Nicaragua Reports

Account Verification On Commercial Bank Report





List of Monthly Fee Collection Per Ross Client Report screen fields:

Comparative Of Executed Cash Flow Report


Shows comparative information of the Executed Cash flow for two fiscal years at a set fiscal period.


Cash Management ► Payments ► Reports ► Nicaragua Reports ► Comparative Of Executed CashFlow Report

Comparative Of Executed Cash Flow Report screen fields

Fiscal YearFiscal Year filter for this report. It is a mandatory parameter.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal Period filter for this report. It is a non mandatory parameter.
InstitutionOptional parameter. If left blank, all  OCE/OEP institutions are taking into consideration. Users can only select valid  OCE/OEP institutions.
CommentAny comment to add in the output report. 


Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report


The purpose is to list of cheques reported through bank statement showing all that are conciliated or inconsistent (not conciliated).

A screenshot of the Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report feature is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.

Users access the report from within the menu through this navigation path: Treasury Management ► Payment ► Reports ► Nicaragua Reports ► Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report


Financial InstitutionLookup button to select Financial Institution for which users wants to view the consolidation report. It is a Non Mandatory field and users can select only a single value.
Treasury BankLookup button to select Treasury Bank Account under the selected Financial Institution above for which users wants to view the consolidation report. It is a Non Mandatory field and users can select only a single value. Selection of TBA depends upon selection of the Currency.

Users can select any between following consolidation options:

  • Conciliated,
  • Inconsistent
No. ExchangeUsers are allow to define the Exchange No. as a filter criteria.
No. CheckUsers are allow to define the Check No. as a filter criteria.
CurrencyUsers are allow to select the Currency as a filter criteria.
Date FromUsers can define the start date from where they want to generate the report. It is a mandatory field.
Date ToUsers can define the end date to which they want to generate the report. It is a mandatory field.
CommentUsers can add custom comments which displays on the generated report as a reference.


Visible Fields

A sample of the Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report output is available here. The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Fiscal YearDisplays the selected Fiscal year as filter criteria by user.
Filter CriteriaThe filter criteria describing how the given report has been filtered based on the user’s preferences.
Date FromThe start date of the generated report data.
Date ToThe end date of the generated report data.
CommentsDisplays additional comments added by user.
No. ExchangeExchange no. of the report of each data row of the generated report.
No. CheckCheck no. of the report of each data row of the generated report.
DateDate of the transcation displays in each row.
CurrencyCurrency of each transcation.
Credit AmountCredit amout (if applicable) for each transaction.
Debit AmountDebit amout (if applicable) for each transaction.


The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Exchange Cheques Inconsistent And Conciliated Report.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel (XLSX format).
This button allows users to generate the report as RTF.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Word.