Institution Legal Representative


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the Legal Representatives.


Social Security Management ► Affiliation and Contribution Management ► Institution Legal Representative

Institution Legal Representative Screen Fields

Application IdUnique identifier.  System generated.
First NameFirst Name of the Member.
Middle NameMiddle Name of the Member.
Last NameLast Name of the Member.
Type of Personal IdContains the type of personal ID document.
Personal Id NumberContains the personal ID Number.
Start DateStart Date as Legal Representative.
End DateEnd Date as Legal Representative.
Personal Tax NumberContains the TAX number of the Legal Representative
Designation Document NumberNumber of the document of designation as Legal Representative.
Status (Is Active)Only one Institution Legal Representative must be active, per Member Institution, at time.


Attachment Tab


This entity keeps records of the attachment.

Attachment Tab Screen Fields

IdIdentification code of the attachment.
Attachment ClassificationClassification of the Attachment.
TitleTitle of the attachment.
DescriptionDescription of the File attached.
AttachmentFile to be attached from this field.
Date TimeTime and Date of file attachment.
UserUsers by whom the field is attached.


Contact Tab


This entity allows the user to define the type of contact location types.

Contact Tab Screen Fields

Is MainWhether the contact added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
Contact TypeWhether the contact added, is the main address, gets mentioned in this field.
Contact Location TypeWhether the contact mentioned home address, work address, gets mentioned.
Contact ValueThe contact is defined in this field.
LanguageLanguage used to define the contact.
DescriptionDescription regarding the contact is mentioned in this field.