Custody Of Written Assurance

Custody Guarantee


Custody of Assurances in treasury management allows the users to keep tracking the written assurance and guarantees admitted by Ministries and/or the Treasury Office of Government. The custody Guarantee feature contains the collection of guarantees that are in custody of Treasury.


Treasury Management ► Custody of Written Assurance ► Custody Guarantee

Custody Guarantee Screen Fields and Tabs

IdThe unique identification code, visible to the user, auto-generated by the system.
Guarantee NumberThe user enters the guarantee number by reference.
Workflow StatusIt displays the workflow status of the custody guarantee. It updates according to the approval stage completed. For example, if the user created a new custody guarantee it shows the status as created. After approval of the transaction, it changes the status. 
Guarantee TypeReference to the Guarantee Type such as Bid Bond, Advance Payment Bond, Performance Bond, etc.
Guarantee ExpiredDate when the Guarantee Period ends. It should be the greater than the system date. For example, the current system date is 2018-12-05 the guarantee period ends date should be higher i.e. 2018-12-15.
Reference NumberThe reference number of the custody guarantee.
CurrencyThe user to select the custody guarantee Currency. By default, it shows the country domestic currency.
Exchange RateThe feature shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency.
Maximum Guaranteed Domestic AmountMaximum guaranteed domestic amount.
Maximum Guaranteed Foreign AmountMaximum guaranteed foreign amount.
Issued ByAn entity that issued of guarantee.
BeneficiarySelects the beneficiary using the lookup button.
Beneficiary NameName of the beneficiary.
InstitutionThe user selects the institution name using the lookup button. The accounting office of the institution is allowed only that institute user can select.
Institution NameShows the selected institution name in the field.
Executed Domestic AmountThe domestic amount which is executed for the custody guarantee. The default value is zero with two decimals point. 
Executed Foreign AmountThe foreign amount which is executed for the custody guarantee. The default value is zero with two decimals point.
AbbreviationTitle of the custody guarantee.
DescriptionA brief description of the custody guarantee.
CommentAny comment about why is executed, renewed, etc. the Guarantee.
Created ByThe user information who creates the custody guarantee.
Created DateThe system fetches the current date of the system.
Approved ByThe approver username display in the field.
Approved DateApproval date of the custody guarantee.


Attachment Tab


Attachment screen allows the user to attach the different type of the supporting document for the invoice items.

Attachment Screen Fields and tab

IdConsecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user
Attachment ClassificationClassification of the Attachment. It is useful to classify the attachment type which is predefined in the system.
TitleThe title for the attached document.
DescriptionThe attachment description.
AttachmentThis feature allows the user to attach the file.
Date TimeDate and time of the attachment.
DateDate of the attachment.
UserThe Username of the attachment creator.