Admin Cheque

Cheque Lot


This mode of extraction allows you to group CHEQUE payments in a Lot Number; this works for all Cheque payment details within a specified fiscal year or a specific range of amount.


Treasury Management ► Payments  ►Admin Cheque ► Cheque Lot

Check Lot Screen Fields:

Fiscal YearFilter criteria for the Fiscal Year, default fiscal year is the current fiscal year.
Fiscal PeriodFilter criteria for the Fiscal Period, default fiscal period is the current fiscal period.
Payment MethodRead Only default “CHEQUE”.
Treasury Bank AccountSystem will filter the PEP by Treasury Bank account parent to match the records with the selected TBA
Payment Extract PaymentFilter criteria for the Payment Extract Payment ID.
Workflow StatusPayment Extract Payment Workflow Status, Read Only Default “RELEASED”.
Cheque SeriesPayment Extract Payment Cheque Series Number.
Cheque Number FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Cheque Number from
Cheque Number ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Cheque Number to
Cheque Or Deposit Date FromFilter criteria for Journal Voucher Item Cheque or Deposit date from
Cheque Or Deposit Date ToFilter criteria for Journal Voucher Item Cheque or Deposit date to
Release Date FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Release Date from
Release Date ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Release Date to
CurrencyFilter criteria for Currency.
Payment Amount FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Amount from
Payment Amount ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Amount to
Accounting OfficeFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Accounting Office
BeneficiaryFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Beneficiary.
Total Domestic Amount by Selection ItemsAuto update field, when the currency is not domestic.
Total Foreign Amount by Selection ItemsAuto update field, when the currency is not domestic.
Total Selection ItemsAuto update field, total selected cheque lot items.
Lot DetailCheque lot details results.


Deliver Cheque


Using this entity, system is able to show a list of selection criteria where users can choose a specific field or some combination of them in order to Sent or Deliver a single or group of Cheques.


Treasury Management Payments Admin Cheque Deliver Cheque

Deliver Cheque screen fields

Fiscal YearDefault current fiscal year to be selected as filter criteria.
Fiscal PeriodDefault current fiscal period to be selected as filter criteria.
Cheque Lot NumberUser given Cheque Lot Number to be given as filter criteria.
Cheque No FromTo define the starting cheque number of the range.
Cheque No ToTo define the end cheque number of the range.
Payment Extract PaymentPayment Extract Payment can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
Payment MethodPayment Method can be selected froom the dropdown.
Cheque Or Deposit DateCheque or Deposit Date to be given by user which retrieves the records from Journal Voucher based on the given date.
Release DateRelease Date to be given by user which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given date.
CurrencySelected Currency from dropdown can be sued as the filter criteria.
Payment AmountUser given Payment Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Payment Foreign AmountUser given Payment Foreign Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Accounting OfficeAccounting Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
BeneficiaryBeneficiary Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury Bank Account can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
Total Domestic Amount by Selection Items
Field Calculated Automatically based on the retrieved records. It is the Sum of Domestic amounts of all the selected items.
Total Foreign Amount by Selection ItemsField Calculated Automatically based on the retrieved records. It is the Sum of Foreign amounts of all the selected items.
Total Selection ItemsField Calculated Automatically based on the retrieved records. It is the Sum of all the selected records.


Manual Expire Cheque


The Expired Cheque provides an automatic process to mark the cheques as expired when the due date is done, the process also will create a new double entry accounting transaction in order to reissue a new cheque to the original beneficiary. This process will be executed through the workflow of Payment Extract Payment after reach a Released, Sent or Delivered Status, and it will identify all the cheques still not conciliated within a specific number of days of delay for example: 6 months / 180 days, etc. 
Further, the system will change the cheque status as expired when the due date is done.
The user will be able to replace an expired cheque through a new screen, and this process will generate a new Expense Voucher to re-process the payment.


Treasury Management Payments Admin Cheque ► Manual Expire Cheque

Manual Expire Cheque screen fields:


Fiscal YearDefault current fiscal year to be selected as filter criteria.
Fiscal PeriodDefault current fiscal period to be selected as filter criteria.
Workflow StatusRead Only field. Value selected as "Expired". It will retrieve only those records from Payment Extract Payment where workflow status is set as "Expired".
Cheque Series NumberUser given Cheque Lot Number to be given as filter criteria.
Cheque No To define the cheque number.
Cheque Or Deposit DateCheque or Deposit Date to be given by user which retrieves the records from Journal Voucher based on the given date.
CurrencySelected Currency from dropdown can be sued as the filter criteria.
Payment Domestic AmountUser given Payment Domestic Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Payment Foreign AmountUser given Payment Foreign Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Accounting OfficeAccounting Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
BeneficiaryBeneficiary Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury Bank Account can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.


Replace an Expired Cheque


The system will show the information of the below table, and the user should be able to select a single row if query returns more than one expired cheque.  The system will apply the security restrictions to this screen.


Treasury Management Payments Admin Cheque Replace an Expired Cheque

Replace an Expired Cheque screen fields


Fiscal YearDefault current fiscal year to be selected as filter criteria.
Fiscal PeriodDefault current fiscal period to be selected as filter criteria.
Workflow StatusRead Only field. Value selected as "Expired". It will retrieve only those records from Payment Extract Payment where workflow status is set as "Expired".
Cheque Series User given Cheque Lot Number to be given as filter criteria.
Cheque NumberTo define the cheque number.
Cheque Or Deposit DateCheque or Deposit Date to be given by user which retrieves the records from Journal Voucher based on the given date.
CurrencySelected Currency from dropdown can be sued as the filter criteria.
Payment Domestic AmountUser given Payment Domestic Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Payment Foreign AmountUser given Payment Foreign Amount which retrieves the records from Payment Extract Payment based on the given amount.
Accounting OfficeAccounting Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
BeneficiaryBeneficiary Office can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury Bank Account can be selected using the lookup button. Selected record can be used as the filter criteria to retrieve the cheques to be delivered.