?
No, only authorized user can generate this report. User can request the access right of this report to the system Super User.
How many report can we generate in a day?
There is no particular limit. It depends upon the configuration made on the report control.
How much time it takes to generate a report?
There is no fixed time duration, it takes time as per the size of the data available for the report.
How long user can enter comment for the report?
Comment section allows users to enter the comment which is relevant and meaningful and it should not exceed more than 250 characters.
What will happen if user exceeds the characters limit for comment?
The system will not allow user to exceed the characters limit. The system automatically concatenates the comment from the last where 250 characters count completes and keeps up to 250 characters as max.
How user can move their sorting selection one-by-one or once at a time?
The user have to select the sorting item and then click on the button Move Selected Item to Other list to move once at a time. To move all items at a time user have to click on the button Move all items to other list.
The system support entities.
This feature is used to store a calendar of cash flows for a particular fiscal year and cash plan type.
Treasury Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenarios ► Support Entities ► Cash Flow Calendar
Asset Items screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Application Id | A unique identity code. It depends on the system setting which allows the user to enter manually or the system automatically generate it. |
Fiscal Year | The default value is the current fiscal year. The fiscal year should be open for the transaction. |
Cash Planning Type | Cash planning type. Only one Calendar can be active for the combination of Fiscal Year and Cash Plan Type. |
Active | By default, it is checked. If the user unchecked it then it will be not available for the transaction. |
Language | The language default value is English. The user can change the language from the drop-down list. |
Name | Name of the calendar. |
Calendar Item Tab | It allows adding the calendar items. |
It allows the user to add the Calendar Items for the Cash Flow Calendar.
Calendar Items screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Calendar Coding Block Serial Number | Automatically generated by the system. User can not modify it. |
Use Coding Block or Rule Expression | Defines if the calendar will be defined by a coding block or an expression. |
Coding Block | Coding block it can be full or partial. |
Coding Block Items | Coding Block items. |
Cash Flow Calendar coding block items.
Coding Block Items screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Calendar Item Number | Automatically generated by system. The user can not change it. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period. |
Date | The system automatically fetch the system date. It should be within the selected fiscal year. |
Percentage To Distribute | Percentage of the distribution. By default value is Zero. |