Common Entities and Functions

Coverage Regime


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the different coverage regimes used in Contributions and Benefits.


Social Security Management ► Common Entities and Functions ► Coverage Regime

Coverage Regime Screen Fields and Tab

IdUnique identifier of each record. Automatically assigned by the system.
ActiveIndicates if the coverage regime can be used and referenced. Only Active=True can be used and referenced.
LanguageUsers can select the language users would like to use in the application.
DescriptionCoverage Regime Description. User defined.
Benefit TabList of benefits associated to a Coverage Regime. Records can be attached by using the lookup button.


Rejection Reason


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the different reasons why a document in PFM (e.g. benefit request, Loan) is rejected.


Social Security Management ► Common Entities and Functions ► Rejection Reason

Rejection Reason Screen Fields

IdRejection Reason ID. System generated.
ActiveTrue by default. Indicates if rejection reason can be used and referenced.
LanguageUsers can select the language users would like to use in the application.
DescriptionRejection reason Description.


Social Security Type of Beneficiary


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the different Member's Type of Beneficiaries.


Social Security Management ► Support Entities ► Social Security Type of Beneficiary

Social Security Type of Beneficiary screen fields:


IdUnique identifier. Automatically assigned by the system.
ActiveIf it true, the support entity can be used in other entity.
Set Max OccurrencesIndicates whether the maximum number of occurrences will be limited by type of beneficiary or not
LanguageLanguage used to enter Beneficiary name.
Type of Beneficiary Name
Contains the name of the type of beneficiary


Supporting Document Type


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the different supporting document types that can be used in PFM.


Social Security Management ► Common Entities and Functions ► Supporting Document Type

Supporting Document Type Screen Fields

IdUnique identifier. System generated.
ActiveTrue by default. Indicates if the Support Document Type can be used and referenced.
LanguageUsers can select the language users would like to use in the application.
DescriptionShort description for the type of supporting document.