Member Institution


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the Member Institutions. It is subjected to audit trail and rendering control


Social Security Management ► Affiliation and Contribution Management ► Member Institutions

Member Institution Screen Fields

Application IdUnique identifier.  System generated.
Workflow StatusDepending on the workflow configuration setting, the basic stages are: Created, Request for Approval, Active.
Legal Institution IdInstitution ID in legacy system.
Decree of CreationContains the decree creating the Institution.
Institutional Tax NumberContains the TAX number of the Institution.
Official Journal NumberContains the number of the official journal in which the creation decree was published.
Official Journal Publication DateContains the date of publication in the official newspaper.
Pay CodeIt will be the catalog to be used to set up the subjects to be considered for the calculation of a payroll either collections or benefits.
Pay PeriodIt will be used to set up the periods that a pay code applies.
Member Institution TypeIndicates whether the entity is centralized or decentralized.
Start DateDate the institution is incorporated as a member of the pension fund.
End DateDate the institution ends its relationship with the pension fund.
CustomerContains the list of active customers.
OriginThe origin serves to differentiate if a record has been manually entered from the system or if it has been automatically entered from a data import process.
LanguageUsers can select the language users would like to use in the application.
NameContains the name.
Institution Short NameContains the short name of the Institution.
Institution Status (Is Active)This status is only changed by business logic processes.
ContactsContact information
AttachmentsUser must be able to attach 0 or many documents. 
Institution Legal Representatives
Contains information regarding the legal representative of the institution.
Member Institution Name HistoriesThis collection contains history of the names that the institution can have throughout its participation within the pension fund.


Address Tab


This entity allows the user to define the type of addresses.

Addresses Tab Screen Fields

Is MainWhether the contact added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
CountryDropdown to pick country
Address TypeWhether the Address added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
AddressAddress of the location.
Zip CodeZip code of the location.


Attachment Tab


This entity keeps records of the attachment.

Attachment Tab Screen Fields

IdIdentification code of the attachment.
Attachment ClassificationClassification of the Attachment.
TitleTitle of the attachment.
DescriptionDescription of the File attached.
AttachmentFile to be attached from this field.
Date TimeTime and Date of file attachment.
UserUsers by whom the field is attached.


Contact Tab


This entity allows users to define the type of contact location types.

Contact Tab Screen Fields

Is MainWhether the contact added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
Contact TypeWhether the contact added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
Contact Location TypeWhether the contact mentioned home address, work address, gets mentioned.
Contact ValueThe contact is defined in this field.
LanguageLanguage used to define the contact.
DescriptionDescription regarding the contact is mentioned in this field.