Bank Account Transfer Voucher


Bank Account Transfer Voucher contains a general data related to monetary transfer and will be completed with a Detail.


Treasury Management ► Bank Account Transfer ► Bank Account Transfer Voucher

Bank Account Transfer Voucher Screen Fields and tab

IDIt is automatically created a unique identification number or created by a user. It depends upon the setting for it by the system parameter.
Workflow StatusIt is updated by the system according to the bank transfer voucher approval stage. The possible values are: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Cancelled etc...
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of the Obligation, the default value is the current fiscal year which is open for the budget execution.
Accounting OfficeIf 'is the accounting office' feature is selected by the user. It shows the institution code here.
DescriptionDescription of the bank deposit voucher.
Document DateDate of the document. It shows the current system date.
Voucher DateThe default voucher date shows the current system date. The user can select the voucher date by using the calendar feature but it should be the current date or less than the current date.
Is ReversedThe default value is unchecked, when the original bank account transfer voucher is reversed then its value become checked.
Is ReversalThe default value is unchecked, when the original bank account transfer voucher is reversed then its value become checked.
Reversal VoucherIt allows selecting the reversal voucher by using lookup feature.
Generate Transfer To Central BankThis feature is used to indicate that the "Bank Account transfer" it generates a transfer to Central Bank. The default value is Unchecked. 
Posting StatusIt is updated by the system when the voucher is either saved (then the attribute is updated to Saved) or temp saved (then the attribute is updated to Temp Saved). 
Temp NumberThe serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved.
Not Posted ReasonThe user selects a reason for not posting the voucher when the voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved.
OriginIt is displayed by the system. The possible values for the BATV are Manual, Data_Import, Payment_Extract etc...
Total Debit Amount DcIt displays the Total Domestic Debit amount of all line item. By default, it shows the value as zero.
Total Credit Amount DcIt displays the Total Domestic Credit amount of all line item. By default, it shows the value as zero
Journal VoucherThis feature shows the ID of the JV auto-generated when the Bank Transfer is approved. JV ID populated by the system.
Central Bank TransferIt shows the ID of the Central Bank Transfer auto-generated when the Bank Transfer is approved. CBT ID populated by the system.
Created ByUser details who create the bank account transfer voucher.
Created DateThe system displays the date and time of the bank account transfer voucher.
Approved ByUser information when a bank account transfer voucher gets approved. It is populated by the system.
Approved DateIt is populated by the system when a bank account transfer voucher gets approved. It shows the current system date.
Rejection CodeCode sent by the Central  Bank when the transfer was rejected or not applied.
Rejection DescriptionDetails information about the rejection code.
Commercial Bank Deposit NumberThe number of the deposit executed by the bank when the transfer was rejected. It is populated by the system.
Is Received By Commercial BankBy default, it is unchecked. if it is checked then it shows that the delivered transfer was read and received by the commercial bank.
Is Applied By Commercial BankBy default, it is unchecked. If it is checked then it Indicates that the delivered transfer was successfully applied and NOT REJECTED by the commercial bank.
Commercial Bank Applied AmountIt shows the Amount applied by the bank which is populated by the system.
Commercial Bank Rejection CodeCode received from the commercial bank when "Is Applied by the Commercial Bank" feature is unchecked.
Commercial Bank Rejection DescriptionDescription corresponding to the rejection code received in the bank notification.





Supporting documents of Credit note are added through this tab.

Attachment Tab Screen Fields

IdConsecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user.
Attachment ClassificationThe format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type.
TitleTitle of the attachment.
DescriptionA brief description of the attachment.
AttachmentIt allows the user to select the attachment file.
Date TimeIt displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. 
DateAttachment date selects the date from the calendar feature.
UserUser information of the attachment creation.


Voucher Details


Bank Account Transfer Voucher Detail, contains details of bank accounts will be made between money transfer. 

Bank Account Transfer Voucher Details Screen Fields

Sequence #Auto-generated, the system will read the next serial.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury bank account of the bank account transfer voucher. The lookup feature allows the user to select the Treasury bank account.
DescriptionDescription of the bank account transfer voucher.
CurrencyTo allow the user to select the Voucher Currency. The default value is Domestic Currency.
Exchange RateIt shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to the Appropriations, users can change the rate if allowed in the Appropriations.
Debit Amount Dc The Total Domestic Debit amount of all line item. The Default value is Zero.
Credit Amount DcThe Total Domestic Credit amount of all line item. The Default value is Zero.
Debit Amount FcThe Total Foreign Debit amount of all line item. The Default value is Zero.
Credit Amount FcThe Total Foreign Credit amount of all line item. The Default value is Zero.