Multi Bank Account Transfer

Imprest Release


It enables the system to record Multi Transfers with reference to imprest control, it is generated by the business process.


Treasury Management ► Multi Bank Account Transfer ► Imprest Release

Imprest Release Screen and Tabs

Application IdUnique identification code for Imprest Release.
Workflow StatusThe workflow status of the Imprest Release. It update automatically when it got approved.
Fiscal YearThe default value is the current fiscal year, which should be open for the transaction.
Fiscal PeriodThe default value is the current fiscal period, it should be open for the transaction.
Accounting OfficeThe accounting office institute code for the Imprest Release. The budget office is responsible for the Multi-Bank Account Transfer Utility With Transaction Log.
Source Treasury Bank Account
Source bank accounts for the Imprest Release.
Source Tba GroupThe source Bank Account Group.
Destination Treasury Bank AccountThe destination bank Account for the Imprest Release.
Destination Tba GroupThe destination Bank Account Group.
Bank Account Transfer VoucherIt stores the Bank account transfer voucher generated for this request.
Imprest ControlThe Imprest Control instance for the MTBU transaction.
LanguageThe default language is English. User can select another language from the drop-down list.
DescriptionThe description is related to Imprest Release.
Created ByThe user ID who has created the Imprest Release. It is automatically fetched by the system.
Created Date TimeThe current system date automatically fetched by the system.
Approved ByThe user ID of the approver. The system automatically fetches this information when Imprest got to approve.
Approved Date TimeThe current system date fetched by the system when it got approved.
Imprest Release ItemThis tab allows storing the Imprest Release item details.